Herblore - The Potions


Find out what potions you are able to make from the table below. Please remember that all stat boost potions give a temporary effect and your stats will reset over time.

Note: You must have completed the Druidic Ritual quest.
Important: The boosts that some potions can give are based upon your current levels. For example, if you have Attack level 1 and drink an Attack potion, your level will temporarily increase by 3. If your Attack level is 99, this boost will be by 12 levels.
Also: Each dose will add the same boost to the skills, and are not cumulative. For example, if you drink two doses of an Attack potion, you will not double the amount of Attack levels you temporarily gain.


Herblore Level Needed

Primary Ingredient Needed

Secondary Ingredient Needed

Herblore Experience Gained

Product Effect Per Dose

Attack potion
3 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Eye of newt
25 3-12 Attack boost
5 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ground unicorn horn
37.5 Cures poison and gives a small amount of immunity
Relicym's Balm
Must have started Zogre Flesh Eaters before you can make this potion.
8 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Rogue's purse
Snake weed
40 Cures disease
Strength potion
12 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Limpwurt root
50 3-12 Strength boost
Stat restore potion
22 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Red spiders' eggs
62.5 10-39 restore on Defence, Attack, Strength, Magic and Ranged
Guthix Balance potion†
22 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Red spiders' eggs, garlic, silver dust
112 Use on vampyres held with the Retainer to kill them, cure them, or make them angry!
Blamish oil
25 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Blamish snail slime
80 Used on fishing rod to make an oily rod for catching lava eels
Energy potion
26 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Chocolate dust
67.5 Restores energy by 20%
Defence potion
30 [Image: Herblore] [image]
White berries
75 3-12 Defence boost
Super fishing explosive

(Requires Kennith's Concerns)
31 [Image: Herblore] [image]
55 Lures mogres and causes 15 damage to them
Agility potion
34 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Toad legs
80 +3 Agility levels
Combat potion
36 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ground goat's horn
84 +3-12 Strength and Attack levels
Prayer restore potion
38 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Snape grass
87.5 Restores 7-31 points of Prayer power (7-33 when carrying a blessed wrench)
Summoning potion
40 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Spirit weed
Cockatrice egg
92 Restores 7-31 Summoning points
Crafting potion
42 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Frog spawn
95 Raises Crafting level by 3 temporarily
Super attack potion
45 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Eye of newt
100 5-19 Attack boost
Super anti-poison
48 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ground unicorn horn
106.3 Cures and gives temporary immunity to poison
Fishing potion
50 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Snape grass
112.5 +3 Fishing levels
Super energy potion
52 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Mort Myre fungi
117.5 Restores Energy by 40%
Hunter potion
53 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Kebbit teeth dust
120 Raises Hunter level by 3 temporarily
Super strength potion
55 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Limpwurt root
125 5-19 Strength boost
Magic essence potion
57 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ground gorak claw
130 +3 Magic boost
Fletching potion
58 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Wimpy feather
132 Raises Fletching level by 3 temporarily
Weapon poison
60 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Dragon scale dust
137.5 May use with appropriate weapon to inflict poison damage. Please refer to the Weapon Poison article
Super restore potion
63 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Red spiders' eggs
142.5 8-32 restoration on all stats except Constitution
Sanfew Serum
65 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Super restore potion
Ground unicorn horn, snake weed, nail beast nails
160 Combined effect of super restore, cure disease and cure poison potions, though at lower potency than individual potions.
Can be used as a weapon against nail beasts
Super defence potion
66 [Image: Herblore] [image]
White berries
150 5-19 Defence boost
*Super anti-poison+ potion
68 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Yew roots
155 Cures and gives longer immunity to poison
Anti fire-breath potion
69 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ground blue dragon scale
157.5 Grants a limited resistance to dragon fire
[image]Ranging potion 72 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Dwarf weed
Wine of Zamorak
162.5 4-13 Ranged boost
*Weapon poison+
73 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Cactus spine
Red spiders' eggs
165 May use with appropriate weapon to inflict poison damage. Please refer to the Weapon Poison article
Magic potion
76 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Potato cactus
172.5 5 Magic levels
Zamorak brew
78 [Image: Herblore] [image]
175 2-13 Strength boost
2-21 Attack boost
2-9 Prayer restore

2-11 Defence drain
20-110 life points drain
*Anti-poison++ potion
79 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Magic roots
177.5 Cures and gives longest immunity to poison (temporary)
Saradomin Brew
81 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Crushed bird nest
180 20-160 life points boost
2-21 Defence boost

2-9 Strength drain
2-9 Attack drain
2-9 Magic drain
2-9 Ranged drain
*Weapon poison++
82 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Poison ivy berries
190 May use with appropriate weapon to inflict poison damage. Please refer to the Weapon Poison article
~Recover special
84 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Super energy potion
200 Recovers one quarter of special attack bar. Can only be used once every 30 seconds.
~Super antifire
85 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Anti-firebreath potion
Phoenix feather
210 Provides complete protection from dragon fire (removing the need to wield an anti-dragonfire shield)
~Extreme attack
88 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Super attack potion
220 5-26 Attack levels
~Extreme strength
89 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Super strength potion
Dwarf weed
230 5-26 Strength levels
~Extreme defence
90 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Super defence potion
240 5-26 Defence levels
~Extreme magic
91 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Magic potion
Ground mud runes
250 7 Magic levels
~Extreme ranging
92 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Ranging potion
5 Grenwall spikes
260 4-23 Ranged levels
~Super prayer
94 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Prayer restore
Wyvern bonemeal
270 7-41 Prayer points

* Please note the items which have a star next to them require a vial of coconut milk, rather than a vial of water.
† You must have completed Darkness of Hallowvale to make Guthix balance potions.
~ These potions are untradable. They cannot be used in PvP Worlds and dangerous activities, but they can be used in player vs monster combat and safe activities. If you log in to a PvP World while under an extreme potion's effects, these effects will be reduced.

Those at the top of their Herblore game will be able to create the overload potion. Overload not only requires torstol, but five different potions:
  • Extreme attack
  • Extreme strength
  • Extreme defence
  • Extreme magic
  • Extreme ranging


Herblore Level Needed

Primary Ingredient Needed

Secondary Ingredient Needed

Herblore Experience Gained

Product Effect Per Dose

96 [Image: Herblore] [image]
Five different potions (see text above)
1000 See below

Overload is so strong that it racks the body with spasms and burns the digestive tract, so be prepared for 500 damage in chunks of 100 when you drink it! You will regain these 500 life points when the stat effects wear off.

Overload gives you the stat effects and magic boosts of ALL five of its potion ingredients - extreme attack, extreme strength, extreme defence, extreme magic and extreme ranging - for a period of five minutes. Unlike the other extreme potions, which gradually return your stats to their normal level, overload will keep these bonuses at their boosted level for five minutes and will then reset them back to their original state (healing the 500 life points at the same time).

Overload is untradable. It cannot be used in PvP Worlds and dangerous activities, but it can be used in player vs monster combat and safe activities. If you log in to a PvP World while under overload's effects, these effects will be reduced.

Quest Potions

There are more quest potions available within the game than listed within this section of the manual, but you will need to uncover them while completing various quests within RuneScape.

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