Summoning - Familiars


Every Summoning familiar has different advantages: some are excellent fighters, but of no use when you're working on your skills, while others are great help when you're simply wandering about, but cannot fight at all.

To help you figure out what each familiar is best at, the column labelled 'Skill Focus' tells you what each familiar is best at.

To keep things simple, we've defined a number of broad categories that familiars' other abilities fall into. In order to understand what your familiar can do, you should familiarise yourself with the following explanations.

Fights This familiar will fight with you when you attack something, the level in brackets indicates the familiar's Combat level. Note that you must choose to attack for it to come to your aid. The pack yak, unicorn stallion, bunyip and void spinner will only fight to defend themselves, and then only if you have auto-retaliate turned on.

Every familiar that can fight will also note the style. You will receive experience in that skill (or spread evenly in the case of 'Controlled' attacks) as well as Constitution as if you had inflicted the damage yourself.
Light enhancer Some familiars - notably bats - can see well in the dark and will make any light source you have with you brighter.
Right-click A small number of familiars have a special ability that they can use (normally in combat). To trigger one of these, right-click your familiar and select the name of the ability.
Skill boost Some familiars can temporarily raise your level in a given skill, while some other familiars provide an 'invisible' boost that is always active. The number in brackets indicates the size of the boost, and the term 'invisible' indicates that is always active as long as your familiar is close by.

'Invisible' skill boosts will not allow you to do anything above your normal level, they will only improve how successful or how quickly you can perform skill-based activities.
Remote view These familiars can fly into the air and allow you to see through their eyes, giving you the ability to see things much further away.
Beast of burden A beast of burden can carry a number of items equal to the number in brackets. In some cases, it will only be able to carry certain items, in which case they will be listed.
Forager A forager will find certain items from time to time, and can carry up to 30. You are only able to 'Withdraw' items from these familiars.

Familiar Summoning Level Required Time (Minutes) Experience for Summoning Skill Focus Other Abilities

Spirit wolf
1 [Image: Summoning] 6 0.1 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 26)

4 [Image: Summoning] 4 0.1 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 26)
Farming boost (1)
Dreadfowl Strike

Spirit spider
10 [Image: Summoning] 15 0.2 Forager - Produces red spiders' eggs Fights (Level 25 - Controlled)
Egg Spawn

Thorny snail
13 [Image: Summoning] 16 0.2 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 26)
Beast of burden (3)
Slime Spray

Granite crab
16 [Image: Summoning] 18 0.2 Forager - Produces fish while summoner is Fishing Fights (Level 26 - Defence)
Fishing boost (1) - invisible
Stony Shell

17 [Image: Summoning] 12 0.5 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 32)

Desert wyrm
18 [Image: Summoning] 19 0.4 Forager - Right-click to gather ores Fights (Level 31 - Strength)
Mining boost (1) - invisible
Electric Lash

Spirit scorpion
19 [Image: Summoning] 17 0.9 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 51)
Venom Shot

Spirit Tz-Kih
22 [Image: Summoning] 18 1.1 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 36)
Despair - when fighting other players, the Tz-Kih will drain your opponent's Prayer instead of inflicting damage
Fireball Assault

Albino rat
23 [Image: Summoning] 22 2.3 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 37)
Forager - stores cheese after scroll use
Cheese Feast

Spirit kalphite
25 [Image: Summoning] 22 2.5 Beast of burden - 6 slots Fights (Level 39 - Defence)

Compost mound
28 [Image: Summoning] 24 0.6 Forager - Compost and seeds Fights (Level 37 - Strength)
Farming boost (1 + 2% of your level)
Use a bucket on your compost mound to get compost - deals 20 damage to your familiar
Generate Compost

Giant chinchompa
29 [Image: Summoning] 31 2.9 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 42)
Explode - chance of exploding in combat, damaging nearby targets

Vampire bat
31 [Image: Summoning] 33 1.5 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 44)
Can heal itself slightly when it damages an enemy
Light enhancer
Vampire Touch

Honey badger
32 [Image: Summoning] 25 1.6 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 45)
Ferocious - chance of attacking again without delay
Insane Ferocity

33 [Image: Summoning] 27 0.7 Forager - Logs and planks Woodcutting boost (2) - invisible
Fletcher - counts as a knife for Fletching purposes

Void ravager
34 [Image: Summoning] 27 0.7 Forager - Ores Fights (Level 46 - Strength)
Mining boost (1)
Mining boost (1) - invisible
Call to Arms

Void spinner
34 [Image: Summoning] 27 0.7 Healer - Heals summoner for 10 life points regularly Fights (Level 40 - Defence)
Call to Arms

Void shifter
34 [Image: Summoning] 94 0.7 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 46)
Teleporter - if you are in combat and have less than 10% of your life points, it will teleport you to the Void Knight Outpost
Call to Arms

Void torcher
34 [Image: Summoning] 94 0.7 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 46)
Right-click Strike - inflicts 10 extra damage with this attack
Call to Arms

Bronze minotaur
36 [Image: Summoning] 30 3.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 50)
Bronze Bull Rush

Bull ant
40 [Image: Summoning] 30 0.6 Beast of burden - 9 slots Fights (Level 58 - Controlled)

41 [Image: Summoning] 31 0.8 Forager - Herbs Remote view
Improved herb drops

Evil turnip
42 [Image: Summoning] 30 2.1 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 62)
Forager - evil turnip slices
Can heal itself slightly when using Ranged attacks
Evil Flames

Spirit cockatrice
(and variants)
43 [Image: Summoning] 36 0.9 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 64)
Right-click Drain - inflicts damage and drains a combat stat (varies according to type)
Forager - cockatrice eggs
Petrifying Gaze

Iron minotaur
46 [Image: Summoning] 37 4.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 70)
Iron Bull Rush

46 [Image: Summoning] 32 2.3 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 70)
Firemaking boost (3) - invisible
Counts as a tinderbox, with 10xp bonus
Immense Heat

47 [Image: Summoning] 34 0.9 Forager - Jewellery Thieving Fingers

Bloated leech
49 [Image: Summoning] 34 2.4 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 76)
Blood Drain

Spirit terrorbird
52 [Image: Summoning] 36 0.8 Beast of burden - 12 slots Fights (Level 62 - Controlled)
Tireless Run

Abyssal parasite
54 [Image: Summoning] 30 1.1 Beast of burden - 7 slots for unnoted rune/pure essence Fights (Level 86 - Magic)
Slowed abyssal Prayer drain
Abyssal Drain

Spirit jelly
55 [Image: Summoning] 43 5.5 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 88)

56 [Image: Summoning] 38 1.1 Forager - Gathers fish while summoner is Fishing Fishing boost (3) - invisible
Fish Rain

Steel minotaur
56 [Image: Summoning] 46 5.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 90)
Steel Bull Rush

Spirit graahk
57 [Image: Summoning] 49 5.7 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 93)
Hunter boost (5) - invisible
Trample - if the graahk has to move to get into combat, it will strike twice
Can teleport you to the horned graahk area

Spirit kyatt
57 [Image: Summoning] 49 5.7 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 93)
Hunter boost (5) - invisible
Pounce - if summoned or called directly into combat, its first attack can deal up to triple normal damage
Can teleport you to the Piscatoris Hunter area

Spirit larupia
57 [Image: Summoning] 49 5.7 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 93)
Hunter boost (5) - invisible
Can teleport you to the Feldip Hunter area

Karamthulhu overlord
58 [Image: Summoning] 44 5.8 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 95)
Right-click Drown - hits opponent with a water spell
Doomsphere Device

Smoke devil
61 [Image: Summoning] 48 3 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 101)
Right-click Flames - hits opponent with a fire spell
Dust Cloud

Abyssal lurker
62 [Image: Summoning] 41 1.2 Beast of burden - 7 slots for unnoted rune/pure essence Fights (Level 93 - Controlled)
Abyssal Stealth

Spirit cobra
63 [Image: Summoning] 56 3.1 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 105)
Ophidian Incubation

Stranger plant
64 [Image: Summoning] 49 3.2 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 107)
Farming boost (1 + 4% of your level)
Forager - strange fruit
Poisonous Blast

Barker toad
66 [Image: Summoning] 8 1 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 112)
Right-click Cannon - must be 'loaded' with a cannonball
Toad Bark

Mithril minotaur
66 [Image: Summoning] 55 6.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 112)
Mithril Bull Rush

War tortoise
67 [Image: Summoning] 43 0.7 Beast of burden - 18 slots Fights (Level 86 - Defence)

68 [Image: Summoning] 44 1.4 Healer - Heals summoner for 20 life points regularly Fights (Level 70 - Attack)
Use raw fish on the bunyip to turn them into water runes
Swallow Whole

Fruit bat
69 [Image: Summoning] 45 1.4 Forager - Fruit and seeds Light enhancer
Fly - gathers fruit in Karamja

Ravenous locust
70 [Image: Summoning] 24 1.5 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 120)
Can eat your opponent's food
Remote view

Arctic bear
71 [Image: Summoning] 28 1.1 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 122)
Hunter boost (7) - invisible
Counts as two pieces of arctic camouflage
Can teleport you to the Trollweiss and Rellekka Hunter area
Arctic Blast

72 [Image: Summoning] 30 7 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 124)
Right-click Ash Blast - blinds opponents for a few seconds, reducing their chance to hit
Rise from the Ashes

Obsidian golem
73 [Image: Summoning] 55 7.3 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 126)
Mining boost (7) - invisible
Volcanic Strength

Granite lobster
74 [Image: Summoning] 47 3.7 Forager - Gathers fish while summoner is Fishing Fights (Level 129 - Defence)
Fishing boost (4) - invisible
Crushing Claw

Praying mantis
75 [Image: Summoning] 69 3.7 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 131)
Mantis Strike

Adamant minotaur
76 [Image: Summoning] 66 7.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 133)
Adamant Bull Rush

Forge regent
76 [Image: Summoning] 45 1.5 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 133)
Counts as a tinderbox, with 10xp bonus
Right-click Fireball - flaming attack that hits up to 6 enemies for up to 50 damage each

Talon beast
77 [Image: Summoning] 49 3.8 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 135)
Deadly Claw

Giant ent
78 [Image: Summoning] 49 1.6 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 137)
Increased yield when harvesting Farming fruit trees, belladonna and cacti
Forager - produces oak logs
Nature link - can convert pure essence into nature or earth runes
Acorn Missile

Fire titan
79 [Image: Summoning] 62 7.9 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 139)
Titan's Constitution

Ice titan
79 [Image: Summoning] 64 7.9 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 139)
Titan's Constitution

Moss titan
79 [Image: Summoning] 58 7.9 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 139)
Titan's Constitution

80 [Image: Summoning] 49 1.6 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 141)

Spirit dagannoth
83 [Image: Summoning] 57 4.1 Combat - Controlled Fights (Level 148)
Ferocious - chance of attacking again without delay
Spike Shot

Lava titan
83 [Image: Summoning] 61 8.3 Combat - Strength Fights (Level 148)
Chance of inflicting 50 extra damage with every attack
Firemaking boost (10) - invisible
Mining boost (10) - invisible
Can teleport you to the Lava Maze
Ebon Thunder

Swamp titan
85 [Image: Summoning] 56 4.2 Combat - Attack Fights (Level 152)
Swamp Plague

Rune minotaur
86 [Image: Summoning] 151 8.6 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 154)
Rune Bull Rush

Unicorn stallion
88 [Image: Summoning] 54 1.8 Healer - Use scroll to heal Fights (Level 70 - Controlled)
Right-click Cure - cures poison and disease
Healing Aura

Geyser titan
89 [Image: Summoning] 69 8.9 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 200)
Ranged Boost (1 + 3% of your level)
Use bowls on the geyser titan to get bowls of hot water
Use amulets of glory on the geyser titan to recharge them

92 [Image: Summoning] 62 4.6 Combat - Magic Fights (Level 210)
Hunter boost (5) - invisible
Grants you a 5% Defence bonus against Magic
Double experience and yield when harvesting berries
Magic Focus

Abyssal titan
93 [Image: Summoning] 32 1.9 Beast of burden - 7 slots for unnoted rune/pure essence Fights (Level 215 - Attack)
Essence Shipment

Iron titan
95 [Image: Summoning] 60 4.7 Combat - Defence Fights (Level 220)
Defence boost (10% bonus to your stab, slash and crush Defence) - invisible
Iron Within

Pack yak
96 [Image: Summoning] 58 4.8 Beast of burden - 30 slots Fights (Level 175 - Strength)
Winter Storage

Steel titan
99 [Image: Summoning] 64 4.9 Combat - Ranged Fights (Level 230)
Defence boost (15% bonus to your stab, slash and crush Defence) - invisible
Steel of Legends