Magic - The Ancient Magicks

Desert Treasure - Unlock the Ancient Magicks

Upon completing this quest you will gain access to the Ancient Magicks spell list. Unlike other spells, which you are able to unlock as your Magic level advances, these spells require you to change your entire spell list (or 'book') by travelling to Jaldraocht Pyramid and praying at a special altar. To change back to the original spellbook, pray at the altar again.

The following are a list of Ancient Magick spells, divided into the type of damage they inflict.

Please note: The 'Burst' and 'Barrage' spell types are multi-target, but their multi-target effect is castable only in multicombat areas and will hit a maximum of a 9 square area (i.e. the opponent is the centre of a 3x3 grid). Be warned, you will hit your friends if they are in this area, regardless of any Wilderness capes being worn! If you are not in a multicombat area, the spell will only affect one target. Also note that it is impossible to hit more than 9 targets with a single barrage spell.

Smoke Spells

When a smoke spell is cast, not only will the spell inflict damage, you will poison your opponent.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Maximum damage Base Magic Experience Gained
Smoke Rush
50 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Fire rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Chaos rune
x2 130 30
Smoke Burst
62 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Fire rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Chaos rune
x4 170 36
Smoke Blitz
74 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Fire rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Blood rune
x2 230 42
Smoke Barrage
86 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x4 [image]
Fire rune
x4 [image]
Air rune
x4 [image]
Blood rune
x2 270 48

Shadow Spells

When a shadow spell is cast, not only will the spell inflict damage, but you will temporarily lower your opponent's Attack level.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Maximum damage Base Magic Experience Gained
Shadow Rush
52 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Soul rune
x1 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Chaos rune
x2 140 31
Shadow Burst
64 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Soul rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Chaos rune
x4 170 37
Shadow Blitz
76 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Soul rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Blood rune
x2 240 43
Shadow Barrage
88 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x4 [image]
Soul rune
x3 [image]
Air rune
x4 [image]
Blood rune
x2 280 48

Blood Spells

When a blood spell is cast, not only will the spell inflict damage, but you will heal up to a quarter of the damage inflicted.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Maximum damage Base Magic Experience Gained
Blood Rush
56 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x1 [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Chaos rune
x2 150 33
Blood Burst
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x2 [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Chaos rune
x4 210 39
Blood Blitz
80 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x4 [image]
Death rune
x2 250 45
Blood Barrage
92 [Image: Magic] [image]
Blood rune
x4 [image]
Death rune
x4 [image]
Soul rune
x1 290 51

Ice Spells

When an ice spell is cast, not only will the spell inflict damage, but you will freeze your opponent in place for the following amount of time:

  • Ice Rush: 5 seconds
  • Ice Burst: 10 seconds
  • Ice Blitz: 15 seconds
  • Ice Barrage: 20 seconds

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Maximum damage Base Magic Experience Gained
Ice Rush
58 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x2 [image]
Chaos rune
x2 160 34
Ice Burst
70 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x4 [image]
Chaos rune
x4 220 40
Ice Blitz
82 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x3 [image]
Blood rune
x2 260 46
Ice Barrage
94 [Image: Magic] [image]
Death rune
x4 [image]
Water rune
x6 [image]
Blood rune
x2 300 52

Miasmic Spells

You can only cast miasmic spells if you are wielding Zuriel's staff, which can be won on a PvP world.

When a miasmic spell is cast, not only will the spell inflict damage, but you will slow your opponent's melee or Ranged attack rates by 50% for a certain period of time:

  • Miasmic Rush: 12 seconds
  • Miasmic Burst: 24 seconds
  • Miasmic Blitz: 36 seconds
  • Miasmic Barrage: 48 seconds

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Maximum damage Base Magic Experience Gained
Miasmic Rush
61 [Image: Magic] [image]
Soul rune
x1 [image]
Earth rune
x1 [image]
Chaos rune
x2 180 36
Miasmic Burst
73 [Image: Magic] [image]
Soul rune
x2 [image]
Earth rune
x2 [image]
Chaos rune
x4 240 42
Miasmic Blitz
85 [Image: Magic] [image]
Soul rune
x3 [image]
Earth rune
x3 [image]
Blood rune
x2 280 48
Miasmic Barrage
97 [Image: Magic] [image]
Soul rune
x4 [image]
Earth rune
x4 [image]
Blood rune
x4 320 54

Teleportation Spells

Please note: Some of the higher level Ancient Magick teleport spells will teleport you to certain depths of the Wilderness. Please remember that this does not mean it is possible to teleport back out. The limitations of no teleports within the deeper parts of the Wilderness still applies.

Spell Name Magic Level Casting Requirements Destination Base Magic Experience Gained
Home Teleport *
None n/a Edgeville 0
Paddewwa Teleport
54 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x1 [image]
Fire rune
x1 Edgeville 64
Senntisten Teleport
60 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Soul rune
x1 Digsite 70
Kharyrll Teleport
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Blood rune
x1 Canifis 76
Lassar Teleport
72 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x4 Ice Mountain 82
Dareeyak Teleport
78 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Air rune
x2 [image]
Fire rune
x3 Wilderness ruins 88
Carrallangar Teleport
84 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Soul rune
x2 Wilderness graveyard 82
Annakarl Teleport
90 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Blood rune
x2 Demonic ruins 100
Ghorrock Teleport
96 [Image: Magic] [image]
Law rune
x2 [image]
Water rune
x8 Ice Plateau 106

* Note that although the home teleport spell is free to cast, you may only cast it once every half hour. It also uses no runes as it is a ritual teleport, meaning that you will have to wait until the ritual is complete before doing anything else. As a result of this, the teleport can be interrupted by almost everything, as well as being constrained by all of the usual teleport restrictions; it's not such a great spell for escaping the Wilderness!

Click here to view the Magic FAQs

Click here to view the magic spells available in Daemonheim