var spells = { // Variables list : [], fasterCandiesFiboPrev : 1, fasterCandiesFiboCurr : 2, // Functions onload : function(){ // We add the spells this.addSpell("Candies, faster candies !", this.getFasterCandiesPrice.bind(this), this.fasterCandies.bind(this), "Congratulations ! You will now gain more candies each second !", []); this.addSpell("Candies, more candies !", this.getMoreCandiesPrice.bind(this), this.moreCandies.bind(this), "///", []); this.addSpell("Sword, better sword !", this.getBetterSwordPrice.bind(this), this.betterSword.bind(this), "///", ["specialSword"]); // We sort the list this.sortListDependingOnPrice(); }, sortListDependingOnPrice : function(){ this.list.sort(this.priceSortFunction); }, priceSortFunction : function(spellA, spellB){ var priceA = spellA.price(); var priceB = spellB.price(); if(priceA < priceB) return -1; else if(priceB < priceA) return 1; return 0; }, getBetterSwordPrice : function(){ return Math.floor(Math.pow(sword.specialPower+1, 2.6)) * 10000; }, getFasterCandiesPrice : function(){ return Math.pow(this.fasterCandiesFiboCurr, 2) * 10000; }, addSpell : function(name, price, effect, speech, conditions){ this.list.push({name:name, price:price, effect:effect, speech:speech, conditions:conditions}); }, getMoreCandiesPrice : function(){ return 300000; }, betterSword : function(){ sword.setSpecialPower(sword.specialPower + 1); this.sortListDependingOnPrice(); // And we change the hut's speech by ourselves switch({ case "Sword of Life": hut.setSpeech("Your Sword of Life will now drain more energy from your enemies."); break; case "Sword of Flames": hut.setSpeech("Your Sword of Flames is now more powerful.") break; case "Sword of Summoning": hut.setSpeech("You can now summon " + sword.summonList[sword.getIndexOfBetterToSummon()].name + " !"); break; } }, moreCandies : function(){ var nbr = Math.floor(candies.nbrTotal/20); // We can't gain more candies than the price we pay for the spell ! if(nbr > 300000) nbr = 300000; candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned + nbr); hut.setSpeech("Here's " + nbr + " candies for you !"); }, nextFasterCandiesFiboStep : function(){ this.setFasterCandiesFibo(this.fasterCandiesFiboCurr, this.fasterCandiesFiboPrev + this.fasterCandiesFiboCurr); }, setFasterCandiesFibo : function(prev, curr){ // Set the new values this.fasterCandiesFiboPrev = prev; this.fasterCandiesFiboCurr = curr; // Sort the spells list depending on their price, since the price of the faster candies spell just changed this.sortListDependingOnPrice(); }, fasterCandies : function(){ // We change candies per second candies.setCandiesPerSecond(this.fasterCandiesFiboCurr); // We continue fibo this.nextFasterCandiesFiboStep(); } };