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Every man and his dog
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 11:25:02
Sam Welsh walked into the "Lucky Mongrel" pet store, and pulled out the contents of his wallet. Today, he was doing what he had sworn he would do for ages, and getting a dog.

The clerk sent Sam into a back room, which smelled of dog, chicken, and, curiously enough, choclate pudding. "I'll take you" he said to a young-looking German Shepherd.

The German Shepherd wagged it's tail as Sam put a dark green collar on it, and paid the clerk.

"Now what shall I call you... How about... Mushroom! Or, better, Cheesy! Wait, I got it! How about... Pepper!" as the dog wagged it's tail in an approving fashion. Sam put on Pepper's lead and the two companions walked to Sam's home.

It wasn't until Sam and Pepper were playing that something strange happened. The German Shepherd had just got a ball from in between the roots of a tree, when it said, in a German accent "There you are, master!"

"You can talk!" exclaimed Sam. "Of course. All dogs can talk, but not everyone understands. You evidently have the understanding" barked Pepper, who then turned and growled "Hang on. Something's not right here."

Sam was only just beginning to comprehend the concept of an actual, live talking dog, when a man came up the driveway and tried to steal the car. Pepper growled, and suddenly, charged at almost light-speed toward the car-jacker. Pepper chased the crook away, and said "Listen. We dogs, and you humans, we have an understanding that goes to the dawn of time. And so, the dog is man's best friend, and man is dog's master. Also, we can do things. And when we find our true master, he or she can do things. Magic things! Like this!" as he turned and concentrated, with all his doggy might, upon a twig. Suddenly, the twig burned, without hurting anything.

Pepper said "Now you try. Use the leaf" and Sam concentrated on the leaf. The leaf burned, and Sam asked "So, what else can I... we do?"

Pepper said "Many things. But now, it's time for a roll in some mud!" and bounded toward some muddy dirt
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 11:37:46
Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 01:14:06 by Free Bird-86
Hey ya'll! Manticore here, and welcome to my thread! Every man and his dog is about dogs. These dogs can talk. And some humans can understand! Of course, there are some inevitable problems, such as dog-catchers, bullies, evil people who want to experiment on dogs to get their powers. Because dogs have MAGIC. And whenever a dog finds it's true master (AKA you) you get said magic too, and the dog gets stronger.

Now, just a few rules I want to lay down.

1) No power-playing, god-modding, or breaking any Jagex rules.

2) Defer to me, or the co-owner in my absence, in any conflict

3) Play on my other thread, the Created Ones ((Optional but preferred.))

5) Do not kill after combat. Knock out, yes. Embarrass, yes. Kill, no. Feel free to roleplay after you have been given a resounding butt-whoopin

6) Use proper grammar, and kill l33t wherever you find it.

7) Put a fair amount of detail in your bio

8) Put "Yo dawg" at the end of your bio to show that you read the rules.

9) Refer to me as Free-Bird

10) Have fun!

11) This roleplay is open to all

12) Be mature, and while I might allow a little bit of romance, keep it clean, or Pepper will destroy you

Recent events:

Thread begins!

People who are on this thread:



Anyone who was on A ghost of a chance or The Changelings

Anyone from The Created Ones
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 11:44:56
Last edited on 18-Oct-2009 12:15:43 by Free Bird-86
Bio Format for your human. You must do one for your human and your dog

Human bio:


Age: ((9-21))

Gender: ((Male or female))

Appearance: ((Put clothing and your backpack in here. You MUST have a backpack.))

Weapons: ((Slingshots and BB's or airsoft guns are fine. Or water bazookas. Or sporting equipment.))

Short history: ((Optional))


Theme Song:

Who is your dog?

Dog Bio:



Age: ((Not much older than 14))

Gender: ((Be mature about this. I don't care what the technical term for a female dog is, just put female if your dog is female!))

Appearance: ((Put any accessories, like the collar, in here))


Short history: Optional

Were you on Changelings or Ghost of a chance:

Will you bump me, and play often:

Secret word:
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 11:53:16
Last edited on 18-Oct-2009 12:16:01 by Free Bird-86
Human bio:

Name: Sam Welsh

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall-ish white kid with a red shirt, brown hair, jeans, white sport shoes, and white socks. He has green eyes. His backpack is red, and has a metallic lizard attached to the tags.

Weapons: BB gun, and a cricket bat.

Short history: Will do later

Personality: To be revealed, but slight devil-may-care attitude

Theme Song: TNT by Ac/Dc

Who is your dog? Pepper

Dog Bio:

Name: Pepper

Breed: German Shepherd ((Hence the German accent))

Age: Around 2

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark coat, and brown eyes, and a green collar with epic teeth

Temperament: To be revealed

Short history: Was a regular dog, until he met Sam.

Were you on Changelings or Ghost of a chance: Buddy, I created them

Will you bump me, and play often: Of course!

Secret word:
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 11:53:41
Last edited on 19-Oct-2009 10:22:02 by Free Bird-86
((Need to pick theme song. Otherwise, go ahead and post!))

Places to go include:

The residential zone ((Where people tend to live))

The park

The "Lucky Mongrel" pet shop ((You can buy pet supplies such as collars and food here.))

The old school (Everyone is homeschooled here, so there's no need to go.)

The shops (Near "Lucky Mongrel" )

The forest

The mountain in the forest, where there is a cave.

Add more locations as you think of them. Need people!
Free Bird-86

18-Oct-2009 22:02:33
Sam was shocked to see the destruction of the leaf, then ran at Pepper when he was rolling in the mud. Pepper said "Ah yes, that's it. Got to massage the mud all into the roots..." when Sam dragged the dog out, and blasted Pepper with a hose. Pepper whined as the mud flew away from his body. He then shook himself to get the water off himself, and Sam asked "So, what is this so-called agreement between a man and his dog?."

Pepper replied "A long time ago, in a distant land, man and dog were mortal enemies. Then, one day, a man took pity on a puppy and took it home. That puppy had found it's true owner, and the human managed to foster peace between man and beast. Now, our enemy is more of a feline nature. We also hate those that would try to hurt our true owner. Sure, there are dogs that still hate humans, but they are declining. Now, less talk, more playing!" as he grabbed a soccer ball and started to play with it, bouncing it on his nose.
Free Bird-86

24-Oct-2009 07:21:24
Last edited on 28-Jun-2010 02:58:48 by Free Bird-86
((Alright, thread's open))
Novus Spes

07-Jan-2010 00:41:28
I think you need a more erm, "catchy" title... i'll make a bio if i viset this thread again.
Novus Spes

14-Mar-2010 17:32:10
like i said...."awhile"..ago if i ever came again i'd make a bio.

Human bio:

Name: matt

Age: ((9-21)) 16

Gender: ((Male or female)) male

Appearance: ((Put clothing and your backpack in here. You MUST have a backpack.)) blue jeans and a green sweater with an undescribebal logo on it. he has a dark blue backpack which is fairly large and "clinks" suspiouscly.

Weapons: ((Slingshots and BB's or airsoft guns are fine. Or water bazookas. Or sporting equipment.)) none...

Short history: ((Optional)) Matt is homeless after running away form his..not so nice parents. Despartly afriad that his parents would find him he his in the forests outside the town he lived and and nearly starved to death but eventually he was found by huge sheepdog who acted as if matt was her puppy and brought matt food (mostly raw meat NOT MILK :@). Eventually matt tried hunting on his own and was successful but realized that he would have better luck on the streets so he moved to the "city" with the sheepdog.
In the city his sheepdog had just ONE puppy and died in birth, feeling obligated to help the puppy Matt kept it.They are both currently homeless.


Theme Song: i don't really...have...a..theme song...

Who is your dog? magic.

Dog Bio: magic is very hyper active and friendly. Everyone he meets is his freind and all he ever wants to do is play.

Name: magic!

Breed: sheepdog!

Age: ((Not much older than 14)) 1/2old (still a puppy)

Gender: ((Be mature about this. I don't care what the technical term for a female dog is, just put female if your dog is female!)) male

Appearance: ((Put any accessories, like the collar, in here)) a blue coller but a leash is never used with it.

Temperament: NOTHING makes magic mad, i mean NOTHING...but everything is liable to change in a puppy.

Short history: he grew up with a homeless child.

Were you on Changelings or Ghost of a chance: nope

Will you bump me, and play often: sure. if you RESPOND to my bio.

Secret word: yo dawgs.

14-May-2010 08:49:42
Last edited on 14-May-2010 08:53:28 by Blackluvszip
Human bio:

Name: Taylor Faernc

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Plain white T-shirt,Long dark jeans and bright skating shoes.Wears a military backpack.

Weapons: Baseball bat.

Short history: Worked for the military untill an explosion left her colour blind.

Personality: Likes to joke and only gets serious when it needs to be serious.she will do anything to get something done.

Theme Song: Aerials-System of the down

Who is your dog?

Dog Bio:


Breed: German sheperd

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Appearance: Huge dog,with brown around everywhere but around the eyes,which are Black.Has a blue collar with the words "Tobi" On it.

Temperament: Attacks enemys,will do anything to protect Taylor.

Short history: Worked with taylor in the military capturing enemys ect..ect...

Were you on Changelings or Ghost of a chance: No

Will you bump me, and play often:Yes

Secret word:Yo dawg?
Quick find code: 46-47-313-59750153