Magic - The Lunar spells


Only the most powerful of mages that have proven themselves in the Lunar Diplomacy quest may have access to this spellbook. To change between normal and lunar spells, you must travel to Lunar Isle and pray at the astral rune altar.

Heals and cures

Spell Level required Runes required Experience
Cure other
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 65
When cast on another player, this spell will cure them if they are suffering the effects of any poison.
Cure me
71 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 69
If you are suffering the effects of any poison, you can cast this and cure yourself of it.
Cure group
74 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 74
When cast, this will cure anyone who is poisoned in the area surrounding you.
Heal other
92 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Blood rune
x 1 101
When cast, this will transfer some of your life points to your target if they have lowered life points.
Heal group
95 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 4 [image]
Law rune
x 6 [image]
Blood rune
x 3 124
When cast, this will transfer your life points to heal anyone who has lowered life points in the area surrounding you.

Support and skill related spells

Spell Level
Runes requiredExperience
Bake pie
65 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Fire rune
x 5 [image]
Water rune
x 4 60
+ relevant Cooking xp
When cast, this spell will cook any unbaked pies in your inventory.
Cure plant
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 8 60
When cast, this spell will cure the target Farming patch of disease.
Monster examine
66 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 1 [image]
Mind rune
x 1 61
Must have completed Dream Mentor. Can be used on any combat monster in the game. When cast, it will tell you the monster's life points, maximum hit, and whether they are immune to poison and/or a Slayer monster.
NPC contact
67 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 1 [image]
Air rune
x 2 63
When cast, this spell allows you to commune with certain NPCs from RuneScape, such as the Slayer Masters or guides from some activities. More NPCs are available after completing Dream Mentor.
68 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 1 [image]
Water rune
x 3 [image]
Fire rune
x 1 65
Must have completed Dream Mentor. When cast, All of your empty water vessels in your inventory will be filled from the moisture in the air. Note that it will not fill certain quest-specific vessels.
Hunter kit
71 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Earth rune
x 2 70
Must have completed Dream Mentor. Supplies you with some Hunter equipment: box trap, butterfly net, bird snare, noose wand, rabbit snare, teasing stick and torch.
Stat spy
75 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 [image]
Body rune
x 5 76
Must have completed Dream Mentor. Can be cast on other players, giving you a list of all of their skill levels.
Superglass make
77 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Fire rune
x 6 [image]
Air rune
x 10 78
+10 Crafting xp per glass
This spell allows you to make glass without the use of a furnace. You will still need sand and soda ash/seaweed.
79 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 1 [image]
Body rune
x 5 82
Must have completed Dream Mentor. This spell puts you to sleep, greatly increasing the natural rate of life points recovery. You cannot do anything while you are asleep, and clicking on anything will wake you up.
String jewellery
80 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Water rune
x 5 83
+4 crafting xp per amulet
This spell allows you to string unstrung amulets without needing a ball of wool.
Stat restore pot share
81 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Water rune
x 10 84
When cast on a stat, super stat, Prayer, Summoning, energy, or super energy restore potion, it will share it with up to 4 other players in the surrounding area.
Magic imbue
82 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Fire rune
x 7 [image]
Water rune
x 7 86
When cast, you are powered to combine runes for a short amount of time.
Fertile soil
83 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Earth rune
x 15 [image]
Nature rune
x 2 87
+18 Farming xp
When cast on a Farming patch, this spell will fertilise the soil with supercompost.
Boost potion share
84 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Earth rune
x 12 [image]
Water rune
x 10 88
When cast on an Attack, Defence, Strength, Fishing, Ranged, Agility or Magic potion in your inventory, it will share it with up to 4 other players in the surrounding area.
Plank make
86 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Earth rune
x 15 [image]
Nature rune
x 1 [image]
Must have completed Dream Mentor. This spell converts one set of logs into a plank. The cost in coins depends on the type of logs (wood - 70; oak - 175; teak - 350; mahogany - 1050).
Energy transfer
91 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Nature rune
x 1 100
When cast, this spell will damage you a little, but transfer your special attack and some run energy to your target.
Vengeance other
93 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Death rune
x 2 108
When cast on your target, this gives them the power of Vengeance (see below).
94 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 4 [image]
Earth rune
x 10 [image]
Death rune
x 2 112
When cast you have the power of Vengeance. If you are attacked, your opponent receives a large percentage of the damage they inflict with their first damaging attack. (Similar effect to a ring of recoil, but more powerful).
Spellbook swap
96 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Cosmic rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 130
Must have completed Dream Mentor. The spell allows you to swap spellbooks for long enough to cast one spell from that book. You must have the correct runes for that spell.

Teleportation spells

When you use group teleports, the caster will be teleported immediately to the destination. Any other players within 1 square of the caster who have 'Accept Aid' on will receive an option to accept the teleport. If you do not have Accept Aid on, the caster will simply teleport away.

Spell Level
Runes required Experience
Home teleport *
None n/a 0
Moonclan teleport
69 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 2 66
Tele group Moonclan
70 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 4 67
Ourania teleport ~
71 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Earth rune
x 6 69
Waterbirth teleport
72 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Water rune
x 1 71
Tele group Waterbirth
73 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 1 [image]
Water rune
x 5 72
Barbarian teleport
75 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Fire rune
x 3 76
Tele group Barbarian
76 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Fire rune
x 6 77
Khazard teleport
78 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Water rune
x 4 80
Tele group Khazard
79 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 2 [image]
Law rune
x 2 [image]
Water rune
x 8 81
Fishing guild teleport
85 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 10 89
Tele group Fishing Guild
86 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 14 90
Catherby teleport
87 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 10 92
Tele group Catherby
88 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 15 93
Ice plateau teleport
89 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 8 96
Tele group Ice Plateau
90 [Image: Magic] [image]
Astral rune
x 3 [image]
Law rune
x 3 [image]
Water rune
x 16 99

* The home teleport spell will teleport you to Lunar Isle. Note that although the home teleport spell is free to cast, you may only cast it once every half hour. It also uses no runes as it is a ritual teleport, meaning that you will have to wait until the ritual is complete before doing anything else. As a result of this, the teleport can be interrupted by almost everything, as well as being constrained by all of the usual teleport restrictions; it's not such a great spell for escaping the Wilderness!

~ You must speak to Baba Yaga to unlock the ability to cast Ourania Teleport.

Click here to view the magic spells available in Daemonheim