
The Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary is available to all players, both free and Members.

Beginner Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Climb to the highest point in Lumbridge
None None

Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge Bank
None None

Speak to the Duke of Lumbridge
None None

Speak with the Doomsayer about the Warning System
None None

Find out about the Stronghold of Security from the Lumbridge Sage
None None

Browse the Lumbridge General Store
None None

Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken and sheep farm
None None

Mine some clay in the Mining patch north of the Champions' Guild
None None

Make some soft clay in Draynor Village potter's house
None None

Make a pot on the potter's wheel in Draynor Village potter's house
None None

Fire a pot in the kiln in Draynor Village potter's house
None None

Enter the courtyard of the spooky mansion in Draynor Village
None None

Grind some flour in the windmill north of Lumbridge
None None

Visit the Draynor Village market
None None

Find out about the Rules of RuneScape from the Draynor Town Crier
None None

Climb to the top of the Wizards' Tower
None None

Mine some copper in the Mining spot to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Catch some shrimp in the Fishing spot to the east of Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Sell a shrimp in the Lumbridge fishing store
None None

Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones
The Restless Ghost None

Play the organ in the Lumbridge Church
None None

Ring the bell in the Lumbridge Church
None None

Pass through the Al Kharid gate
None None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the beginner tasks:
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Explorer ring When worn:
Replenish 50% of your run energy once per day

Experience lamp - 500 experience in the skill of your choice
Permanent reward 'Explore' emote

Easy Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Obtain a cow-hide from a cow in the field north-east of Lumbridge
None None

Have Ellis tan your cow-hide to make soft leather at his shop in Al Kharid
None None

Craft a pair of soft leather gloves
None None

Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid Mining spot
None 15 [Image: Mining]

Catch a pike in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle
None 25 [Image: Fishing]

Smelt a steel bar in the Lumbridge furnace
None 30 [Image: Smithing]

Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Cut down a dead tree in Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Light a campfire from normal logs in Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp
None None

Craft a water rune at the Water Altar
Rune Mysteries 5 [Image: Runecrafting]

Get a replacement Ghostspeak Amulet from Father Urhney
The Restless Ghost None

Taunt the demon at the top of the Wizards' Tower
None None

Have Sedridor teleport you to the Essence Mine
Rune Mysteries None

Access the bank in Draynor Village
None None

Have the Wise Old Man check your bank for unnecessary quest-related items
None None

Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope
None None

Defeat a zombie in the sewers under the jail
None None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the easy tasks:
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Upgraded explorer ring In addition to the beginner tasks' reward, when worn:
30 free Low Alchemy castings per day (requires Magic level 21)
Replenish 50% of your run energy twice per day
10% chance of crafting an extra air, earth, fire or water rune for each essence you use.

Experience lamp - 1,000 experience in the skill of your choice

Medium Tasks


Quests Started / Required

Skill / Other Requirements

Smith a steel longsword on the anvil in the jail sewers
None 36 [Image: Smithing]

Use the Teleport to Lumbridge spell
(Not the Home Teleport spell)
None 31 [Image: Magic]

Mine some coal in the Mining spot to the south-west of Lumbridge Swamp
None 30 [Image: Mining]

Cut down a willow tree to the east of Lumbridge Castle
None 30 [Image: Woodcutting]

Light a willow log fire on top of the Lumbridge Castle gatehouse
None 30 [Image: Firemaking]

Cook a lobster on the range in the Lumbridge Castle kitchen
Cook's Assistant 40 [Image: Cooking]

Obtain an anti-dragonbreath shield from Duke Horacio
Dragon Slayer None

Mine some silver from the Mining patch north of Al Kharid
None 20 [Image: Mining]

Catch a salmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle
None 30 [Image: Fishing]

Smelt a silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace
None 20 [Image: Smithing]

Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace
None 16 [Image: Crafting]

Get Beefy Bill to bank something for you
None None

Click the box below to see the rewards for completing the medium tasks:
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Upgraded explorer ring In addition to the beginner and easy tasks' reward, when worn:
Replenish 50% of your run energy three times per day
Cabbage-port - free teleport to the cabbage patch near Port Sarim

Experience lamp - 1,500 experience in the skill of your choice

For more information about Lumbridge and the surrounding areas, please see the Area Guides.