Herblore - The Herbs


The table below lists all herbs currently found within RuneScape, along with the level at which you are able to clean them. A similar table can be opened in-game by clicking the Herblore skill icon in the statistics menu of the player control panel.

Herb Level Required To Clean Experience Gained From Cleaning
[image]Guam 3 [Image: Herblore] 2.5
[image]Rogue's purse* 3 [Image: Herblore] 2.5
[image]Snake weed* 3 [Image: Herblore] 2.5
[image]Marrentill 5 [Image: Herblore] 3.8
[image]Tarromin 11 [Image: Herblore] 5
[image]Harralander 20 [Image: Herblore] 6.3
[image]Ranarr 25 [Image: Herblore] 7.5
[image]Toadflax 30 [Image: Herblore] 8
[image]Spirit weed 35 [Image: Herblore] 7.8
[image]Irit 40 [Image: Herblore] 8.8
[image]Wergali 41 [Image: Herblore] 9.5
[image]Avantoe 48 [Image: Herblore] 10
[image]Kwuarm 54 [Image: Herblore] 11.3
[image]Snapdragon 59 [Image: Herblore] 11.8
[image]Cadantine 65 [Image: Herblore] 12.5
[image]Lantadyme 67 [Image: Herblore] 13.1
[image]Dwarf weed 70 [Image: Herblore] 13.8
[image]Torstol 75 [Image: Herblore] 15

The herbs in the list above are primary ingredients. Primary ingredients are always needed in order to create potions or poisons.

* These herbs can be found on Karamja and become available upon completion of the Jungle Potion.

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