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?Do you want to borrow my sol?

09-Jul-2010 10:16:39
Hello, and welcome to my thread, which is on the topic of Lending.

At the moment, i feel i am a fairly "rich" player, often having lendable goods others want. When it comes to my clan events, there is always more than one person who came without a good weapon, which i could easyly replace, using the lending tool.

"Ooooh.... sorry, i gave my ~place item here~ to her... you cant have my ~place item here~"
This is my most common excuse that normally always must be said.

Personally, to stop this awquid situation, i feel that a person should be allowed 2-3 lendable items depending on Total level/Total xp/Quest points/Membership,
the rule that you can only borrow one item at a time should still take place, to stop, say, a full set of bandos/armadyll going out to anyone with a rich friend.

09-Jul-2010 10:16:56

09-Jul-2010 10:56:18
Good idea,

I'm having the same problems.

You have my full support!

Cheers :)

09-Jul-2010 19:06:26

maybe same thing as the trade limit with friends like they did with trade limit as i only really like lending my items to friends

09-Jul-2010 22:55:31
Hm, that's a good idea. Support.

10-Jul-2010 05:00:18
Seems pretty fair, would probably be best to require quest points, as it's already implemented in trading.

10-Jul-2010 17:39:44
This way rich players will be able to get rid of their junk way easier? Seems kinda unfair to me tbh.

10-Jul-2010 23:39:01
Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 23:39:35 by Westenev
This is more for the fact that it is unfair that a player has to choose between lending their friend their D hatchet or D pickaxe, but then has to go to say, a giant mole, with a friend with a Rune 2h when there is a perfectly good godsword/claws in a players bank :|

Whom is it realy unfair on? :|

11-Jul-2010 00:58:04
No support. The begging will never end. You will start playing RuneScape without any of your good items since some of your 'friends' will be borrowing all of them. One item is enough, in my opinion. The lending system, in my opinion, is just a way low levels take from the high levels and then act like friends. My advice to all those borrowers: get your own darn items! You may be sympathetic; but, I am not. I deal with the constant bothering of people asking to borrow claws, partyhat, saradomin sword, etc. It never ends, and for surely won't end if people know their 'friends' can loan more than one thing! Please, do not install this into an update. I don't want to have to keep my public and private chat off.:|

11-Jul-2010 09:07:54

Beggars will always be there, no matter what they could get, if it where 1gp, 10K or some nice million gp item.

You always have the option to say no...
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