The Great Brain Robbery (Members)

The peaceful contemplation of the monks of Harmony Island has been disturbed by such rude interruptions as an invasion of zombie pirates and the theft of their brains! The evil zombie pirates have returned with a new scheme, and it's up to you to try to re-mind these poor priests before the sinister Mi-Gor completes his experiments...
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Mos Le'Harmless
To Start: Talk to Brother Tranquility
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Cabin Fever
Recipe for Disaster - Saving Pirate Pete
Level 16 Crafting
Level 30 Construction
Level 50 Prayer
Access to a Player Owned House workshop
Ability to defeat a level 190 monster without using Prayer

Here be pirates

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points
6000 Prayer
3000 Crafting
2000 Construction
5000 in any one skill over level 30
Barrelchest anchor
Prayer book (cures poison)
2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Anthony W
Graphics: Kavi M, Matt M, Paul B, Eoin McD, Giuseppe G
Quality Assurance: Alex P, Nigel P
QuestHelp: Stephen R
Audio: Adam B