Witchaven (Members)


Something isn't right in Witchaven...
Until recently, Witchaven was a thriving Fishing town on the east coast of Kandarin. When the Fishing Platform was completed, though, the sheer volume of fish drawn from the waters off the coast ruined this little town's industry because the platform can sell the fish much cheaper than the people of Witchaven. Now there is little for the townsfolk to do but walk about, complaining of their plight; but considering the high level of unemployment, the people are not as unfriendly as they could be.

As friendly as it may seem, and as pleasant and quaint as the town's buildings may be, all recent travellers to Witchaven return with the definite impression that all is not right in Witchaven. None of these visitors can point to any thing in particular, nor can they explain anything - they simply look vexed and carry a quietly confused expression.


A map of Witchaven
Witchaven is located east of East Ardougne, just north along the coast from Port Khazard.

East across the waters is the source of the town's misery, the Fishing Platform.

Points of Interest

Witchaven's points of interest
There is little industry in Witchaven, though Ezekial Lovecraft does still maintain a fairly well stocked Fishing store, Lovecraft's Tackle. He is strangely interested in his family history, and any interested traveller can indulge this interest by simply asking him about it.

Witchaven's most notable feature must be the rather impressive church that sits in the centre of the town, just east from the ruins of an old temple devoted to Saradomin. The church's stained glass is surely among the finest in Kandarin, and probably as grand as anything you might expect to find in any cathedral.


Mayor Hobb
As the elected leader of the town, it falls to Mayor Hobb to find some way out of their current predicament. He is a friendly chap, but the strain must be taking its toll on his health: he has been looking a bit green around the gills for some time now.
Caroline's husband and son have recently gone missing while fishing, and she is understandably worried. The Fishing Platform is no place for a child to be, especially with such strange goings on out at sea.
Mayor Hobb can be found in his house in the north-west corner of the town. Caroline can be found looking anxiously out to sea north of Witchaven.
Brother Maledict
Brother Maledict is the priest to Witchaven, and despite his youth he is well-liked for the quality of his sermons (which are surely more entertaining than those of Father Lawrence in Varrock). Maledict's main concern is the wellbeing of his parishioners, of course, so their troubles bother him greatly.
Col. Jake O'Niall
This (semi) retired member of the Temple Knights is presumably a grizzled veteran of dozens of operations. He seems to know everything that goes on in RuneScape, probably because of his connections with that secretive organisation. Since retiring, he enjoys little more than fishing, which is surely safer than his previous career.
Brother Maledict can be found in the church in the middle of town. Colonel O'Niall can be found sitting in his rocking chair on the jetty in the north-east of the town.
Ezekial Lovecraft
The Lovecraft family has a long history of selling bait to fishermen, which Ezekial is more than happy to tell you about. Of course, once he starts in on his family's history he is unlikely to stop unless you can come up with something more interesting than the tales his great grandfather Howard wrote.
Ezekial can be found among the rods, nets and bait in his shop in the east of the town.


The following quests may be started in Witchaven:

The Shadows Over Witchaven

There are apparently no threats to Witchaven.


  • If you'd like to get away from it all, you can head a short distance west to the East Ardougne docks, where, for a small fee, Captain Barnaby will sail you across to Brimhaven.
  • Once you have completed Sea Slug, Holgart will gladly take you to and from the Fishing Platform, where plenty of Fishing spots wait for the keen angler.