Hunter - Extra Features

The Hunters' Crossbow

Attack from a safe distance to defeat your foes
Present in the Yanille Hunter store is Leon. Leon is an innovator, and famed (or so he thinks) inventor of the wind-powered mousetrap. This gentleman will, for the princely sum of 1,300 gp, sell you his Hunters' crossbow - made from the bones of several small animals. The crossbow fires faster than other crossbows, and can be loaded with bolts made with kebbit spikes, gleaned from the razorback and prickly kebbits.

The kebbit bolts cannot be enchanted or poisoned.

Crossbow Required
Ranged Level
Ranged Bonus Bolts
Hunters' crossbow
50 [Image: Ranged] +55 Kebbit bolts

Bolts Item
Kebbit bolt
Kebbit spike
Long kebbit bolt
Long kebbit spike

Ogre Hunting Methods

Those hunters who have reached certain stages in As a First Resort... will learn the cunning methods the ogresses of Oo'glog have developed for hunting the odd creatures around their home.

The key to hunting these creatures (diseased kebbits, wimpy birds and platypodes) is the use of correct herbs located outside the town. Some of these herbs will attract one creature while making another enraged. To attract an ogre Hunter creature, you must smoulder these herbs (by using a tinderbox on them); you can use the same herbs as bait in traps, and the diseased kebbit can also be baited with raw meat placed in the deadfall.

Creature Hunter Level Required Trap Herb Hunter Experience Gained

Wimpy bird
39 [Image: Hunter] Bird snare

Diseased kebbit
44 [Image: Hunter] Deadfall
Fever grass

48 [Image: Hunter] Box trap

Note: Using the wrong herbs may result in the creatures attacking you! - Wimpy birds will attack if you smoulder lavender. - Diseased kebbits will give you a nasty bite (and infect you with a disease) if you smoulder tansymum. - Platypodes will use their viciously barbed rear feet to poison you if you smoulder fever grass near them.

Diseased kebbits' fur can be sewn into a Davy Kebbit hat if you take one to Frawd, the ogress who runs the Oo'glog general store. Platypodes can be kept as pets (with a Summoning level of 10), which you may then choose to dismiss (using the pet interface) into the reeds at the beach in the east of Oo'glog to receive a reward.

Catching Pets

Using your Hunter and Summoning skills, you can catch a number of baby animals to raise as pets. Platypodes can be caught on the beach south of Oo'glog, as noted above. You can catch baby geckos, squirrels, raccoons and monkeys in the following locations:

Geckos Monkeys


Raccoons Squirrels
Kingdoms of Misthalin & Asgarnia
Kingdoms of Misthalin & Asgarnia

Squirrels and raccoons can also be trapped in the area south of Seers' Village and north of the Sorcerer's Tower.

Pet Required Levels Trapping Method Bait Hunter Experience Gained

Baby gecko
27 [Image: Hunter]
10 [Image: Summoning]
Box trap None 100

Baby squirrel
29 [Image: Hunter]
60 [Image: Summoning]
Net trap

Baby raccoon
27 [Image: Hunter]
80 [Image: Summoning]
Box trap None 100

Baby monkey
27 [Image: Hunter]
95 [Image: Summoning]
Box trap

Baby platypus
48 [Image: Hunter]
10 [Image: Summoning]
Box trap See 'Ogre Hunting Methods' above 205

Note: that you can only have one of each type of pet at any one time.

Summoning Familiars

Using the Summoning skill, you'll find that there are a few familiars that might be useful for training your Hunter. Of particular note is the arctic bear, who counts as two pieces of arctic camouflage.

Hunter Training in Dungeoneering

It is possible to train all of your skills while dungeoneering, and Hunter is no exception. The wandering and docile bovimastyx can be trapped to gain a large number of hides for crafting into ranged equipment. You can also gain Hunter experience by completing hunter skill doors.
  • To find out more about skill doors and the basics of dungeoneering, please click here
  • To find out about setting traps in Daemonheim, click here
  • To find tables with Hunter requirements and XP levels, click here

Quests Providing Hunter Experience

For quests that specifically give Hunter experience as a reward, please refer to the Hunter Rewards page.