Buyers and Cellars (Members)

While some find their fortunes in forsaken lands battling dangerous monsters, the opportunistic adventurer knows that there is wealth to be had all around: in guarded vaults, trapped safes and the fattened purses of the rich and careless.

With naught but a capacious cellar, an extensive vocabulary and a dash of derring-do, rakish confidence trickster Darren Lightfinger hopes to establish an official Lumbridge Thieves� Guild where all proponents of his time-honoured profession may pursue their various business interests.

Darren has sent out feelers for assistance, promising rich rewards to the person who helps him bring his plan to fruition. It's never wise to trust a con-man, but this is too good an opportunity for a resourceful rogue to pass up.

Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: In the cellar of the house just north of the Lumbridge furnace. It can be accessed through the trapdoor just outside of the house, next to the north wall.
To Start: Speak to Darren Lightfinger.
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements:
None, but there will be further opportunities for those skilled in Thieving, Herblore and Agility.
Lumbridge larceny.

Although there are no requirements to start the Buyers and Cellars quest, you will need to reach level 5 Thieving before Darren will give you your first caper for the guild. To this end, you can use the Mark 1 training dummy.

The rewards for Buyers and Cellars are as follows:

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Experience Other Quest points

500 Thieving XP

Access to pickpocketing dummies up to level 8
The Thieves' Guild is expanded

1 QP

Players with 24 Thieving who have completed the Buyers and Cellars quest may undertake From Tiny Acorns..., for which the rewards are:

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Experience Other

1000 Thieving XP

Access to pickpocketing, coshing, lockpicking, trap disarming and safe-cracking trainers.

Expansion of the guild.

The opportunity to steal Urist's monocle.

Players with 41 Thieving who have completed From Tiny Acorns... may undertake Lost Her Marbles, for which the rewards are:

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Experience Other

5000 Thieving XP

A sizeable cut of the Guild's recent acquisitions.

Introduction of a shop to the guild.

Advanced pickpocketing.

Finally, players with 62 Thieving, 40 Agility and 46 Herblore who have completed Lost Her Marbles and earned the ability to use coshes from The Feud may undertake A Guild of Our Own, for which the rewards are:

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Experience Other

30000 Thieving XP
4000 Herblore XP

Vial of Stench.

A bank is added to the guild.
Development Team
Developer: Alex F
Graphics: Matthew N, Gurpreet K
Quality Assurance: Dan G, Dan O, James H
QuestHelp: Stephen R
Audio: Adam B