Farming - Tools


The tools that are needed to begin farming can be bought from both Farming shops and farmers, which can be found all over the world. You also have the option to trade with other players for Farming equipment, as every item apart from the watering can is tradable.

Farming Shops can be identified using the Farming shop icon on both the world map and the in-game minimaps.

There are four Farming shops found throughout RuneScape:

Farming Shop Location
[image: location of port phasmatys farming shop] North-west of Port Phasmatys
[image: location of falador farming shop] South-east of Falador
[image: location of ardougne farming shop] North of East Ardougne
[image: location of catherby farming shop] North of Catherby

Tool Description
Used for weeding your Farming patches.
Seed dibber
Used for planting seeds.
Used to remove diseased foliage from trees and bushes.
Watering can
Used to water your plants. Can be refilled from any water source.
Used to harvest your plants or remove dead plants to clear your patch.
Gardening boots
These do not affect your Farming ability or the growth of your crops in any way. They are currently only worn for decorative purposes.
Gardening trowel
Used to fill a plant pot with soil and to plant a sapling into a Farming patch.
Empty sack
Used to carry vegetables (but not necessary, they can go in normal inventory slots). Can be bought or made.
Used to carry fruit (but not necessary: they can go in normal inventory slots). Can be bought or made.
Plant pot
Used to grow sapling before planting it into a Farming patch. Can be bought or made.
Compost/Super compost
Used to fertilise Farming patches.
Plant cure
Used to cure plants that have become diseased. Cannot be used on bushes or trees.
Amulet of Farming(8)
An amulet that can be attuned to allotments and flower patches, which informs you when that patch is ready for harvesting, becomes diseased or dies.

Baskets and Sacks

Baskets and sacks are useful because they allow you to carry many items in one inventory slot. The baskets and sacks are mainly used to hold the produce used as payment to the gardeners.

Baskets and sacks cannot hold all items grown from Farming. Baskets can store up to five items and can hold apples, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries or bananas. While sacks can store up to ten items and can hold potatoes, onions or cabbages.

As mentioned in the table above, these two items can be player-made. This can be done using the Crafting skill.

The Gardening Leprechaun

Gardening leprechauns can be found wandering around the Farming patches of RuneScape. They look after various Farming tools for you and will not charge anything, so you will find that your Farming equipment is more accessible to you. So, if you are just passing a patch with a couple of seeds, you have all the equipment ready to start Farming.

If you store items with one leprechaun you are able to retrieve them from any other leprechaun within the game.

Leprechauns are also able to convert any of your Farming produce into notes, enabling you to carry much more to the bank without having to make multiple trips. To convert your produce, simply use it on the leprechaun.
Tool Max. Items Limit
Empty bucket
Super compost
Watering can
Seed dibber
Gardening trowel

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