Firemaking - The Beacon Network


You must have completed All Fired Up to use the Beacon Network.

The kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia, concerned by increasing activity in the Wilderness and the darkening shadows over Morytania, have established an early warning system of beacons along the southern and western boundaries of the Wilderness, and as far east as the Temple of Paterdomus on the River Salve.

Locations of the Beacons

Map of the Beacon Network

Some of the beacons are difficult to get to, or may have specific requirements (such as repairing a ladder)

Maintaining the Beacons

You can light any of the beacons using 20 logs of the same type, or restoke them by using 5 logs of the same type. In addition to this, you can leave 5 logs with the beacon guards, so they can maintain them for you. For them to do so, however, you may need to help them first. Note that the two northern-most beacons do not have guards (as it's much too dangerous, obviously), so you will have to maintain them yourself.

Higher quality logs will burn for longer, but also require a higher Firemaking level to burn. You will not receive different experience for different logs, but the extra time better logs will burn for will increase your chances of earning the best rewards.

Each beacon awards a set amount of experience, regardless of the logs used. In addition to this, you will receive bonus experience for having several beacons alight at the same time. This is calculated at the time you light a beacon, so if five beacons are burning when you light the sixth, you will receive 2514.6 Firemaking experience, plus the experience for lighting that specific beacon.

Note that some beacons require other skill levels or equipment in order to make use of them.

Beacon Requirements Firemaking Experience for Lighting
River Salve 43 [Image: Firemaking] 216.2
Rag and Bone Man 43 [Image: Firemaking] 235.8
North of the Jolly Boar 48 [Image: Firemaking] 193.8
North of Varrock Palace 53 [Image: Firemaking] 178.5
North of the Grand Exchange 59 [Image: Firemaking] 194.3
Edgeville 62 [Image: Firemaking] 86.7
Black Knights' Fortress 68 [Image: Firemaking]
Must be a member of the Monastery
Goblin Village 72 [Image: Firemaking]
Complete Land of the Goblins
Burthorpe 76 [Image: Firemaking]
56 [Image: Smithing]
East of Death Plateau 79 [Image: Firemaking]
42 [Image: Construction]
East of Trollheim 83 [Image: Firemaking]
64 [Image: Agility]
East of the God Wars Dungeon temple 87 [Image: Firemaking]
60 [Image: Crafting]
North of the small temple in the Wilderness 89 [Image: Firemaking]
70 [Image: Smithing]
59 [Image: Construction]
Frozen Waste Plateau 92 [Image: Firemaking] 147.9

Number of Beacons Alight Bonus Firemaking Experience
1 608.4*
2 1622.4
3 1987.4
4 2149.6
5 2149.6
6 2514.6
7 2555.2
8 2758
9 2839.1
10 3041.9
11 3123
12 3244.7
13 3366.4
14 4867.1

* Because lighting a single beacon achieves this, you will always receive this bonus experience the first time you light a beacon.


In addition to some hefty Firemaking experience for simply lighting the beacons, King Roald of Varrock will reward you for keeping several beacons alight at the same time.
  • For keeping 6 beacons alight, you can claim the Ring of Fire
  • For keeping 10 beacons alight, you can claim the Flame Gloves
  • For having every beacon burning simultaneously, you can claim the Inferno Adze
If you lose or destroy any of these items, you will have to earn it all over again.

Ring of Fire
You must have a Firemaking level of 62 to wear the Ring of Fire.

The Ring of Fire is a handy little ring, enchanted to teach you more of the workings of fire and how best to control it. As a result, you will receive a 2% boost to any Firemaking experience you earn while wearing it. This can be combined with the Flame Gloves for a total 5% boost.

Flame Gloves
You must have a Firemaking level of 79 to wear the Flame Gloves.

The Flame Gloves are completely resistant to ordinary flames, enabling you to better manipulate a fire in its early stages. As a result, you will receive a 2% boost to any Firemaking experience you earn while wearing them. This can be combined with the Ring of Fire for a total 5% boost.

Inferno Adze
The Inferno Adze is a remarkable tool imbued with the heat of its forging. Its curious design allows it to be used in a variety of ways. You must have a Firemaking level of 92 to wield the Inferno Adze.

You must have a Woodcutting level of 61 to use the Inferno Adze to cut down trees.

The Inferno Adze features a blade along one edge, which can be used quite successfully to liberate logs from trees. Due to the immense heat stored in it, though, there is a good chance that it will set those logs on fire. If this happens, you will receive both the Woodcutting and Firemaking experience as normal. If the tree is not the sort to give you logs that can be burnt, this will not happen.

If you'd prefer not to have your logs burst into flame, keeping the Inferno Adze in your inventory will ensure that you use another hatchet (whether wielded or in your inventory as well) to cut down trees. Wielding the Adze will mean that you always use it for Woodcutting.

The Inferno Adze is comparable in speed and efficiency to a dragon hatchet.

You must have a Mining level of 41 to use the Inferno Adze to gather ore.

The Inferno Adze is comparable in speed and efficiency to a rune pickaxe.

There are no combat skill requirements to wield the Inferno Adze.

Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other
[Image: Stab] [Image: Slash] [Image: Crush] [Image: Magic] [Image: Range] [Image: Stab] [Image: Slash] [Image: Crush] [Image: Magic] [Image: Range] [Image: Summoning] [Image: Strength] [Image: Prayer]
Inferno Adze
+ 10 + 9 + 7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 0

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