Crafting - Jewellery


Many crafters enjoy making fine jewellery. Such items can then have spells cast upon them, which in turn can help with a further skill, making Crafting a valuable skill to have.


Jewellery Crafting interface
Gold bars (obtained by smelting) are used to make the more traditional forms of jewellery, such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and amulets.

When it comes to actually making items from gold, all you need to do is take a gold bar to a furnace (which you can find by looking for this symbol [image] on your minimap) while you have a mould of the type of item you want to make stored in your inventory. Use the gold bar on the furnace and a menu will appear containing images of the items you can make: select the one you want and work will begin.

Jewellery Crafting Level Required Mould Location Crafting Experience Gained
[image]Gold ring 5 [Image: Crafting]
Crafting stores
Crafting Guild
[image]Gold necklace 6 [Image: Crafting]
Crafting stores
Crafting Guild
[image]Gold bracelet 7 [Image: Crafting]
Crafting stores
Crafting Guild
[image]Gold amulet 8 [Image: Crafting]
Crafting stores
Crafting Guild


Silver Crafting interface
Silver can be used to craft a selection of items. While the options are significantly less than what is possible with gold, silver items can be made and strung to help a character with Prayer.

When it comes to actually making items from silver, all you need to do is take a silver bar to a furnace (which you can find by looking for the furnace symbol on your minimap) while you have a mould of the type of item you want to make stored in your inventory, use the silver bar on the furnace and a menu will appear containing images of the items you can make: select the one you want and work will begin.

For making a symbol, you will need to acquire either a holy symbol mould (available from all good Crafting stores), or an unholy symbol mould (gained from the Spirit of Scorpius upon completion of Observatory Quest), a silver bar and a ball of wool.

When you have these three items in your inventory (mould, bar and wool) simply use the silver bar on a furnace and choose the holy symbols option, choose which symbol you wish to make (if you have both moulds on you) and an unstrung symbol appear in your inventory in place of the silver.

Item Crafting Level Required Required Quest Completion Mould Location Crafting Experience Gained
[image]Unstrung holy symbol 16 [Image: Crafting] None Crafting stores
Crafting Guild
[image]Unstrung unholy symbol
(Members Only)
17 [Image: Crafting] Observatory Quest Obtained from the spirit of Scorpius upon completing the Observatory Quest 50
[image]Silver sickle
(Members only)
18 [Image: Crafting] The Nature Spirit Crafting stores 50
[image]Lightning conductor
(Members only)
20 [Image: Crafting] Creature of Fenkenstrain Obtained from Dr Fenkenstrain during Creature of Fenkenstein 50
[image]Tiara 23 [Image: Crafting] None Crafting stores
Crafting Guild


For adding string to unstrung symbols or amulets, you will receive 4 Crafting experience. To make strung amulets or symbols, simply use a ball of wool with the unstrung item. Balls of wool can be obtained from shearing sheep and spinning the wool.

[image: ball of wool] + [image: unstrung holy symbol] = [image: strung holy symbol]

Apart from wool, it should be noted that to string an amulet of nature, you will not use wool/string, but magic string. To make this string, you must first obtain magic roots (from digging up a magic tree through use of the Farming skill) and then spin the roots in the same method used for string.


There comes a stage where your Crafting level will enable you to cut and use gems on your normal items. This will not only increase the value of the item, but the item's potential. Magic can be used upon such items and they can become items of power, used for a variety of skills and even transportation methods.

To cut a gem, simply use a chisel on it. Be aware, however, that there is a chance that the gem will shatter when you do so, but this risk dimishes with a higher Crafting level. You may also store large varieties of gem in a gem bag, bought from the rewards trader of Daemonheim.

Semi-precious Gemstones

On Karamja there lies a hidden mine and only those who have completed the Shilo Village quest are able to journey there.

Gem Crafting Level Required to Cut Crafting Experience Gained
[image]Uncut opal 1 [Image: Crafting] 15
3.8 if crushed
[image]Uncut jade 13 [Image: Crafting] 20
5 if crushed
[image]Uncut red topaz 16 [Image: Crafting] 25
6.3 if crushed

All of these gems can be made into tips for crossbow bolts. For further information, see Fletching - Making Bolts.

Magic Gemstones

Gem Crafting Level Required to Cut Crafting Experience Gained
[image]Uncut sapphire 20 [Image: Crafting] 50
[image]Uncut emerald 27 [Image: Crafting] 67.5
[image]Uncut ruby 34 [Image: Crafting] 85
[image]Uncut diamond 43 [Image: Crafting] 107.5
[image]Uncut dragonstone (Members only) 55 [Image: Crafting] 137.5
[image]Uncut onyx
(Members only)
67 [Image: Crafting] 167.5

Gem-encrusted Jewellery

The process of making gem-encrusted jewellery is relatively simple, but it can be difficult to get exactly right, and so it takes the steady hand of a master craftsman.

Take a gold bar, a mould of the appropriate type, and a cut gem of the appropriate type to a furnace, use the gold bar on the furnace and select the type of jewellery you want to make.


Crafting Level Required

Crafting Experience Gained

[image]Sapphire ring 20 [Image: Crafting] 40
[image]Sapphire necklace 22 [Image: Crafting] 55
[image]Sapphire bracelet 23 [Image: Crafting] 60
[image]Sapphire amulet 24 [Image: Crafting] 65
[image]Emerald ring 27 [Image: Crafting] 55
[image]Emerald necklace 29 [Image: Crafting] 60
[image]Emerald bracelet 30 [Image: Crafting] 65
[image]Emerald amulet* 31 [Image: Crafting] 70
[image]Ruby ring 34 [Image: Crafting] 70
[image]Ruby necklace 40 [Image: Crafting] 75
[image]Ruby bracelet 42 [Image: Crafting] 80
[image]Diamond ring 43 [Image: Crafting] 85
[image]Ruby amulet 50 [Image: Crafting] 85
[image]Dragonstone ring 55 [Image: Crafting] 100
[image]Diamond necklace 56 [Image: Crafting] 90
[image]Diamond bracelet 58 [Image: Crafting] 95
[image]Onyx ring 67 [Image: Crafting] 115
[image]Diamond amulet 70 [Image: Crafting] 100
[image]Dragonstone necklace 72 [Image: Crafting] 105
[image]Dragonstone bracelet 74 [Image: Crafting] 110
[image]Dragonstone amulet 80 [Image: Crafting] 150
[image]Onyx necklace 82 [Image: Crafting] 120
[image]Onyx bracelet 84 [Image: Crafting] 125

Onyx amulet

90 [Image: Crafting]


* If you string an emerald amulet with a magic string and enchant it, it is possible to make an amulet of nature.

Please refer to the Magic - Non Combat Magic section of the manual for more details on how to enchant your gem-encrusted jewellery.

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