The Chosen Commander (Members)

Zanik is missing, her fate unknown. Captain Undak, leader of the Dorgeshuun Guard, believes that a new H.A.M. plot is in progress, and the only person he can call on for help is the human adventurer who has saved the city before.

But there are more forces at play than Captain Undak realises. Goblin prophecy will be fulfilled, the destiny of the Chosen Commander will be revealed, and Dorgesh-Kaan will face its darkest hour.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Dorgesh-Kaan
To Start: Speak to Captain Undak
Quest Length: Long
Minimum Requirements:
Level 46 Agility
Level 46 Strength
Level 46 Thieving
Land of the Goblins
Must be able to defeat several foes up to level 125

In a mysterious throne room

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

20000 Agility
20000 Strength
20000 Thieving

Zanik's Crossbow
Ability to return to Bandos's throne room

3 QP
Development Team
Developer: John A
Graphics: Kavi M, Daniel J, Mark C, Jeff K, Matthew S
Quality Assurance: Andrew E, Chris L, Chris E
QuestHelp: Katie B
Audio: Iain H, Adam B