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The League of Skillers! (F2P)
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:10:41
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 21:26:13 by Rocko Clark
**¨ˆ˜°º*••-.„¸.. .. .. .. ...The League of... .. .. .. .. ..¸„.-••*º°˜ˆ¨**
¸„.-••*º°˜ˆ¨...........Extraordinary Skillers................¨ˆ˜°º*••-.„¸

~~ The League of Extraordinary Skillers (F2P) ~~

Hello, and welcome to T.L.E.S.(F2P)
This is a Skilling and Questing Clan.
We welcome anyone who has a skill goal; who is skilling for any 99's; or just wants to hang around and have fun!

We invite you to participate in group quests, minigames, and group skilling. We are here to show you how to make good money through skilling. We are here to lend a hand for people trying to level up skills. Through group skilling, we can help each other level up, get some fancy capes, and perhaps bundles of gold!

This clan is open to everyone! There are NO requirements (except you must be able to post on forums), just a love of skilling and/or questing!
We are a clan that is here for support and help.
A place where you can ask anyone for advice on a skill, or help in a quest.

Anyone can lead a quest if they would like, just ask permission. This clan is all about having a good time and chatting with new quest and skill buddies!

One more thing: This thread consists of three forms: Application form, Promotion form, and a Resignition form.
If you wish to resign, please view the form on page two.

~~ Quick Facts ~~

Clan Name: The League of Extraordinary Skillers (F2P)
Clan Chat: Rock* Clark (* = Letter O)
Clan Leaders: Rock* Clark and Imallskillzy
Clan Home: N/A
Clan World: 62 (although this is not required, this world is designated for meet ups)
Quick find code: 93-94-473-60525764
Date Clan Started: 3/5/10
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:13:21
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 21:13:39 by Rocko Clark
~~ Table of Contents ~~

1 - Introduction
2 - Table of Contents
3 - Application Form
4 - Rules
5 - News
6 - Hall of Fame
7 - Members List
8 - About Rankings
9 - History
10 - Promotion Form
11 - Resignition Form
12 - Reserved
13 - Reserved
14 - Reserved
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:14:23
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 18:22:45 by Rocko Clark
~~ Application Form ~~

If you'd like to join The League of Extraordinary Skillers, please fill out a form!
There are no requirements to join, but we would like to know a bit about you. Also, if you can't post in the forums due to lack of XP, then join the clan and answer the questions in the Clan Chat. Then one of the leaders will post your Application Form for you, under your name, so they know it's you.

What you want to be called:
Total Levels:
Quest Points:
Combat Level:
Skill Goals:
Any Current 99's:
Completed All F2P Quests:
Any other Goals:
Why you want to join the clan:
A little bit about yourself!:
Do you agree to be subject to a three-day trial period, in which we'll see if you fit well with the clan and show respect for all the rules, and that if you agree you we can kick you if we decide it's necessary:

~~ Example Form ~~

Name: Imallskillzy
What you want to be called: Skillzy
Total Levels: 1903
Quest Points: 299
Combat Level: 115
Skill Goals: 80+ all skills
Any Current 99s: Crafting
Completed All F2P Quests: Yep
Any other Goals: To keep my Quest cape!
Why you want to join the clan: Im looking for a great time!
A little bit about yourself!: Shy, Creepy, fun, love-able
Do you agree to be subject to a three-day trial period, in which we'll see if you fit well with the clan and show respect for all the rules, and that if you agree you we can kick you if we decide it's necessary: Sure!
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:14:45
Last edited on 06-Mar-2010 00:30:22 by Rocko Clark
~~ Rules ~~

- Follow Jagex Code of Conduct.
- No fighting or harassing other players! Always be kind and never ignore a player!
- Please be mature! Immaturity that ends up annoying other players will not bode well for you
- Be supportive of other players - especially when they achieve something new that may seem trivial to you.
- Do NOT beg for promotions from the leaders. Promotions will be given when deemed worthy. THEREFORE, no begging for ranks! No bugging the leaders about ranks! We rank up those who contribute, are mature, go to events, etc.
- Be active! If you are not going to be playing for a lenthy amount of time, pleast notify one of the leaders.
- Please stay in the clan chat when you are logged on. You are allowed to join other chats for minigames or exceptions of that sort.
- DO NOT pretend to be one of the clan leaders, OR claim that you are a leader! This may result in an insta-kick!
- If you are a member of The League of Extraordinary Skillers, you cannot belong to another clan.
- Have fun! (yes, this is a rule! ;D)


*Although we don't expect a lot of these, we want all clan members to be happy. If a player is violating a rule we need to take care of it.*

- First Violation: You will be warned with an explanation as to what you did wrong.This can be a pm, or an in cc warning saying something like "Hey, please don't do ____ anymore."
- Second Violation: Another warning (or a kick from cc for one hour).
- Third Violation: A temporary ban from the clan (or a kick from cc for one hour).
- Fourth Violation: Expulsion from the clan. If you're expelled, please DO NOT keep entering the cc, spamming other clan members, or posting on the clan forums.

If you feel a warning/punishment was unfair, you can always petition for another look.
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:15:03
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 18:23:58 by Rocko Clark

Here is where we will be updating our current events, meetings, minigames, group questing and skilling. We have daily events planned out which are always optional to attend. (Although it's highly encouraged )

~Possible Events*

-"Item bomb" of the Grand Exchange
-Great Orb Project will be held every Wednesday
-Hide and Seek/Races/Al Karid Games
-Clan Wars
-Duel Arena
-Fist of Guthix
-Revenant Hunting
-Group Skilling
-Group Fighting
-Beer/Drop Parties will be held every Friday in honor of the creation of this clan, and in honor of Leslie Raves and Shiro Bara, the creators of T.L.E.S.

NOTE: All events will be held between 4 P.M. and 8 P.M. eastern time, unless I plan otherwise, or it's short notice.

If you have any questions about different events, or don't understand what one of the events is, please contact one of the leaders via Clan Chat.

~Clan Updates!~

Created T.L.E.S. F2P with the help of Imallskillzy, my second in command. Having fun updating the different posts and pages. (I hope Leslie Raves and Shiro Bara are O.K. with this!) Had a really fun Cabbage Bomb in the G.E. with Skillzy and Shane!

Everybody was out of the clan and didn't log on to RuneScape much, so we couldn't really do anything today. Maybe next week will be better, since the amount of people joining has doubled.

Pretty much the same thing as last week. Obtained 5 new members to the clan. w00t!

Obtained 4 new members! We are on a roll! We now have 17 people in the clan!

Wow, well I guess I totally forgot about an awesome clan I need to run. Updating the clan after about 4 months...
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:15:34
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 18:26:46 by Rocko Clark
~~Hall of Fame~~

Here is where our most extraordiary of skillers go!

We'd like to honor those with 99's, high skills, and high scores! If you have any member 99's, or high scores, they will be listed separately.


Razwan Ftw

Razwan Ftw



1M I S E R Y
Razwan Ftw









I 0wns Mem
Razwan Ftw


{Ob Nixilus}

~Completed All F2P Quests~
Bowler Fan

-Minigame Highscores-

~Bounty Hunters~

~Bounty Hunter Rogues~

~Fist of Guthix~
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:15:53
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 21:55:17 by Rocko Clark

Here is where our new memebers and current members rankings will be displayed! Every member will be put into and group depending on their ranking. If someone has quit, left the clan chat, or resigned, their name will look like this: {TheirNameHere}.
If you are a clan chat moderator, you name will look like this: > TheirNameHere <.

Rock* Clark (clan chat)

-Clan Chat Moderators-
> Bowler Fan <
> Pureluck67 <
> Jaass20 <

~Rank Groups~


> Bowler Fan <

> Pureluck67 <
> Jaass20 <

Basic Escort

Polar Freak2
Fire Capey
I Am Lv3 Yet

Sir Liam 65
I 0wns Mem
Aloof Siege
Razwan Ftw
1M I S E R Y
Quo Luas
Raivas Skye
{Ob Nixilus}

Total Member Count: 31 - 7 = 24
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:16:01
Last edited on 17-Mar-2010 23:52:05 by Rocko Clark
~~About Rankings~~

*As it currently stands, there are only two Leaders/Generals, Rock* Clark and Imallskillzy.

**Bowler Fan is the Clan Chat Moderator. You WILL listen to his warnings and obey him if he deems that you have done something wrong. He has kick power! So please don't mess with the mod. If the mod is abusing his power, notify one of the leaders immediatly.

In order to earn up a ranking, the following criterion will be considered:

- Length of time as a clan member.
- Amount of events attended.
- That you are an active and kind member, especially being friendly to new members.
- Maturity is a big one.
- How helpful you are in the Clan Chat.
- How many members you recruit.
- Again, Maturity!

Promotions will not be advertised. When Rock* Clark and Imallskillzy decide upon some promotions, they will consult with each other and then just change your ranking, along with telling you next time you log on via Private Messaging.

DO NOT BEG FOR RANKINGS! Quite annoying, and may actually damage your change of getting ranked up!
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:16:19
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 21:14:55 by Rocko Clark

This clan is branch of the clan T.L.E.S., which is mainly for members. So we decided to create and run the F2P branch! If you're a member and interested in the member version of the clan, see this thread: 93-94-950-58911171

~~ Quick Facts for Original T.L.E.S. (Member Version) ~~

Clan Name: The League of Extraordinary Skillers
Clan Chat: Leslie Raves
Clan Leaders: Shiro Bara and Leslie Raves
Clan Home: Shiro Bara (in Yanille)
Clan World: 66 (although this is not required, this world is designated for meet ups)
Quick find code: 93-94-950-58911171
Date Clan Started: 6/01/09

NOTE: If you are a member, please join the member version of this clan. If you are a F2P member, please join this version.
Rocko Clark

06-Mar-2010 00:16:27
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 21:28:12 by Rocko Clark
~~Promotion Form~~

If you haven't been ranked in a while, or haven't been ranked at all, and you strongly feel you should be promoted, please fill out this form. When you have submitted the form, please inform one of the moderators via clan chat or private message, and say this, "Inform Rocko Clark of promotion from [YourNameHere]." And I will look over the form a.s.a.p.
Also, you can only submit one promotion form once every two weeks, whether you've been promoted or not.

Months With Clan:
Events Attended:
Rules Broken:
How Many People Recruited:
One Way You've Helped Out Clan:
Three Good Reasons Why You Should Be Ranked, Apart From Above:
Are you willing to be subject to a three-day trial period in which we can kick/demote you if we feel it's necessary, and that you will not abuse/brag about your promotion:


Example Form:

Username: Rocko Clark
Months With Clan: About 4
Events Attended: All
Rules Broken: None
How Many People Recruited: 7
One Way You've Helped Out Clan: By informing people of events.
Three Good Reasons Why You Should Be Ranked, Apart From Above:
1- I've lead the clan through tough times.
2- I've always been nice/mature towards annoyances.
3- I handle problems without force/put-downs.
Are you willing to be subject to a three-day trial period in which we can kick/demote you if we feel it's necessary, and that you will not abuse/brag about your promotion: Of course!
Quick find code: 93-94-473-60525764