Construction - Skill Hall


The skill hall is a nice area to separate your house up a bit, while also giving you the chance to show off some of your skill achievements.

Key Features

A typical skill hall
The main feature in this room is the stairs. This will be the first room you will find yourself able to construct which gives the option to go up a floor. (Your house can be built up to two floors high, as well as one floor below ground.)

Also in this room, you can set up some combat armour (or Castle Wars decorative armour) on a stand to put it on display. If you do so, this armour is not lost, and will be returned if/when you remove the item.

You can show off and even interact with your kills here, too! If you are lucky enough to receive a piece of a monster you have killed, be it a crawling hand or the Kalphite Queen's head, you can visit the taxidermist in Canifis who will stuff it for you...for a price. When mounted on the wall, you can talk with the stuffed version!

Please note: If you remove mounted items from the walls, you will not receive the item back.

The Hotspots

Skill hall hotspots
As shown in the picture to the left, there are seven types of hotspot in the skill hall that you can construct on:

  • Stair/Rug - (you do not have to build stairs)
  • Armour
  • Armour
  • Head trophy
  • Fishing trophy
  • Rune case
  • Room

The Items

Stairs / Rugs

Item Level
Uses Experience
13 [Image: Construction] [image]
x 4 n/a 60
Opulent rug
65 [Image: Construction] [image]
x 4 [image]
Gold leaf
x 1 n/a 360
Oak staircase
27 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 10 [image]
Steel bar
x 4 Used to access more floors 680
Teak staircase
48 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 10 [image]
Steel bar
x 4 Used to access more floors 980
Spiral staircase
67 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 10 [image]
Limestone brick
x 7 Used to access more floors 1040
Marble staircase
82 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 5 [image]
Marble block
x 5 Used to access more floors 3200
Marble spiral
97 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 10 [image]
Marble block
x 7 Used to access more floors 4400

Please note that spiral staircases are notoriously difficult and expensive to build, so the cost indicated above will only cover half of the construction required. To reach other floors, you will need to build two such staircases.


Item Level
Uses Experience
Basic decorative armour
28 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Basic decorative helm
x 1 [image]
Basic decorative platebody
x 1 [image]
Basic decorative shield
x 1 n/a 135
Detailed decorative armour
28 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Detailed decorative helm
x 1 [image]
Detailed decorative platebody
x 1 [image]
Detailed decorative shield
x 1 n/a 150
Intricate decorative armour
28 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Intricate decorative helm
x 1 [image]
Intricate decorative platebody
x 1 [image]
Intricate decorative shield
x 1 n/a 165
Profound decorative armour
28 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Profound decorative helm
x 1 [image]
Profound decorative platebody
x 1 [image]
Profound decorative shield
x 1 n/a 180


You will also receive 25 experience in Smithing for constructing the items below.

Item Level
Uses Experience
Mithril armour
28 [Image: Construction]
68 [Image: Smithing]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Mithril full helm
x 1 [image]
Mithril platebody
x 1 [image]
Mithril plateskirt
x 1 n/a 135
Adamant armour
28 [Image: Construction]
88 [Image: Smithing]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Adamant full helm
x 1 [image]
Adamant platebody
x 1 [image]
Adamant plateskirt
x 1 n/a 150
Runite armour
28 [Image: Construction]
99 [Image: Smithing]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Rune full helm
x 1 [image]
Rune platebody
x 1 [image]
Rune plateskirt
x 1 n/a 165

Head trophy

Item Level
Uses Experience
Crawling hand
38 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed Hand
x 1 You can talk to it 211
261 Slayer
Cockatrice head
38 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed Cockatrice
x 1 You can talk to it 224
294 Slayer
Basilisk head
38 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed Basilisk
x 1 You can talk to it 243
343 Slayer
Kurask head
58 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed Kurask
x 1 You can talk to it 357
657 Slayer
Abyssal head
58 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed Abyssal
x 1 You can talk to it 389
889 Slayer
KBD heads
78 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed KBD
x 1 [image]
Gold leaf
x 2 You can talk to it 1103
200 in Attack
KQ head
78 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 [image]
KQ head
x 1 [image]
Gold leaf
x 2 You can talk to it 1103
200 in Attack

Fishing trophy

You receive the same amount of Fishing experience to that of the Construction values below when you mount a fish.

Item Level
Uses Experience
Mounted bass
36 [Image: Construction] [image]
Oak plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed bass
x 1 n/a 151
Mounted swordfish
56 [Image: Construction] [image]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed swordfish
x 1 n/a 230
Mounted shark
76 [Image: Construction] [image]
Mahogany plank
x 2 [image]
Stuffed shark
x 1 n/a 350

Rune case

You will also receive 25 Runecrafting experience for constructing a rune case.

Item Level
Uses Experience
Rune case 1
41 [Image: Construction]
14 [Image: Runecrafting]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Molten glass
x 2 [image][image][image][image]
Earth, air, fire and water rune
x 1 n/a 190
Rune case 2
41 [Image: Construction]
44 [Image: Runecrafting]
Teak plank
x 2 [image]
Molten glass
x 2 [image][image][image][image]
Body, cosmic, chaos and nature rune
x 1 n/a 212