Wolf Whistle (Members)

The venerable druid Pikkupstix is in a bind. He needs someone to help him with a little problem. Well, a large, angry, destructive problem, to be exact! Summon your courage and prepare to learn the deeper mysteries of nature, such as what druids keep in their basements, and how large a rabbit can get before it becomes a little too big...
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Pikkupstix's house, Taverley
To Start: Speak to Pikkupstix
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements: None

Pikkupstix's special obelisk

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

276 Summoning

Ability to use Summoning skill
275 gold charms

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Anthony W
Graphics: Nick F, James W, Hayo K, Lluis A P, Paul B, Kavi M
Quality Assurance: Nick C
QuestHelp: Gillan M
Audio: Adam B