Lost City (Members)

Legends tell of a magical lost city hidden in the swamps. Many adventurers have tried to find this city, but it is proving difficult. Can you unlock the secrets of the city of Zanaris?
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Swamp south of Lumbridge
To Start: Speak to Adventurers
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Level 31 Crafting
Level 36 Woodcutting
Ability to kill a level 101 spirit

Can you find the lost city?

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Other Quest points

Access to Zanaris
Ability to buy and wield dragon longswords and daggers

3 QP
Development Team
Developer: Paul Gower
Conversion: James B
QuestHelp: Gill M
Audio: Ian T