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Send Us Your Garment Designs!
Jagex Mod

26-May-2010 11:14:51
Players' Gallery

Send Us Your Garment Designs!

As you will have hopefully noticed in the latest patch notes, we have now corrected the bare midriff design that previously affected some articles of female torso equipment. To give you a little insight as to why we have corrected this, we felt strongly that there was no real reason as to why they should be any different from the male counterpart. After all, having such a delicate area exposed during battle is hardly sensible for anyone, is it?!

Of course, we don't want to upset those who like the cropped-top look, so we'd like to invite the talented designers amongst you to send in your alternative outfit designs to the Players' Gallery. This way, we can get a better idea of what style of outfit you would like to see in the game. This won't result in a Guaranteed Content Poll, however, the best ones will be forwarded to our Graphics Team for consideration

So what are you waiting for? If you�ve got a real artistic talent and some awesome ideas on blending fashion with functionality, we want to see what you can do. Just make sure that whatever you send to us follows the simple submission guide below and you could be featured in a future Player Gallery and may even provide inspiration for our Graphics Team. Not only that, but if you�re picked as our featured artist, you will bag yourself a prize!

Submission Guide

It�s got to be completely your own work � no knock-offs, please! ;)

Make sure the files you send us are of a high resolution � if they look pixelated or blurry, we won�t be able to display them.

All files need to be attached to an email and in any of the following formats: .jpg, .gif or .png

Include your account name with anything you submit to us so we can credit you appropriately.

Email your pictures to � no links to downloads please!

Get creative and have fun! :D

She was raged. She wanted to show off her abs.


26-May-2010 17:16:44
Cool :) Any chance finding out what the prize is?

26-May-2010 23:56:03
This is really neat. Smart idea to do this, hopefully theres more of such things sometime soon for other things around Runescape. ^-^!

27-May-2010 03:14:02
IM not good at design :( but, it would be so cool if you made a total revamp of bandos that made it look uBer epic :)

27-May-2010 06:18:31
Last edited on 27-May-2010 06:19:15 by Newtinator
Wow cool ill need to tell my sister!

First page! woot

27-May-2010 06:59:09
As I have always wanted to be a butterfly...
I'll make a flame costume :)

27-May-2010 13:55:11
Is it ok if i have current screen shots of the items and just improve one them with photoshop or should i start from scratch? :D
Emily <3
Jagex Mod

27-May-2010 15:48:51
Cool. Any chance finding out what the prize is?

Nope. :P

We have a whole range of prizes in mind for when we relaunch the gallery. Watch this space!

"Is it ok if i have current screen shots of the items and just improve one them with photoshop or should i start from scratch? :D"

We'd prefer it it was all of your own work.

Nice name BTW!

28-May-2010 09:00:35
^_^ better get drawing :)

28-May-2010 13:42:32
The garments don't necessarily have to be armour, do they?
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