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:::| Fortius Corporation |::::
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:32:45
Last edited on 31-May-2010 18:52:05 by ChampThe1st

:-:-:-:-:: | Fortius Corporation - Welcome! | ::-:-:-:-:-:
Welcome to the official thread of the Fortius Corporation!

Founded on 8th November, 2009, Fortius Corporation is an organisation with an aim to improve the Runescape experience for everyone. It�s our goal to enrich and bring some variety into everybody�s daily activities through the services we offer, or by providing those services.

Fortius is founded upon the ideas of friendship, trust and co-operation. We believe it�s in such environment that everyone will be motivated to use their abilities to maximum and therefore, achieve the best results that everyone in Runecape community can benefit from, while staying a non-profit organisation. Everything we earn is spent to improve our services even further. This way we strive to bring the community together and make Runescape an even better game for us all.

Fortius � strengthening the community.

Thanks for reading,
Founders and CEOs

Thread number 3

This Thread and all its content is copyrighted to Fortius Corporation from 2009 unless stated otherwise. Any kind of use of the contents of the thread will result in action taken on grounds of content stealing.

Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:32:54
Last edited on 27-Jun-2010 14:44:22 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Table of Contents | :::

:-:-:-:-:: | Page 1 | ::-:-:-:-:-:
::: | Post 1 - Introduction | :::
::: | Post 2 - Table of Contents | :::
::: | Post 3 - General information | :::
::: | Post 4 - Newsboard | :::
::: | Post 5 - Branch List | :::
::: | Post 6 - Sponsorship Benefits | :::
::: | Post 7 - Partners | :::
::: | Post 8 - Sponsorship Application| :::
::: | Post 9 - Staff Application | :::
::: | Post 10 - Reserve | :::

:-:-:-:-:: | Page 2 | ::-:-:-:-:-:
::: | Post 1 - Staff Jobs | :::
::: | Post 2 - Staff Jobs | :::
::: | Post 3 - Rules/Awards | :::
::: | Post 4 - Punishments | :::
::: | Post 5 - Staff List | :::
::: | Post 6 - Dep. of R&D | :::
::: | Post 7 - Dep. of M&S | :::
::: | Post 8 - Dep. of Branch Management | :::
::: | Post 9 - Dep. of Staff Management | :::
::: | Post 10 - Dep. of Customer Support | :::

:-:-:-:-:: | Page 3 | ::-:-:-:-:-:
::: | Post 1-10 - Reserves | :::

:-:-:-:-:: | Page 4 | ::-:-:-:-:-:
::: | Post 1-10 - Reserves | :::

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:01
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 07:25:08 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - General Information | :::
Fortius Corporation was founded at 8th of November, 2009, by Gazza376 and ChampThe1st.

The Clan chat for Fortius Corporation's workers is Gazza376 and the Headquarters for meetings is located at ChampThe1'st house in Taverley.

For our customers, we have the clan chat of the department of Customer Support - FortiusCS.

In the Corporation, we have 14 workers.

The total number of Fortius Branches is 13.

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:10
Last edited on 27-Jun-2010 19:17:21 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Newsboard | :::
:: | News | ::

-27th of June, 2010 - Fortius launches its first community project - the Runescape Chess and Skill tournament! Through the course of it, we'll be deciding the best chess player out there while training skills in a way more interesting way. Check it out now! QFC: 199-200-214-61210913

-31st of March, 2010 - Fortius Corporation gets a new and even improved thread, by the number of 3. As everything, so does Fortius get better and improve in time.

-1st of January, 2010 - Fortius Corporation steps into the New Year with 2 new members of the Corporation!

-20th of October, 2009 - After nearly two weeks of preparation, the Fortius Coproration is launced and ready for business.

-8th of October, 2009 - Fortius Corporation is founded on a meeting of the leaders of two coprorations - Rock hard and Blue Jay.

:: | Noticeboard | ::

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:17
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 22:37:09 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Branch List | :::

Here is a list of our current Branches; Fortius Corporation is constantly expanding into new areas to offer even more services with better quality.

:: | Fortius Miners and Smithers Company | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 35-36-432-60729592

:: | Fortius Fishers and Cookers Company | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 33-34-31-61236947

:: | Fortius Woodcutters and Fletchers | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 31-32-594-60268428

:: | Fortius Construction Company | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 56-57-357-60082427

:: | Fortius Hotel & Restaurant | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 201-202-73-60841628

:: | Fortius Travel Agency | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 201-202-125-60853121

:: | Fortius Crafting Company | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 30-31-35-60103715

:: | Fortius Mall | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 201-202-124-60853112

:: | Fortius Runecrafting Company | ::
Branch Quick Find Code: 37-38-267-60166612

:: |Fortius Employment Agency |::
Branch Quick Find Code: 201-202-126-60853127

:: | Fortius Inspections |::
Branch Quick Find Code: 137-138-890-60539879

:: | Fortius Herbalist Emporium |::
Branch Quick Find Code: 34-35-800-60323634

:: | Fortius Suppliers |::
Branch Quick Find Code: 201-202-430-60981938

:: | Fortius Hunters |::
Branch Quick Find Code: 41-42-401-61165332

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:23
Last edited on 03-Jun-2010 18:36:41 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Sponsorship Benefits | :::
Why whould anyone want to have their business sponsored by Fortius Corporation?
Possibly because here in Fortius, we believe in 2 things - first of all, your business is first and foremost your own, no matter if you're just being sponsored, or bring your business into Fortius Corporation as its branch. Even in a branch under the name of Fortius, owners have free hands for operating as they see fit, but businesses bearing our name will get our full attention and all the help we can give.
Secondly, every business and its needs are different, and that's why we treat each and every sponsorship contract individually. Together we'll figure out what's best for your business and how Fortius can help you achieve that.
Even with all that individualism, there are a few things that are guaranteed for all sponsorships.

-Weekly funding
Sponsored businesses can claim up to 60,000 coins per week
Branches under Fortius name are entitled to 100,000 coins per week
-Constant support and presence
Fortius Corporation will always be nearby, and to show that, we'll bump your thread just like our own and be there for you.
-Guidance and advice
We'll be there to support you in times of need, giving friendly and helpful advice. Together we'll solve any problem!

Why not take advantage of these offers today?

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:30
Last edited on 27-Jun-2010 14:34:50 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Partners | :::

::: | The Global Newb Project | :::
The Global Newb Project, or GNP in short, is a wonderful charity organisation that gives their best to help out new players and make sure they enjoy being part of the Runescape community from the very beginning. With our help the GNP supplies newcomers with equipment and knowledge they need to get on their feet and start their adventures. Such warm greetings can make a long-lasting difference, and that's what GNP is all about.
QFC: 42-43-739-60791453

RS Chess & Skill Tournament
QFC: 199-200-214-61210913

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:37
Last edited on 17-Jun-2010 15:53:18 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Sponsorship Applications | :::
So you have read through the perks and benefits you can get from us and feel that our offer is the right one for you? Then post up the following application to avail of our Sponsorship service.

| Branch Application |
Name of branch:
How much experience do you have in this business area?:
Do you know and understand the Fortius Corporation's rules?:
Brief overview of the branch?:

| Sponsorship Application |
Name of Business:
Quick Find Code:
How much experience do you have in this area of the business world?:
Please explain what it is your branch/business does:

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:44
Last edited on 03-Jun-2010 18:37:14 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Staff Application | :::

Here is the application for joining Fortius Corporation. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to work here. So don't hesitate if you consider becoming a member of the staff of Fortius Corporation.

It's advised to read through the page 2 of this thread. After doing that and still feeling that a job in Fortius Corporation is for you, then go ahead and post an application! A member of the Corporation's management will have a look at it and accept you into the staff of Fortius Corporation.

| The Application |
RuneScape Username:
Nickname (For reference purposes):
Gender (For reference purposes):

= You in RuneScape =
How long have you been playing RuneScape:
Have you ever been in any corporations/businesses?
If so, list the ones you�ve been in:
How active are you in RuneScape? Please rate your activeness on a scale of 1-10:
Do you have any leadership experience?:
Describe your RuneScape Business skills:

= Your Job =
Which department would you choose:
Which position would you choose:
Any experience connected to the job:
Have you read our rules?
Which one is the most important?

= Final Notes =
How did you discover Fortius:
Why do you wish to join Fortius?:
Why should we choose you? Please name a few reasons why you'd be valuable to Fortius:

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Forum Mod

31-May-2010 17:33:51
Last edited on 31-May-2010 18:46:06 by ChampThe1st

::: | Fortius Corporation - Reserve | :::

� Fortius Corporation 2009-2010
Quick find code: 201-202-587-61053394