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Most I can get before college?

08-Jul-2010 20:25:58
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 06:01:00 by WhiteTiki
Hello, I'm Laz. I've been playing runescape for something like 6 years now, though I don't seem to have gotten far for all that. :P I don't really have any specific goals in mind, more like an "overall" one that I want to get as close to before I go off to college (pretty sure I won't have time for runescape there. v.v).

Here are my current levels and the nearest goal I have for each. Some are long-term (denoted by a ~) and others I'm working on RIGHT NOW (denoted by a !). If it's not a goal, it'll have an x

~Agility: 76/90 or full agile
~Attack: 77/80 for 80+ cb stats
~Construction: 73/99 I love that skill...
~Cooking: 83/90 to cook everything in d'eering
~Crafting: 71/80...also something in d'eering
~Defence: 77/80 for 80+ cb stats
~D'eering: 46/99 that skill is awesome :D
!Farming: 99/99 YAY!! Goal complete, but I keep training it
xFiremaking: 95 - no goal, my wrist hurts
~Fishing: 83/90 d'eering.. I bet you stopped reading already
xFletching: 90 - no goal, unless I get really really bored
~Herblore: 71/71/99 73 is short term for d'eering, but I also like that skill and would like 99 in it...
*Hitpoints (or Constitution, but who cares?): 80
~Hunter: 67/70 I hate this skill, but I want 70+ stats... WOAH, I'm shocked you still care to read!
~Magic: 80/90 d'eering <.<
xMining: 81/80 - completed sessions. (goal complete)
xPrayer: 71 - no goal, boring as I'll get out
~Ranging: 80/83 boots in d'eering :D You still with me?
~Runecrafting: 68/70 can't stand this skill...but 70+ stats
~Slayer: 69/70 again, 70+ st00f
~Smithing: 76/89/92 d'eering <.< Also smithing is kind of cool...
~Strength: 76/80 80+ cb stats
~Summoning: 70/88 the unicorn is pretty :D
~Thieving: 71/99 skill is awesome O_o
xWoodcutting: 95 - no goal, boring to the extreme

You made it!! Yea, those are all my goals or non-goals as it were at one point to be said that it was so. <.<

08-Jul-2010 20:26:06
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 04:41:47 by WhiteTiki
~Recent News~
July 12th - got last three sessions done.
July 13th - 99 farming!!
July 14th - 77 smithing
July 17th - 72 Crafting and Herblore

08-Jul-2010 20:26:16
You can post now. :D

08-Jul-2010 23:06:13
Gl on all your goals :D

I'm kinda in the same place myself with being about to go to college and all, but im mainly jsut trying to get 80 dung and make back the money I spent on turm.

08-Jul-2010 23:35:35
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 23:38:19 by Paix�Divine
Good luck laz!

10-Jul-2010 21:57:45
Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 21:59:00 by WhiteTiki
July 10th, 2010

2:00: 460k to 99... AAAAAAHHH. People with farming effigies seem to be growing more difficult to find... wonder why? Going to try and get my last three mining sessions in today as well...

13-Jul-2010 01:35:42
Best of luck :P im doing a similar thing with getting as much done before college as possible xD

14-Jul-2010 02:08:42
Woot, got 99 farming today. :D

14-Jul-2010 03:13:00
Wow gratz!!!!!!!!!! :O :D:D:D

15-Jul-2010 20:08:33
Trying to find something to do after getting 99. O_o I keep farming, but I've started smithing/crafting the gold I got from the j-cup event...
Quick find code: 176-177-314-61276173