About Jagex

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1. About Jagex.

Jagex, which stands for Just About the Game Experience, is the name of the company which produces the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, MMORPG, RuneScape, and the Java gaming site, FunOrb, as well as some other small games.

In December 2001 Andrew Gower, Paul Gower and Constant Tedder got together and founded Jagex Limited as a commercial operation to take over the running of RuneScape, its underlying technologies and other games developed by Andrew. RuneScape had already become a game which had over 1 million accounts created by 2001!

The three founders set out with two immediate tasks: firstly, to make the operation of RuneScape commercially viable, establishing long term advertising sales relationships, and, secondly, to develop a premium version of the game for subscription-paying members.

Both of these tasks were achieved soon after and, on 27th February 2002, Jagex launched the members' version of RuneScape. In the first week after launch over 5000 people subscribed, making RuneScape instantly one of the largest pay-to-play Java games in the world.

In March 2004, RuneScape was heavily updated. The new version, which is often referred to as RuneScape 2 (RS2), features a completely new game engine and vastly improved graphics.

Since that date, RuneScape has gone from strength to strength; expanding both as a game - with regular updates giving new storylines, quests and maps produced by the Content Development team - and as an ever-growing community of sociable online game players.

2. Full credits list.

Development Team

Lead Developer
Andrew G

Head of RuneScape
Christoph V

Associate Producer
Alex J

Lead Designers
Graham B
Mark O

Senior Technical Developers
Adam B
Chihiro Y

RuneScape Operations Manager
Will K

Upload Manager
Paul B

Game Engine Team
Chris E
Graham R
Jack H
James B
Michael G

Lead Content Developers
Tim C
Tytn H

Content Development Team
Alex F
Alex M
Anthony G S
Anthony W
Ashleigh B
Benny P
Chris L
Christopher E
Craig B
James C
Daniel J
Doug H
Dylan C
Fr�d�rique M
Ian G
James B
Jason W
Jennie T
John A
John H
Lewis M
Liam P
Marion C
Matthew H
Nancy J
Oscar G
Patrick N
Paul G
Richard B
Rod C
Sebastian D
Stuart W

Content Editors
David O
Ian D
Luke M
Stephen R

Head of FunOrb
Mark F

FunOrb Team
Ben D
Brian C
Chris K
Daniel F
David R
Duncan S
Gabriel M
Iain S
Mark T
Melanie H
Pedro R
Richard B
Scott M
Stacy S
Thomas D
Tom P
Tom R
William R

Graphics Team Leaders
Jamie S
Joe R
Rasmus K H

Lead Animators
Dan B
Paul B

Senior Animators
Eoin M
James W

Lead Modeller
Stephen R
Wayne M

Senior Modellers
Anthony A
Damian C
Hayo K
Kavi M
Matthew M

Senior Concept Artists
Darren B
Guiseppe G
Neil R

Graphics Team
Adam S
Alan O
Alec V
Alex R
Bajinder S
Chris D
Chris W
Daniel G
Daniel J
David H
Hayden B
Jessica H
Kaija R
Laura W
Mark B
Mark C
Mark T
Matthew B
Matthew N
Mike W
Peter S
Ramesh B
Rory A
Samantha H
Stuart E
Tyd T
Tim N
Wing C

Audio Team Leader
Ian T

Audio Team
Adam B
Adam R
Grace D
Sam J

Head of Core Technologies
Nick T

Senior Tools Developer
Christopher H

Tools Development Team
Andrew M
Christoph T
Eoin O
Esther T
Henry J
Mark R
Stuart L

Web Systems Team Leader
Ian H

Web Systems Team
Andrew S
Andrew S
Christopher S
Daniel M
Duncan M
Helmy E
James N
Jeremy H
Jonathan L
Kerrin H
Mark S
Max M
Philip B
Sebastian M
Stephen B
Steven G
Svend H
Thomas H

QA Team Leaders
Alex P
Ben H
Dean O
Paul G

Quality Assurance
Abi M
Adam D
Andrew C
Andrew E
Ashley H
Ben M
Dan G
Daniel O
David M
David S
Faye G
Florian P
Ian H
James H
Joe C
Ken W L
Kevin D
Liam H
Loudon S
Mark R
Martin I
Michael T
Mike A
Nick C
Nicola C
Reece W
Sally R
Sarah J
Thomas H
Vicki M

Web Content Team Leader
Mark K
Chris M

Web Content
Gillan M
Lee M
Michelle R
Neil M
Richard B
Robert M
Samuel W

Localisation Manager
Anna W

French Team Leader
Fr�d�rique B

French Translation Team
Linda H
Sophie M
Thomas Le M

German Team Leader
Heiko J

German Translation Team
Gesine P
Matthias P
Veronika H

Brazilian-Portuguese Team
Betina U
Claudio D C
Daniel F
Giulyanna S

IT Manager
Thomas S

Systems Admin Team
Adam C
Anthony M
Dean E
Jeff H
Peder P
Scott E

Office and Facilities Manager
Alex M

Publishing Team

Chief Executive Officer
Mark G

Chief Financial Officer
Riaan H

Chief Operating Officer
Rob S

Operations Managers
Christian R
Justin E
Kris J

Operations Assistant
Patrick J

In-house Lawyer
Mark F

Executive PA
Sarah-Jane A

Head of Online Strategy
Oliver K

Head of Advertising
Ollie C

Advertising Account Manager
Emelia O

Business Development Team
Daniel H
Jonathan B

Business Development Account Manager
Yi Z

Head of Communications
Adam T

Communications Team
Andrew D
Nadia Z

Financial Controller
Laura B

Company Accountants
Leena R
Peter A

Financial Planning Analyst
Chris S

Human Resources Team

Head of Human Resources
Laura W

Human Resources Advisor
Sarah S

Player Support HR Manager
Nina G

Learning and Development Advisor
Katy L

Recruitment Team Leader
Francesco G

Recruitment Advisor
Peter L

Player Support Team

Head of Player Support
Richard M

Player Support Community Manager
Kelvin P

Core Manager
Emma F

Billing Shift Leader
Dave B
Michelle J

Billing Team
Anna A
Daniel C
Stuart F
William D

Community Management Team Leaders
Jay A
Mark G
Paul M

Community Management Shift Leaders
Steve W

Community Management Team
Adam C
Aidan L
Callum M
Chris H
Emilee M
Jonathan H
Katharine S
Mark B
Mark H
Matt H
Martin F
Matthew K
Paul C
Philip C
Poppy B
Rick B
Sally D
Timothy D

Investigation in the Community Unit Team Leaders
Augusto S
Matthew P
Neil M

Investigation in the Community Unit Shift Leaders
Katie B
Roshid C
Saunders H
Steve A

Investigation in the Community Team
Alex E
Ben W
Bogdans S
Daniel C
Dave C
David K
Dean D
John B
Marcello Z
Mark L
Martina L
Richard G
Simon G

Quality and Training Team
Danielle A
Milton L

Player Support Team Leaders
Andrew M
Andy W
Chris G
David L
Hayley B
Ross H

Player Support Shift Leaders
Ikram A
Peter I
Richard H
Tom M
Sarah M
Stephen W
Zachory A

Player Support Team
Andrew P
Alex W
Alexander C
Alistair H
Andrew M
Ben H
Brian P
Carl B
Chris M
Chris M
Chris M
Chris R
Dan M
Darryl B
Dave P
David W
Fraser P
Ian H
James R
Joseph S
Kevin B
Kevin G
Kristina S
Laura A
Lee B
Lee B
Liam G
Marcus M
Martin B
Matthew C
Matthew S
Matthew W
Mike F
Mirza J
Olivia B
Paul R
Poya M
Robert L
Robert M
Rory P
Ryan H
Scott M
Scott T
Simon S
Stacey N
Tom M
Victoria C

Localised Player Support Team Leader
Catia M

Localised Player Support Shift Leader
Anabela A

Localised Player Support Team
Aiko M
David V
Eduardo S
Hakan S
Janne A
Joey R
Karolina G
Kathleen S
Luiz B
Mariana B
Max W
Michelle T
Ralf H
Steinarr S

Developer and Publisher of
[image: runescape]