Summoning - Pets


Unlike cats and pet rocks, not all pets can be obtained from quests, some can only be earned by hard work. As your Summoning level increases, you will find yourself able to care for a larger range of pets.

Unlike familiars, you do not have to have your pets out, and can put them in your inventory where they will snooze happily until you decide to bring them out again. Each type of pet has different needs, of course, so you should examine the following table carefully to make sure your pet doesn't tire of you and run away.

Some pets will take an extraordinarily long time to mature, and most will only eat specific food. In most cases, you should be able to purchase the food you need from a pet shop.

You can only have one of each type of pet at one time (unless you have a menagerie in your player-owned house); so, if you have a monkey you cannot trap another one. You can only have one follower (pet or familiar) out at a time. In addition to this, the number of pets you can have increases with your Summoning level. To start with, you can have two pets, and you will be able to have another two pets for every ten Summoning levels you have. For example, if you are level 37, you could have up to 8 pets.

Note: The pets caught using the Hunter skill are the baby versions - you cannot catch an adult monkey to have as a pet, for instance.

The Pets
Pet Summoning Level Required Source Notes Number of colours Adult Form

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Bulldog]

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Dalmatian]

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Greyhound]

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Labrador]

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Sheepdog]

4 [Image: Summoning] Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish) 3 [image: Terrier]

Abyssal minion
4 [Image: Summoning] Slayer and Soul Wars Eats ashes 1 N/A

Baby basilisk
4 [Image: Summoning] Slayer and Soul Wars Eats eye of newt 1 N/A

Baby kurask
4 [Image: Summoning] Slayer and Soul Wars Eats bones 1 N/A

Creeping hand
4 [Image: Summoning] Slayer and Soul Wars Eats leather gloves 1 N/A

4 [Image: Summoning] Slayer and Soul Wars Eats limpwurt root 1 N/A

Rune guardian
4 [Image: Summoning] Rune Mechanics Energises at any rune altar 1 N/A

Tooth creature
4 [Image: Summoning] A Fairy Tale Part III - Battle at Orks Rift Milk or chocolate milk 2

10 [Image: Summoning] Caught using Hunter Eats flies as a baby
Eats flies and beetle bits when adult
5 [image: Gecko]

10 [Image: Summoning] Caught using Hunter Eats raw fish and ground Fishing bait as a baby
Eats raw fish and Fishing bait when adult
You must have completed As a First Resort to keep a platypus as a pet
3 [image: Platypus]

23 [Image: Summoning] While Guthix Sleeps Eats Mort Myre mushrooms 1 N/A

30 [Image: Summoning] Available from Ardougne Zoo Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats raw fish
3 [image: Penguin]

Giant crab
40 [Image: Summoning] Purchased from mogres Eats raw fish 5 [image: Giant crab]

50 [Image: Summoning] Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick
Eats Fishing bait when adult
6 [image: Raven]

60 [Image: Summoning] Caught using Hunter Eats nuts 5 [image: Squirrel]

Guthix raptor *
70 [Image: Summoning] Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick
Eats Fishing bait when older
1 [image: Guthix raptor]

Saradomin owl *
70 [Image: Summoning] Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick
Eats Fishing bait when older
1 [image: Saradomin owl]

Zamorak hawk *
70 [Image: Summoning] Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick
Eats Fishing bait when older
1 [image: Zamorak hawk]

Cute phoenix eggling
72 [Image: Summoning] Phoenix Lair Eats ashes 1 N/A

Mean phoenix eggling
72 [Image: Summoning] Phoenix Lair Eats ashes 1 N/A

80 [Image: Summoning] Caught using Hunter Eats raw meat and fish 3 [image: Raccoon]

85 [Image: Summoning] Vulture drop Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick
Eats Fishing bait when adult
6 [image: Vulture]

90 [Image: Summoning] Eggs can be found on Cairn Isle Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats flies
10 [image: Chameleon]

95 [Image: Summoning] Caught using Hunter Eats bananas 10 [image: Monkey]

Baby dragon
99 [Image: Summoning] Dragon drop Egg must be incubated at a pet shop

Eats vast quantities of raw meat, fish or chicken
4 [image: Baby dragon]

* Note that, unlike most other pets, the Guthix raptor, Saradomin owl and Zamorak hawk all have three stages of growth: chick, bird and raptor/owl/hawk.


As mentioned in the introduction, you are only able to have one of each type of pet at a time (e.g. one type of dog, one type of monkey, one type of dragon, etc), and a limited number of pets in total (depending on your Summoning level, up to a maximum of 20). That is, unless you have a menagerie...

Avid pet and home owners gain the ability to build a menagerie in their player-owned house at level 37 Construction. The pet house/feeder that you can build in this room allows you to store either three, six or ten fully grown pets at once, and any pets stored in your menagerie DO NOT count towards either the pet type or maximum totals.

For instance, you could capture one monkey, then store it in your menagerie and capture a second monkey, and so on until you have ten monkies stored in your menagerie. Pets stored in the menagerie are not considered to be owned, but you are still subject to ownership limitations - i.e. you could have ten pets in your menagerie and up to a further twenty in your bank/inventory; also, you could fill your menagerie with monkeys, but only have one monkey in your bank/inventory or out at any one time.

As such, you would not be able to have ten monkeys in your menagerie, and one in your inventory, and be able to swap them around, as this would break these limitations. You would have to release the one in your inventory before taking out any from your menagerie. On the flip side, you could use your menagerie to store, say, one of each god bird, and only take out the one you need at that moment.