Controls - LootShare


LootShare is an entirely optional way for you and your clan to share monster drops in multiway combat areas. The sharing of items is fair, and is designed to ensure that everyone receives an equivalent value of rewards over a period of time. Alternatively, your clan can activate CoinShare to receive high-value drops as cash, which is automatically split equally between all LootSharers.

Note: Lootshare cannot be activated while dungeoneering.

LootShare and Clan Chat

The owner of a Clan Chat channel (see Controls - Clan Chat for how to set one up) can activate LootShare on the bottom-left of his Clan Setup menu. The owner can then decide who LootShare is available to, by selecting a rank. Everyone of this rank or above can activate LootShare and receive drops in multiway combat areas.

Note: Any monster drops are allocated to the clan or player who has done the most damage to the creature. For this reason, LootShare can only be activated on certain worlds. This is so that solo adventurers do not have clans gathering the majority of rewards.

Setting Up

To join an existing LootShare clan, you must be of a suitable rank, be on a LootShare world and be on the correct clan channel. Once you have satisfied these conditions, you can click on the grey bag of loot in the sidebar of your Clan Chat interface. After a short period of time (during which your loot icon will have an hourglass over it), you will be able to LootShare with your friends!

When a monster dies, you will be informed if you have received the drop, so you can go and collect it. See right for an example of how this message will be displayed.

If you are unlucky enough to receive a small, or less valuable, share of the monster's drops this time round, then you will be much more likely to receive a better share in the future. This way, everyone sharing loot should receive an equal share, given enough time! Note that the distribution of drops is based on the market value of items (as determined by players trading on the Grand Exchange) rather than the shop price.

LootShare will not allow untradeable items to drop, as these are either quest items or items that should be earned by an individual player and not a group.

Note: You must be within 16 squares of a kill to receive any rewards from it.

LootShare FAQ

How does the LootShare system ensure 'fairness'?

When an item is dropped, its value is calculated using the Grand Exchange. Each player is given a 'virtual' share of that value in LootShare points. The system then chooses a player to receive the drop. The system looks at the points for all players in the group and whoever has the most LootShare points stands the greatest chance of getting the drop.

The person who gets the drop then 'pays' for the drop in those same points, thus reducing the chance that player will get the next drop. So, if someone else in your group gets a valuable drop, your LootShare points and chances for the next drop increase a lot. If they get a less valuable drop, your points increase by less.

These points are stored from game session to session, but they will tend towards zero by a percentage every day.

Does the ring of wealth work with LootShare?

No, the ring of wealth does not improve your chances of getting a good drop while you are LootSharing. The ring only works when you are fighting by yourself.


If you'd prefer to have item drops converted to coins and distributed equally across your clans, you can use CoinShare. To activate CoinShare, the clan chat channel owner will need to open their Clan Chat Setup interface and click on the CoinShare icon (shown to the right).

When CoinShare is running, LootSharing will remain the same for low-value items; items will be allocated to members of the clan channel according to how 'lucky' they have been with previous LootSharing monster drops. For high-value items, however, there will be a definite difference: the item will be converted into cash and shared equally amongst all of those who are eligible to receive a share. The coins will be dropped on the floor like any other drop.

The total number of coins is based on the item's lowest value on the Grand Exchange. The item will also be added to the Grand Exchange at its mid-range price. Any items sold on the Grand Exchange from CoinSharing will have no effect on that item's market value.

CoinShare FAQ

How does CoinShare affect the Grand Exchange?

Items sent to the Grand Exchange by the CoinShare system are sold at the mid-range price, but will never affect the market value of that item - the Grand Exchange will ignore them when calculating the item's value. In addition, any items that players put on the Grand Exchange at the mid-range price or lower will sell before any item put in by CoinShare.

CoinShare items will always sell at the mid-range value, and their price will adjust to match this value whenever the Grand Exchange recalculates the item's price.

What are the 'high-value' items that I will get coins for?

Archers' ring
Armadyl chestplate, helmet, plateskirt and godsword hilt
Bandos chestplate, tassets, boots and godsword hilt
Berserker ring
Draconic visage
Dragon hatchet
Dragon chainbody
Dragon claws
Dragon dagger (including poisoned versions)
Dragon medium helm
Dragon pickaxe
Dragon platebody fragments
Dragon platelegs/plateskirt
Dragon scimitar
Dragon spear
Dragon two-handed sword
Godsword shards
Holy elixir
Mud battlestaff
Saradomin sword and godsword hilt
Seers' ring
Shield left half
Spirit shield
Spirit shield sigils (arcane, divine, elysian and spectral)
Steam battlestaff
Warrior ring
Zamorak spear and godsword hilt