The Family Crest (Members)

The Fitzharmon family crest has gone missing, and the family honour has been lost.

Can you find the crest and return it to Dimintheis in Varrock?

There are three different rewards available, but you can only choose one; so choose carefully!
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: East Varrock
To Start: Speak to Dimintheis
Quest Length: Long
Minimum Requirements:
Level 40 Crafting
Level 59 Magic
Level 40 Mining
Level 40 Smithing
Be able to defeat a lvl 170 demon

Be prepared for a fight

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

Warning: Spoilers Below  To view the spoiler, please click below:Show spoiler...
Items Quest points

Choice of gauntlets to help certain skills

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Paul Gower
Conversion: James B
Audio: Ian T