Dungeoneering - Complexity 4


Venturing deep beneath Daemonheim
While level 3 complexity allows you to make weapons to use in the Daemonheim dungeons, level 4 complexity gives you the ability to prepare your own armour to survive the onslaught of your enemies. Rangers can wear bovimastyx hide, mages can don robes woven of strange cloth, and warriors can have their armour smithed to their specifications.

What to Expect in Complexity Level 4

Once more, higher complexity leads to a greater range of available features in the dungeon. You will be able to use your skills to farm a number of plants, hunt a variety of creatures, and then to take advantage of your resources to make your own armour. The following skills are also tested at complexity level 4: The smuggler offers an increased shop stock.

Farming Textiles

Just as upon the surface, mages' robes are made from cloth, and cloth is derived from plants. Note that you need no tools to farm in Daemonheim, nor do you need to water your plants or use any potions to protect them from disease. In addition to this, you will find that the magical nature of the dungeon causes your plants to grow very quickly indeed - over the course of minutes.

For more information on Farming in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Farming in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.


As with cloth above, hides can be found in the dungeon with which you can make the sort of flexible armour favoured by rangers. The main source of this material are the bovimastyx - a variety of large, placid creature with a remarkably thick hide. While you could simply rush forward and hack them to death with your swords and axes, you will be lucky to get even one useable hide from the resulting corpse. Instead, you may prefer to use your Hunter skill to make traps and lure the bovimastyx to their demise.

Traps for bovimastyx can be made from wood, using your Fletching skill.

For more information on Hunter in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Hunter in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.

Making Armour

As with Smithing weapons, melee armour can be smithed in dungeons of level 4 complexity or higher. Further to this, the Crafting skill can be used to prepare rangers' bovimastyx hide armour or mages' robes. In each case, the process is relatively simple - hides do not need to be tanned, nor does cloth require a loom. To convert the textile plants from Farming above into useable cloth, find a spinning wheel.

Crafting bovimastyx armour and mages' robes still requires a needle and some thread.

For more information on Smithing in Daemonheim, click here.
For more information on Crafting in Daemonheim, click here.
For information on the mage, ranged and melee equipment of Daemonheim, click here. For more information on Smithing in RuneScape, outside of Daemonheim, click here.
Click here to read more about weaving cloth in RuneScape.
Click here to read more about Crafting with leather in RuneScape.

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