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Bonus Exp Weekend - Balanced!

18-Jul-2010 06:40:45
As many other players, I am greatly displeased by the idea of a bonus exp weekend. Not because i say it "de-values my skills". No, i find that argument to be rather silly. However i do agree with the fact, that for 10 hours, the game becomes incredibly easy. Don't get me wrong, im NOT AGAINST the idea of bonus exp. But i'd prefer to see be done fairly.

*~^Why is the bonus exp weekend not fair?^~*

1. Because it is a very oppertunistic bonus.
- Some players will be prepared for it and have all their training gear (ie. Herblore ingredients, metal bars, charms etc.) ready so they can maximize the bonus exp they can get out of the weekend, while others will be left scrambeling and fighting over the resources that are currently lingering on the ge. Several people will enter the scramble too late and will be left without any training resources entirely.
- Also, some players may be unluky and not be able to play on that weekend.

2. Because it may come at an inconvenient time.
- This adresses several things. What if you're force to logg out of the fighting caves, halfway through and when you log back on the bonus exp weekend has been started? You are now forced to either quit your fire cape attempt and go train, OR continue the attempt whilst watching your precious bonus exp multiplier, slowly trickle away.
- Furthermore, what if you're simply not in need of training a bonus exp weekend skill? What do i mean by bonus exp weekend skill? Skills such as summoning, herblore, smithing, crafting, cooking, fletching etc. that require resources and money in order to train. Many people stocked up on these items prior to the last weekend in order to maximize their efficiency during the weekend. What if your attempting 99 strength right now? You have the choice of putting your 99 strength attempt on hold, OR continueing your training and putting bonus exp towards a less efficient skill.

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18-Jul-2010 06:40:59
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:33:34 by Ifeno
3. Because it does not cover all aspects of all skills.
- Ill be honest with you, when i heard about the first bonus exp weekend, i was very excited. Thats because, on paper, a bonus exp weekend sounds like a great idea! (If done correctly) I was attempting 99 Smithing at the time, and i was happy about any additional exp i could obtain, that would make my journey to 99 faster. Like many smithers, I used SC hammers and Gold Smithing Gauntlets for exp. However, when the bonus exp weekend was released, these "Exp Rate Modifiers" where deactivated and replaced by the "Bonus Exp Modifier".

Heres how i experienced the last bonus exp weekend.
What i had expected:

Normal Exp for Smelting 1 Gold Bar: 27 exp.
W/ Gold Smithing Gauntlets (x2 exp) (ERM): 54 exp.
W/ BEM (x2.7 exp): 145.8 exp.

Initial thought: AWESOME!!! For the first bit of the 10 hours, i'll be able to get exp at over 5x the original rate! WOOT!!!

What actualy happened:
Normal Exp for Smelting 1 Gold Bar: 27 exp.
(ERM DEACTIVATED!) w/o Gold Smithing Gauntlets (x1 exp): 27 exp.
W/ BEM (x2.7 exp): 72.9 exp

Initial thought:'s not as good as i expected it to be still getting exp faster than i was...

-2 hours later-

BEM: x1.9 exp and dropping!

Ok, so let's recap what that actualy means. I had expected to get a 10 hour BEM that would slowly decrease overtime in addition to me ERM. In reality I actualy began gaining exp SLOWER than usual after only 2 hours of playing. That's right! This so called "Bonus Exp Weekend" actualy SLOWED DOWN my training rate.

4. Because the Bonus Exp Weekend messes up the Economy.
- Although i don't 100% agree with this argument, it is a very popular argument and i have decided to post it anyway. The reason people claim this, is because upon release of the last weekend, everyone rushed to obtain resources for their trainining. -continued next post-

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18-Jul-2010 06:41:08
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:38:00 by Ifeno
4. Because the Bonus Exp Weekend messes up the Economy! (continued)
- With hunders of players rushing the Grand Exchange, resources are quickly bought out. The result is comparable to a very large, uncoordinated, merchanting clan. Resources are bought out and the prices sky rocket. After the weekend ends, the scramble for resources subsides and the price of the inflated resources comes tumbeling down. Again, i don't fully agree with this argument, but i have decided to post it anyway, simply because of it's popularity.

*~^How can we make the Bonus Exp Weekend fair?^~*

1. Don't deactivate the ERMs.
- Ok, the first one's simple. If it's going to be a Bonus Exp Weekend, make it a Bonus Exp Weekend, not a "Bonus-Exp-for-people-who-don't-already-have-it Weekend".

2. Don't make it a weekend.
- Before you post "lolwut?", let me explain. As I stated before, i am not opposed to the idea of receiving bonus exp. However, I AM opposed to it being oppertunistic. They key reason to it being oppertunistic is that it is bound to a weekend.
"Ok, so you wanna have it on a monday?!"
No, that's not what i mean. Instead of designating a weekend during which the BEM will be active, simply give us a 10 hour BEM for our Accounts. Allow us to activate it whenever we want to. That way, we can train skills at our own pace (and in our own order). We'd be able to save our bonus exp for times when we actualy need it, such as when we are attempting 99 Herblore or Prayer.
"But, isn't the whole point of a bonus exp weekend that its on a weekend?!!1? This isnt a bonus exp weekend you noob!"
No, no its not. I have tried to recap the idea and purpose behind the Bonus Exp Weekend, and turned it into a new idea. One that I believe would be more balanced towards the game.

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18-Jul-2010 06:41:09
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:49:26 by Ifeno
*~^How the "Personal Bonus Exp Modifier" would work:^~*

Option 1: This one is probably most similar to the original Bonus Exp Weekend. Basicaly, Jagex grants our accounts to access to the PBEM. (This can be on a weekend if you're so caught up on the idea of it being on a weekend). From then on we will have a little button next to our Total Exp Counter labeled something like "Initiate PBEM". As soon as we press that button, we will begin receiving boosted exp. This would follow the same guidlines as the Bonus Exp Weekend, ie. Timer only continues while you are logged in, BEM decreases over time, etc.

Option 2: Quite Similar to Option 1. Jagex grants us access to the PBEM except that it has a "Pause" feature.
"L0l you n00b! Da p33palz iz g00na abus3 th4t s0000 mawch!!!"
LET ME FINISH! I wasn't done yet! You wouldn't be able to pause and unpause whenever you want to. As soon as you "Unpause" the BEM would begin deteriorating. You wouldn't be able to Pause the BEM again for at least 30 minutes. That means 30 minutes of bonus exp, and then, if you get tired of training that skill, you can Pause the BEM and train some other skill. Alternatively, you could make it so that once the BEM has been paused, it can not be Unpaused for 30 minutes. Both would amount to the same thing and serve the same purpose. This could come in handy for people that only train skills for short periods of time such as rock hunters.

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18-Jul-2010 06:41:10
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:44:13 by Ifeno
*~^How Options 1 and 2 would fix the problem^~*

Now that I've stated 2 possible solutions to what has turned out to be a quite complex situation, let's take a closer look at how well these 2 solutions would actualy fix the problem.

Issue 1: The Bonus Exp Weekend is Opertunistic:
By allowing us to activate the BPEM ourselves, we can train at our own pace (especialy with option 2). Many players will want to use that bonus exp right away and that's fine. However, as mentioned before, not all players will want to or be able to train the more efficient Bonus Exp Weekend Skills upon release of the BPEM. However, they will no longer be penalized for it.

Issue 2: The Bonus Exp Weekend may come at an Inconvenient Time:
Same as Issue 1. By allowing us to initiate it ourselves, it CAN'T come at the wrong time.

Issue 3: The Bonus Exp Weekend does not cover all Aspects of all Skills:
Neither Option 1 nor Option 2 directly adress this issue, as that is not the intention, however my 1st solution does. Option 1 and Option 2 are ment to be combined with the 1st solution i posted.

Issue 4: The Bonus Exp Weekend messes with the economy:
By being able to activate it ourselves, we wouldn't be forced to scramble for resources. Yes, supplies would quickly be bought out by people wanting to use their BPEM to train, but the players that where unable to obtain any resources for training would have plenty of time to wait for Gatherers to collect more resources and then sell them.

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18-Jul-2010 06:41:30
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:50:17 by Ifeno
*~^Frequently Asked Questions^~*

Q: When you said people would abuse the stop and pause feature, what did you mean?
A: If people could pause and unpause whenever they wanted to, they could for instance "Run to the obelisk, unpause, make pouches, and re-pause". In other words, the BEM time would decrease by like 3 seconds and they could get x2.7 exp for a very long time.

More questions to be added as they are asked.

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18-Jul-2010 06:41:54
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 09:28:10 by Ifeno
*~^Supporters List^~*

1 m-rooski

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18-Jul-2010 07:15:41
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:54:34 by Ifeno

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18-Jul-2010 07:43:30

18-Jul-2010 08:05:27
ty for the bump
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