Smoking Kills (Members)

Pollnivneach has a new inhabitant whose name is not Ali (or any variant of Ali, curiously enough). Who could this mysterious stranger be, and how did her sister end up trapped in a dungeon filled with Slayer monsters?

Do you dare to venture into the depths beneath Pollnivneach, where unknown dangers await amid smoke and screaming? The perils will be great, but, when rescuing a damsel in distress, the act should be reward enough...
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Pollnivneach
To Start: Speak to Sumona
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements:
Level 25 Crafting
Level 35 Slayer
Level 85 Combat
The Restless Ghost
Icthlarin's Little Helper

What's down there?

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

5000 Slayer

Access to a new Slayer Dungeon, Slayer Master and Slayer Incentives.

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Matt H
Graphics: James W, Alex R, Jeff K, Hayo K, Mark B
Quality Assurance: Dan O'R, Dan G, Frederique M
QuestHelp: Gillan M
Audio: Chris J