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The Fishing Flingers V2

09-Jun-2010 18:20:14
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 07:22:31 by Xjpv

Welcome to The Fishing Flingers; the first recognized, organized, and helpful Clan Chat for the Fish Flingers Distraction and Diversions.

We hope you enjoy your stay with us in the clan chat, and hope you will be back for many more games of Fish Flingers.

OUR HOME WORLD IS: World 64, Come join us!

The Clan Chats are open to anyone at any time, as long as they follow and obey all rules.

The Fishing Flingers has been in operation since March 23, 2010, and is now recognized as the largest Fish Flinging Clan Chat around.

So come in and join the fun! You may use any of the 3 clan chats listed (if operational at the time)!

Fish_Fling2 (not operational)
Fish_Fling3 (not operational)

=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=TABLE OF CONTENTS=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
~Page 1, Post 1- Welcome, Summary, and Table of Contents.
~Page 1, Post 2- Rules of the Clan Chat
~Page 1, Post 3- How Things Will Work
~Page 1, Post 4- Game Play
~Page 1, Post 5- Game Play (continued)
~Page 1, Post 6- A Way to Get 100% Easily
~Page 1, Post 7- Calculating Your Own Score
~Page 1, Post 8- Calculating Your Own Score with MS EXCEL
~Page 1, Post 9- Starting Out Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
~Page 1, Post 10- Rewards of the Game
~Page 2, Post 1- Fish Flinger Check List
~Page 2, Post 2- How to be Ranked
~Page 2, Post 3- Current Ranks
~Page 2, Post 4- Ranks that Have 99 Fishing
~Page 2, Post 5- Clan Chat Goals
~Page 2, Post 6- Goals that have been achieved
~Page 2, Post 7- Certified, nonranked players.
~Page 2, Post 8- RESERVED
~Page 2, Post 9- Allies
~Page2, Post10- Rank Meetings


09-Jun-2010 18:20:24
Last edited on 11-Jun-2010 22:57:36 by Xjpv


1• All RuneScape Rules* Apply!

2• Respect everyone, including yourself.

3• Please do not argue in Clan Chat or on the Thread

4• No Spamming in the Clan Chat or on the Thread.

5• No cursing or any use of profanity (drugs, alcohol, etc..)This *includes* acronyms that yield such language.

6• Please do not transfer false information (wrong calls, times, heaviest fish, etc..)

7• Listen to all ranks; if these ranks are abusive, contact ME, do not take it out on the thread. **See rule 3,4, and 5.

8• Be in World 64 for games!

9• No side conversations during the game; only calls.

10• Please no advertising other clans unless listed on this thread; this means even stating another clan chat name.

11• Do not give information to people that are not in the Clan Chat or have been kicked from the clan chat. They do not deserve the calls if they broke the rules.

**Note: Refusal to abide by these rules will result in a kick or even a ban from using the clan chat. Please follow all rules!


§Talking during calls.
§Arguing with Ranks.
§Spamming the Clan Chat


09-Jun-2010 18:20:26
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 03:57:41 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=*=*=How Things Will Work=*=*=*=*=*=*=

~~The Hints~~
Before entering the game, clicking the option that tells the fisherman that you want to enter the game, move down one option and click "Do you have any advice about the fish?"

This advice will give you a certain clue that can help with the finding of the combinations in game. After getting the advice, share it with the Clan Chat!

~~The Calling~~
Calling is simple, you have to tell the combination that yields a 100% catch rate. The calling format will be..

Type of fish/ Location of fish/ bait/ hook/ weights...

The weights are called by using numerical numbers. The first number is the SMALL weights, second number is the MEDIUM weights, and the third is the LARGE weights.

Example of a call: Bass/Dock/Worm/Bone/012.
This call means at the DOCK there are BASS being caught with WORMS, a BONE HOOK, and 0 SMALL weights, 1 MEDIUM weight, and 2 LARGE weights.

~~Listing the Calls~~
Either ranks will list the call, or someone appointed by a rank will list the calls. Through the game, one person will be recording the 100% calls. Then when all the combinations are gathered, a rank or appointed person will state (or something to this affect):

===All combos have been found, remain quiet for listing===
=======Refusal to do so is a kick, starting list now======
Combo 1 (heavy)
Combo 2
Combo 3
Combo 4
Combo 5
Combo 6
====END OF CALLS====

**Since we're all working together as a team, please state your 100% in the Clan chat so it can be CONFIRMED and added to the list of calls.


09-Jun-2010 18:20:27
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 04:10:20 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=*=*=Game Play=*=*=*=*=*=*=

Once the game has started, you are free to go to any of the 4 locations on the Isla Angleina to cast out your line. In each of these locations, there are 1 or 2 different types of fish; for a total of 6 species. There is cod, herring, trout, salmon, bass, and pike. Each of these species requires a specific bait, hook, and set of weights. The “perfect tackle” will grant you with the 100% combination.

The 4 locations on the island are as follows:

The Docks: Located WEST and EAST of the starting point.
The Beach: Located far NORTH-EAST of the island.
The Lake: Located just NORTH of the starting point.
The River: Located NORTH-EAST of the starting point, EAST (downstream) of the lake.

**How do you fish both types of fish in a single location?
**You have to find both of the combinations by the hints given before game or by trial and error.

There are eight different types of bait, with each bait sharing a common property with two other types of bait (be that colour or shape). If you find that, say, using worms increases your rating a bit, you should next try either shrimp or maggots to see if either of those increase your rating further.

There are six different types of hook, which work in a similar way to bait. At each habitat, one of the six hooks will give you the best rating increase, but a similar hook will still improve your rating slightly

Weights work a little bit differently from bait and hooks. They come in three sizes - small (1kg), medium (2kg) and large (5kg) - and you can attach up to five weights to your line (in any combination) to extend your casting range. The heavier your line, the further you can cast, giving you a range between 1-7 metres. You'll find that one range will improve your rating a little, but the optimal range will improve your rating by more

09-Jun-2010 18:20:27
Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 16:49:15 by Xjpv
Range 1 - 010
Range 2 - 001

Range 3 - 002
Range 4 - 003

Range 5 - 013
Range 6 - 004
Range 7 - 005

**We are aware that there are several ways to get a certain range, these are just the ranges that we prefer to use.

~~What is the HEAVIEST FISH?!~~

-If the fish ends in a 9 [149/49 etc] and you have the fish at 100% rating;
-Change the weights so the fish becomes 66% - This will automatically fish the lightest of the species.

This results in two possible scenarios:
*If the fish you catch at 66% is 49; you have the heaviest species
*If the fish you catch at 66% is 29, you have the lightest

~~Other Tips~~
Once you've discovered the best tackle for each of the six species, you should make note of the average weight of the fish you are catching. You may then want to try to find the best tackle to catch the other species, to see if their average weight is higher - the more heavy fish that you land, the greater your score will be.

You don't, however, have to do everything yourself, as you're welcome to share any information you find out about each habitat, and which habitat is best, with your fellow entrants. Some clans and groups of friends may wish to do this to improve all of their scores, but beware that not all entrants will be so altruistic and may feed you misinformation to improve their own chances of winning.


09-Jun-2010 18:20:50
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 23:58:45 by Xjpv

*=*=A Way to Get 100% Easily=*=*

1• Pay attention to the hints before the game, taking note of all info.
2• Keep track of which hooks have been used, for each hook is used for only one species per game.
3• If there wasn't a hint for the bait of a species, it becomes a little trickier. Fear not though! For using the following system will aid you in your attempts to discover the perfect bait!

A Try a type of bait, check what the change is, this will decide what you do next.
B If the rating increased by 33%, congratulations! You have the perfect bait!
C If the rating increases by 16% you have a bait with shape or color in common with the correct bait, so go with one of those.
D If it stays the same, you've nothing in common, try something entirely different, not similar shape OR color.
E Drops by 16%, the correct bait had something in common with the previous bait, so use a bait with either shape or color in common with what you used last.
F Drops by 33%, you've just changed from the perfect bait! BAD! GO BACK! HURRY!

4• Finally, the weight. If you have a hint for the weight, try to follow it.

For example: far away? Try 4 or 5 larges first.

If you DO NOT have a hint for the weight, scan using the following method.

Add a MEDIUM weight, which is Range 1. (010)
Add a LARGE weight, which is Range 2. (001)
Add TWO LARGE weights, which is Range 3. (002)
Add THREE LARGE weights, which is Range 4. (003)
Add THREE LARGE and ONE MEDIUM weight, which is Range 5. (013)
Add FOUR LARGE weights, which is Range 6. (004)
Add FIVE LARGE weights, which is Range 7 (005)

The method for finding the correct hook is similar to that of the bait, just a little easier.

A Try any hook and check the rating.
B If rating increases to 33%, you have the right hook.
C If rating increases to 16%, you're in the right direction.
D No change? Try another set of hooks.
E If it drops, change back!

09-Jun-2010 18:20:50
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 03:59:56 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=Calculating Your Own Score=*=*=*=*=

At the end of the game all the competition participants will have gotten a score, which will rank them for the game, try to be the best flinger of all time, or at least try to get in the first 5 places.

To get your score several criteria is taken into account:

Total Fish Caught- X

Total Weight- Y

Heaviest fish- Z

Awards Score: A (6000 for 3 / 2000 for 1 - verification needed for two awards)

Medals Score: B (1000 score for junior angler/ 2000 for junior and master angler together - different scores for different medals might be possible - verification needed)

Perfect Tackle Found: C (see table)
Bonus for Performance: D(Average Rating)

Perfect Tackle Found ------Score

0 -------------------------------- 0
1 -------------------------------- 200
2 -------------------------------- 700
3 -------------------------------- 2500
4 -------------------------------- 4500
5 -------------------------------- 7000
6 -------------------------------- 9000

This is your score: (10x + y + 10z + A + B + C) * (1 + (D/100))

To get the value of your Performance Bonus, take in account that it takes the Average of the Average of all your games, including the last. So if you started with the first game with an average rating of 30 and the second game your average rating is 60%. The Performance Bonus will be of 45%. So if you do games with high rating, your Performance Bonus will slowly rise after each game.


09-Jun-2010 18:20:51
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 04:00:17 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=Calculating Your Own Score with MS EXCEL=*=*=*=*=

This Is the Table for Tackles:
Perfect Tackle Found....Score

1.Start of By opening MS Excel 2000+

2.Enter these in the correct cells:

A1= Total Fish Caught
B1= Total Weight
C1= Heaviest fish
D1= Number of Awards
E1= Number of Medals
F1= Perfect Tackle Found
G1= Bonus for Performance
H1= Total


3. In H2 type this in (you can Copy and paste):
= (A2*10+B2+C2*10+2000*D2+1000*E2+F2)*(1+(G2/100))
^<<<without that space)
Please make sure that is done correctly!!!!

4. Now all you have to do is under each title write the specified thing. For example: under C1 which is heaviest fish, I would write 199.

So now in C2 I should have 199 written in.
Once all your values have been typed in the correctly in H2 your total should come up!

5. You’re finished!
Now you can determine your score early in GAME!


09-Jun-2010 18:20:52
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 04:00:35 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)=*=*=*=*=

Q: How often does the Competition start?
A: The competitions start every -90- Minutes, the timer for next game resets when the last game starts.

Q: Do I need a certain level to come to the competition?
A: No! Anyone can come and join the competition!

Q: How often can I join a competition?
A: You have 10 tickets per week to join a competition! While fishing for the heaviest fish in the competition you may gain extra tickets, so you could play more than 10 games per week.

Q: Where do I start the competition?
A: You can start the competition at the Fishing guild (inside or outside,) Catherby, Barbarian Village, Shilo Village, or Piscatoris Fishing Colony!

Q: Do familiars help in game?
A: No, familiars do not help with the rate that you catch.

Q: How long does the game last for?
A: 15 minutes of non-stop action and fun!


09-Jun-2010 18:20:53
Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 04:00:55 by Xjpv

=*=*=*=*=Rewards of the Game=*=*=*=*=

Depending upon your score, and based on your current Fishing level, you will receive some Fishing XP. You will also earn a number of fish tokens, which you can spend at the fisherman's wife's reward shop in exchange for raw fish or tackle boxes. The various tackle boxes could prove to be very useful to keen fishers, as they have room to tidily store a range of fishing equipment.

~Beginner's tackle box-- 1 tool slot, 1 bait slot which holds 150 bait, and has no glove slots.

~Basic tackle box-- same as the beginner, but has 2 tool slots and holds 250 bait.

~Standard tackle box-- 3 tool slots, 2 bait slots which hold 400 bait, and no glove slot.

~Professional tackle box-- 4 tool slots, 3 bait slots that hold 650 bait, and 1 glove slot.

~Champion tackle box-- 5 tool slots, 3 bait slots that hold 1,000 bait, and 2 glove spots.

Beginner--20 medals

Basic--50 medals

Standard--110 medals

Professional--230 medals

Champion--500 medals

~~Medals and Awards~~

Medals can be earned by any entrant by fulfilling one of the following criteria:
Junior Angler - Find the perfect tackle for three species
Master Angler - Find the perfect tackle for all six species
Efficient Fisher - Obtain an average catch rating of 80% or higher
Heavy Catch - At least 80% of fish caught being of the heaviest species

Awards, however, are only handed out to the best of the best in any given competition, though if more than one entrant obtains an equal total they will each receive the award:
-Heaviest fish caught
-Most fish caught
-Heaviest catch total

Quick find code: 75-76-42-61107228