Agility - Agility Pyramid


The view from the top
The Agility Pyramid is an ancient structure and curiously designed. Whoever built it, all those thousands of years ago, they must surely have been a mad genius: the pyramid is covered in cunning traps and devious pitfalls, all designed to keep thieving adventurers from getting their hands on the pyramid's shiny, shiny prize...


Location of the Agility Pyramid
The Agility Pyramid is located just north-east of Sophanem in the Kharidian Desert.

To first get to the Agility Pyramid, you will need to climb down a rock slide. This requires a minimum of level 30 Agility. To do the obstacles on this pyramid you will also need a minimum agility level of 30. You can use an Agility potion to increase your Agility level so you can start the pyramid at level 27.

Once you have climbed down you will meet Simon Templeton who will ask you to retrieve an artefact from the top of the pyramid.

If you fail to get past an obstacle you will fall to the level below and continue ascending the pyramid from that position. You will take damage when you fall from an obstacle!

This Agility course is located in the desert and the heat will affect you by slowly decreasing your life points. To stop this from happening, it is highly recommended that you take waterskins and/or wear desert robes.

The Course

The pyramid consists of five levels. Enter the pyramid on the first level from where Simon stands (at the south-west corner). Then follow each level round in a clockwise direction avoiding each obstacle until you reach the stairs to go up to the next level.

Note: You do not receive a lap bonus for completing each level of the pyramid.

Stairs Rolling block Low wall Ledge
Sliding block Plank Cross gap Jump gap


Obstacle Experience Gained

Sliding block 0
Rolling block 12

Low wall 8

Ledge 52
Plank 56.4

Cross gap 56.4

Jump gap 22
Completed Pyramid 1014*

*Please note this is based on a character completing the obstacles in the pyramid without failing. If you were to fail an obstacle, you will gain more experience as you will have to repeat some of them.

On the fifth level, the artefact (a golden pyramid) is on top of a block. Use the climbing rocks on the side of the block to climb up and get it.

[image] Once you have the pyramid in your inventory, avoid the last two obstacles and take the stairs (from within the block the pyramid was on) down to the ground level.

Travel back down to Simon and he will exchange this for 1000gp!