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.���.Cruel Vengeance.���. (10)

25-Jun-2010 22:55:22
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 20:41:00 by CV-Chad
Welcome to Cruel Vengeance 99+ F2P!!!!

We are a P2P based Warring clan!

Proud Clan of The Dark Confederation Union :)

*********************CLAN RANKS*************************

#1 in P2p lower League of Battle Ladder
#1 in lower league matched wars
#11 on Main Ladder overall


Tired of all clans you join merging and dying? So are we here at "CV"! As a part of "CV" you will experience a whole new feeling not found before. That of a clan based on loyalty to its members, and respect to surrounding WARRING based Clans.

To do this Cruel Vengeance prides itself on its tripod: scholarship, fellowship, and leadership. As scholarship being our first virtue we can learn from each other no matter what lvl one member may be. For Leadership, we not only have leaders, but we promote the building of leadership within all members, thereby being stronger than other clans. Last But not least the most important aspect of our tripod of values is Fellowship. By having fellowship we encourage a friendly and fun clan community that bonds over the sake of destroying other clans.

:::Clan Information:::

==== Clan Chat: CV Lobby ====

==== Clan Home World: 98 ====

Total Members: 167
Average P2P Combat: 123.82
Average F2P Combat: 114.96
Average Hitpoints: 94.46
Average Overall: 1,818
otal XP: 15,995,002,230
Category: Official Clan List

Last member sweep: June 14th, 2010


:: Clan Statistics ::

War Record: 20-6
Wins: 20
Loses: 6
Ties: 0

These are only ranked wars

Clan Requirements: Must have 99+ f2p combat with 80+ Range or 94 Magic. Applicants not meeting the mage or range req will be given 2 weeks to obtain the necessary levels.

Clan Founders-

- CV-Chad
- CV-Cruz

25-Jun-2010 22:55:30
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:56:48 by CV-Chad
war info

25-Jun-2010 22:55:30
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:57:03 by CV-Chad
Clan Rules

1. Please abide by all Jagex rules in-game and in forums.
2. Respect everyone.
3. Don't ever join more than 1 clan.
4. Attend at least 2 events a week.
5. Be active to in-game events and forums.
6. During clan meetings you may only talk before or after the meeting. The chat will be muted for a period of time so where only leaders can talk.
7. Be sure to add the main leaders of Cruel Vengeance and the Co-Leaders.
8. Do not under any circumstances disrespect someone who outranks you.
9. Do not ask for ranks.
10. Kicking should have a good reason and reported on forums.
11. Always be in the clan chat when logged in game unless in another cc ie pc or sw.
12. HAVE FUN!!!!!

25-Jun-2010 22:55:31
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:57:20 by CV-Chad
*** Membership Application ***

Display Name:
P2P Combat Level:
F2P Combat Level:
Hit Points:
Reason(s) for joining?:
Favorite event?:
Who Recommended you to CV?:
Past Clan experience/positions?:
War Experience?:
Will you fall in for war and listen for calls by warlords?
Will you mage or range in wars?
Will you 'always' wear the war gear that is suggested on the top of page 3?:
Will you take the required war training course (Everyone must take)?:
Do you agree to attend the majority of wars(if not you have the possibility of being swept)?
Are you willing to download our audio system 'ventrilo'(Very much expected as it is a major help in wars)?:
Will you bump forums(atleast 5 times a week)?
Will you join "CV Lobby" cc whenever possible?:
Will you be nice and treat others with respect?:
What is your current networth in gp that is not taken up by slay gear/supplies?:
What war gear do you have atm taken from the required war gear on the top of page 3 for range tanks and mages?:

Please note that all wars and practices are mandatory if online.

Do you understand if you are inactive there is a chance of you being swept and you would need to reapply to be a member again?:

What goal you want to accomplish with CV (can be a certain rank, 99 skill, total money stack, etc.)?:


25-Jun-2010 22:55:31
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:57:35 by CV-Chad
== Clan Ranks ==

::: Leaders :::

- CV-Chad
- CV-Cruz

:::Co Leaders:::

- Cv-Ocwa ELE
- CV-Blatz

::: High Council :::

- CV-Shmako2
- Ge(ng)ar310
- Slinkie88
- CV Mannie
- Skys

::: Low Council:::

- Meredith Aly
- halo guy94
- CV-Radical
- Darksin68
- Lovez

:::Event Coordinator:::
-D claws p10x

::: Warlord :::

- CV-Chad
- (open)

::: Recruitment Leader :::

- Open

25-Jun-2010 22:55:32
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:57:51 by CV-Chad

How to Earn:

-Go to events
-Listen to leaders
-Behave in cc
-Behave on forums
-Do not ask for ranks
-Do not get in arguments
-Bump Thread
-show capability for holding the higher postion

Details of Ranks:

1 Banana - recruit: New member

2 Bananas - Been in the clan and contribute and go to events, attend war and recruit.

3 Bananas - Sgt.: You're known for your knowledge, loyalty and are a valued member of the clan. Can lead an event to show eligibility for advancement.

Bronze star: - Council (Lower) : Can Accept members on forums, will take place in votes about wars and the events for the next week. Warlord fits here, and also forums manager.

Silver star: Council (Higher) and Co-Leader- Has kicking priviledges but will only use them when necessary, can accept new applicants, and will lead events. Shows respect to all members and other clans members

Gold star - General: Makes overall decision, will always be non-partial to clan decisions

25-Jun-2010 22:55:32
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:58:11 by CV-Chad

Editing Later Today.

Event: KBD
World: 98
Time: 5pm EST/10pm GMT
Meetplace: Wildy Volc
Notes: bring your usual KBD outfit, if you havent done KBD just ask me, or people currently in cc for inv, armour, etc.

Event: Stealing Creation
World: 158
Time: 3pm EST/8pm GMT
Meetplace: Wildy Volc
Notes: Bring Nothing At All
Host: TBA

Event: GWD (will leave the boss to the decision of the clan members participating)
World: 98 (may change due to world hopping)
Time: 3pm EST/8pm GMT
Meetplace: GWD
Notes: Bring Suggested Equipment for the chosen Boss
Host: TBA

Event: Clan Meeting
World: in cc
Time: 3 pm est, 8 pm gmt
Meetplace: N/A
Notes: N/A
Host: N/A

Event: War practice
World: 98
Time: 5pm EST/ 11pm GMT
Meetplace: Wildy Volc
Notes: Read Above

Event: war
World: 98
Time: 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Notes: war gear will be reposted later
Host: TBA

Event: war
World: 98
Time: 8 pm gmt/3 pm est
Meetplace: Wildy Volcano
Notes: war gear to be posted later

25-Jun-2010 22:55:32
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:58:32 by CV-Chad

GMT -12
International Date Line West

GMT -10

GMT -8
Pacific Time (US & Canada)

GMT -7
Mountain Time (Us & Canada); Arizona [Fall-Winter: Pacific; Spring-Summer: Mountain]

GMT -6
Central Time (US & Canada); Mexico City, Saskatchewan, Monterrey

GMT -5
Eastern Time (Us & Canada); Bogota, Lima, Quito, Indiana (East)

GMT -4
Atlantic Time (Canada); Caracas, Santiago

GMT -3
Brasilia; Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland

GMT -2

GMT -1
Azores, Cape Verde Islands

Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Casablanca

GMT +1
Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, Belgrade, Budapest, Prague, Brussles, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris, Sarajevo, Warsaw, West Central Africa

GMT +2
Athens, Beriut, Istanbul, Minsk, Bucharest, Cairo, Helsinki, Sofia, Jerusalem

GMT +3
Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi

GMT +4

GMT +5
Ekaterinburg, Islamabad

GMT +6
Almaty, Novosibirsk

GMT +7
Hanoi, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk

GMT +8
Beijing, Hong Kon(c)g, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Perth, Taipei

GMT +9
Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul

GMT +10
Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Port Moresby, Hobart, Vladvostok

GMT +12
Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshal Islands Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Port Moresby, Hobart, Vladvostok, Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshal Islands

25-Jun-2010 22:55:33
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 22:58:53 by CV-Chad
�::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::� �::: :::�

Congratulations (name here) and welcome
You have been accepted into Cruel Vengence please join the cc and add all clan leaders,your job as a member is to bump daily,join the clan chat and to come to events as much as possible and make sure you have fun!

People To Add In Clan:
CV Lobby - Clan chat
CV-Cruz - Leader/Founder
CV-Chad - Leader xx

As soon as u are accepted u will be ranked in (Cv lobby) chat thanks and welcome to CV enjoy your time and stay loyal,also if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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25-Jun-2010 22:55:33
Last edited on 25-Jun-2010 23:00:24 by CV-Chad
.....................Cruel Vengeance.....................
.�.���.���.�*��) Clan Invitation, (�`*�.�`�.�`�.�.
(�.�� (�.� ,.-~*'�������"������'*~-.,�.�)`�.�)

�.�� Hi!!!!

. ___________________
.......||.............You have...........|
.......||......... been invited.........|
.......|| join..............|
.......||.........Cruel Vengence...|

You have been invited to join Cruel Vengence. We consider our Clan more of a Friendly Community, mature and just like to have fun.

We do many events such as Wars, Godwars, KBD, DKs, Fight Pits, Castle Wars, Stealing Creations, soul wars, TDs, Corp. Basically we do anything that drops something and even drop other clans!

These are our current rankings in the warring ladders!
#1 in mini wars of the lower league
Also, #1 in P2p lower League of Battle Ladder
And #13 overall on the main ladder

And we are still Winning!

To join, fill in complete application and you will be gladly accepted into Cruel Vengence!

Quick find code: 87-88-169-61200692
Quick find code: 87-88-169-61200692
Quick find code: 87-88-169-61200692
Quick find code: 87-88-169-61200692

Thank you.
Quick find code: 87-88-169-61200692