Woodcutting - Vegetation Types

Types of Vegetation

There are different types of vegetation within the world of RuneScape and not all of them can be chopped down using a hatchet. Some will need to be trimmed back with machetes. You will receive logs, bark or a thatching spar when you have successfully cut down a tree or jungle growth.

To cut down the teak or mahogany trees on Karamja you will need to earn trading sticks. This can be done in Tai Bwo Wannai Clean-Up.


Level Required

Members' Tree

Cut With

Image of Log/Bark/Spar

Members' Item

Experience Gained


Normal tree
1 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Logs No 25 Throughout RuneScape
Evergreen tree
1 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Logs No 25 Throughout RuneScape
Achey tree
1 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Achey logs Yes 25 East of the Feldip Hills
Dead tree
1 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Logs No 25 Wilderness
Goblin Village
Light jungle
10 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Machete [image]Thatch spar light Yes 32 Karamja, around Tai Bwo Wannai
Oak tree
15 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Oak logs No 37.5 Draynor Village
South of Varrock
Medium jungle
20 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Machete [image]Thatch spar med Yes 55 Karamja, around Tai Bwo Wannai
Willow tree
30 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Willow logs No 67.5 Can be found by water.
North-east of Lumbridge Castle
South-west of Draynor Village bank
North of Seers' Village bank
Dense jungle
35 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Machete [image]Thatch spar dense Yes 80 Karamja, around Tai Bwo Wannai
Teak tree
35 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Teak logs Yes 85 Karamja, around Tai Bwo Wannai
Maple tree
45 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Maple logs No 100 Maples are not found on Free Worlds
North of Seers' Village bank
West of the Legends' Guild
North of McGrubor's Wood, above the Farming patch
North of Seers' Village, west of Sinclair Mansion
Hollow tree
45 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Hollow bark Yes 82.5/357.7* Mort Myre Swamp, between Canifis and the Hollows
Mahogany tree
50 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Mahogany logs Yes 125 Karamja, north-east of Tai Bwo Wannai
Arctic pine
54 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Arctic pine logs Yes 140.2 Neitiznot
58 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Eucalyptus logs Yes 165 Oo'glog
Yew tree
60 [Image: Woodcutting] No Hatchet [image]Yew logs No 175 North of Varrock Palace
South of Falador
North of Rimmington
South of Edgeville bank
Between Draynor Village and Lumbridge
In the cemetery in Seers' Village
West of Catherby, south of the beehives
South-east corner of Tree Gnome Stronghold
Outside the altar in Varrock
68 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet None N/A 332.5 North wall of Varrock Palace
South-east outer wall of Varrock Palace
North side of the north wall of Falador
South side of the south wall of Falador
South-east of Taverley
East wall of East Ardougne church
North side of the north wall of Yanille
South wall of Castle Wars
Magic tree
75 [Image: Woodcutting] Yes Hatchet [image]Magic logs Yes 250 South of Seers' Village
South of the Sorcerer's Tower
Tree Gnome stronghold
On east side of the Mage Training Arena
South-west of Lletya

* A successful cut on a hollow tree will net 82.5 Woodcutting xp. If you receive a piece of bark with your cut, you will instead receive 357.7 Woodcutting xp.

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