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Spotlight Suggestions
Jagex Mod

16-Mar-2010 20:30:59
Spotlight Suggestions


The Spotlight Suggestion threads are here so that you can generate suggestions for new game content based on a specific topic. We look to release one of these every week and show off the best suggestions once the thread comes to a close.

Please note that the topics mentioned may not relate to any specific future update and we cannot guarantee that any suggestions will be added to the game.

This week topic: Additional Quest Point Rewards

You'll notice that we released a shiny reward for those with over 300 quest points. We're keen to hear what ideas you have for similar rewards, but for milestones under 300 quest points.

The rewards can be anything, from a lovely new top through to a special pet. Let the suggestions begin!

Please use the following format to submit your suggestions

Title: What is your improvement?
Brief Overview: Give a very brief overview of what your reward is. This should be about a paragraph long.
Detailed Description: Say whatever you like about your reward!

As always, please try and keep your responses as brief as possible. It's the concepts we're looking for so you don't need to describe the absolute specifics of everything!

Please only post suggestions for the given topic. Please do not post suggestions for other game content, comment on existing game content or put forward general game improvement suggestions.

Jagex Mod

16-Mar-2010 20:31:20
Last edited on 26-Mar-2010 11:58:39 by Mod�Crow
Notable Suggestions

Name:Creature-Speak Amulet
Author: Dr Vermin
Brief Description: Be able to combine ammulet of cat speak, camel speak, ghost speak and monkey speak into one single amulet.

Name:Covenant Amulet
Author: iDeath thee
Brief Description: After being well renowned and have learned of the gods of Runescape, Otto the god-blessed will now reward you with your hard work, with the Covenant Amulet.

Name: Heroic Pendant
Author: pwned nomad
Brief Description: Various pendants which offer high rewards depending on how many quest points you have gained.

Name: Quest house crest
Author: Sacornus
Brief Description: "Besides the standard horse and dragon crests, allow us to choose the quest point symbol at 250 quest points for our houses. It's one way of showing off our achievements."

Name: Helmet of Ventures
Author: Robotnik
Brief Description: A faded helmet and decorate vestments for reaching 200 Quest Points.

Name:Headband of Hardship
Brief Description:A large headband for reaching the maximum number of free to play quest points.

Name:Quest Companion Pets
Brief Description:Ranging from a small rat-sized Pet at 100QP to around the size of a Bear at 250QP. At each milestone there will be 4 pets to choose from, each relating to their own group of skills: Melee, Ranged, Magic or Skilling. The pets will not grow (they only have one form) and there will not be a Summoning requirement to raise these pets.

Name: New House Style and Item Upgrades, Fortress
Author: iDeath thee
Brief Description: Inside this collosal house, the floors will not have any designs like the Warriors Guild, but the dungeon may be similar to the top floor of the Warriors Guild where the Cyclops realm (without the design as well).

Name: Quest Herald
Author:Ferret Tamer
Brief Description:A follower that proclaims your greatness

Name: Guitar
Author: Hornet224
Brief Description: A fun weapon with an awesome emote, obtainable after achieving 250qp

Name: Ring of Adventure
Author: Ferret Tamer
Brief Description: This ring would have the ability to to teleport you back to the quest giver (or next go talk to so and so) for any open quest a limited number of times.


16-Mar-2010 20:34:03
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 20:35:35 by Infam0usKidz
Example please. Like, what am I doing and how do I put this down.

16-Mar-2010 20:35:59
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 21:40:38 by Infam0usKidz
Title: Extreme Combat Training Grounds
Brief Overview: If the people of the Legend's Guild think you are well reknowned they will take you to their extreme combat training grounds where there are caverns full of Red Dragons and Baby Red Dragons, barred by a Steel Gate, and other massive beasts of war which are hard to kill, like some Orks and Armored Avians. Even challenge to people of the guild to a match of survival to see how long you can survive in their.
Detailed Description: None?

16-Mar-2010 21:35:21
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 21:44:01 by Auroran�Rage
Title: Questing Beast pet

Brief Overview: The questing beast would be a reward from a quest concering King Arthur if you were renowned enough. It may have some special abilities when talked to like recalling quest scenes or teleports.

Detailed Description: The Questing Beast, or the Beast Glatisant (Barking Beast), is a monster from Arthurian legend, the subject of quests by famous knights like King Pellinore, Sir Palamedes, and Sir Percival.
The strange creature has the head and neck of a serpent, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion and the feet of a hart.
I have felt we have been in need of a new King Arthur quest for a while, and this would be a decent quest focus and reward. Perhaps you have to slay a questing beast during the quest, and then one of the knights finds a questing beast youngling.

16-Mar-2010 21:36:13
A quest point requirement seems like a good idea for my creature-speak amulet idea.

Main idea: Be able to combine ammy of cat speak, camel speak, ghost speak and monkey speak into 1 single amulet.

They all require quests to obtain, so a high quest point requirement seems suitable for this idea.

16-Mar-2010 21:48:47
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 21:53:00 by Infam0usKidz
Title: Covenant Amulet
Brief Overview: After being well reknowned and have learned of the gods of Runescape, Otto the Godblessed will now reward you with your hard work, with the Covenant Amulet. It has bonuses to combat stats, making you feel like a Mahjjarat, or demi-god.
Detailed Description: The Covenant Amulet will have some prayer bonuses of course, due to the name. It was made out of an ancient dark looking string, with dark green and pale light beads with symbols of the Ancient Gods.

17-Mar-2010 01:24:19
Last edited on 17-Mar-2010 01:27:48 by Lord�Smoke
Title: Heroic Pendant (1) (2) and (3)

Brief Overview:
Heroic Pendant (1) a small pendant in the shape of a sapphire saradomin symbol.
Heroic Pendant (2) ... emerald saradomin symbol.
Heroic Pendant (3) ... ruby saradomin symbol.

Detailed Description: basically i wanted some functional items, like achievment diary style rewards but for quest points.
for exaample.

heroic Pendant (1) [this is a free to play item] *note

req - 40 quest points and must have completed dragon slayer.

effects - allows you to claim free anti-dragon fire shields from oziach just like you can do with duke horacio.
gives a small discount at oziachs shop.
gives access to an area to kill green dragons possibly, someone guarding the entrance could only let in accomplished adventurers with this Pendant as proof of their worth.

heroic Pendant (2)

req - 120 qp must own Pendant 1 and have done ghosts ahoy and heroes quest.

effects - same as Pendant 1
1 free teleport to the champions guild per day
access to a few more blue dragons down there.
can collect 40 buckets of slime from ghost disciple each day.
can speak to ghosts while wearing this.

heroic Pendant (3)

req - 250 qp must own Pendant 2 and have done Lunar diplomacy, legends quest, icthlarin's little helper, enakhra's lament and monkey madness.

effects - same as Pendant 2
can speak to camels, monkeys and cats also without the respective amulets.
can wear monkey greegrees within boundaries of other cities but as soon as you leave the safety of the city you turn back to normal (you cannot attack in monkey form with greegree while in city etc.)
can collect 80 slime each day from ghost disciple.
counts as a lunar seal of passage.

(i know there should be more rewards however these were just some ideas incase you used this item idea.)

* upon entering an ftp world with a pendant 2 or 3 it's equipment bonuses and effects become those of pendant 1

sorry dr. vermin, i just read your post after i made this post.great minds think alike lol.

17-Mar-2010 04:35:06
Last edited on 17-Mar-2010 04:46:11 by Sacornus
Ok just to verify, you aren't asking for actual quest rewards- but rewards from getting a certain amount of Questpoints? Some of my ideas might be better as quest rewards- but here goes!

Title: Dragon Watering Can (Reward for 150-170 Quest points)

Brief Overview: It wieldable, red and has a long spout resembling a dragon head. The main benefit is that it never has to be refilled- infinite waterings in other words and it can be stored with your tool keeper.

Title: Quest point reward pets: Gargoyles

Detailed Description: Gargoyle is a general term for temple statues or guardians that are meant to ward off sinners or evil spirits.

Instead of just having 1 kind of gargoyle, there can be a series of them- one starts low at 30 quest points and goes all the way up to 299 quest points.

They will eat things like gold, granite or clay (depending on what they are made of) and some might require certain quests completed. To give a general idea of what they could look like:

The highest one resembles a golden lion like creature- eats gold bars

The lowest resembles a clay toy dog- eats soft clay

Others can be made of silver, bronze, granite and other materials that you think of gargoyles being made of. Their designs do not have to be cathedral gargoyles- but temple guardians or the orient as well.

Title: Quest house crest

Brief Overview: Besides the standard horse and dragon crests, allow us to choose the quest point symbol at 250 quest points for our houses. It's one way of showing off our achievements.

I'll be back soon with more- having things for our POHs would be splendid- especially for POH updates.

~Sacornus the acorn

17-Mar-2010 08:30:17
Improving the Helm of Trials

Brief Overview:
Improving the stats or bonuses of the Helm of Trials 300QP reward.

Detailed Description:
The reward for the 300QP milestone does look really cool, I think it is a shame that it is only for show. My suggestion is to be able to combine the stats from another quest reward, Helm of Neitiznot.
Another possibility is also being able to add the stats of the Soul Wars cape from Nomad's Requiem to the Quest Point Cape.

It is a shame to let both the Helm of Trials and the QP Cape go to waste because there are better stated items. Most players (well all right now) ho have the 300QP will have these rewards.
Xenia could be the NPC who will combine items after completing Blood Pact and achieving the 300QP milestone

Xenia also mentions she has contacts with the Legend Guild, maybe a teleport option on The Helm of Trials?
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