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\+/The Empire of Misthalin\+/

27-Apr-2010 00:15:19
Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 22:46:18 by zSolars

Welcome to The Empire of Misthalin (EoM). We are one of Runescape's Player Owned Cities. Here on the home thread you will be able to find all information related to the clan as well as QFC for our various threads. If you are not yet a member and wish to be so, please apply on the Rec thread. A member will be happy to accept you into the Kingdom.

\+/ EoM General Info \+/
-Clan Chat: Emp of Mis
-Rec Thread QFC: 93-94-483-60894250
-Home Thread QFC: 90-91-69-60888659
-Home World: 24 (temp)
-Kingdom Status: Green
-War Status: Green
-Current Active Member Count: 38


27-Apr-2010 00:15:30
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:39:56 by zSolars

.�����.Table of Contents.�����.

\�/Page 1\�/

1: Introduction/General Info.
2: Table of Contents.
3. Our Laws.
4: Consequences.
5: Alliances/ Alliance Application.
6: Leadership.
7: The Roles of the Advisors.
8: Jobs and Descriptions.
9: Jobs and Descriptions Continued.
10: Event Schedule.

\�/Page 2\�/

1: Active Members
2: Active Members Continued.
3: The Hall of Fame.
4: Royal Bloodline.
5: Reserved.
6: Reserved.
7: Reserved.
8: Reserved.
9: Reserved.
10: Reserved.

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27-Apr-2010 00:15:30
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:36:54 by zSolars

.�����. Rules of The Empire of Misthalin .�����.

The Following rules must be obeyed at all times.

-All jagex rules apply-

-No Offensive language-

-Respect Everyone-

-No Multi-Clanning-

-No Spying- No acts of spying on the Empire or its members.

-No Acts of Treason- Any act of treason, plot to take the throne, start a revolt, informing enemies, or in anyway intentionally causing harm to the members of the Empire.

-No Intentional Stealing of Members- Any recruitment of eom members to another clan is not tolerated AT ALL.

-Spamming and Flaming- The act of spamming or flaming clan chat, forms, or someone's pm is prohibited.


27-Apr-2010 00:15:30
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:41:20 by zSolars

.�����. Laws of The Empire of Misthalin .�����.


These consequences can come in any order depending on severity:

-formal warning: a warning given directly to the person without kicking etc.
-clan chat removal: you are kicked from the clan chat for anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
-Suspended: Suspension from the clan for a one day plus. You cannot come on in new accounts and must stay off threads as well.
-Banned: you are banned from the empire. this is a forever lasting consequence. you are banned forever not allowed to rejoin ever.

Unranked people may be kicked on sight if causing problems in the clan chat.

-clan chat rules-

-avoid sensor as much as possible (yes we know sometimes it bleeps out ok words)
-extensive offensive words- using words such as "ass" or "damn" over and over.
-ignoring requests or orders from higher ranking officals. such as royal or lords.
-refusing to attend mandatory evnts when online.
-being rude or disrepctful to any members lower or higher then yourself.
-causing arugments in the clan between people.
-encouring others to break the clans laws or clan chat laws.
-if the person is infact exiled on a differnt account they can be kicked on sight with no questions.

-Clan kick form-

Name of offender:
Reason for kick:
what do you think would be appropriete consequence:
two witness's (not involved):


27-Apr-2010 00:15:31
Last edited on 25-May-2010 03:13:43 by zSolars

.�����. Alliances .�����.


-The Genovese Mafia Family

-The Republic of Yanille

-The Kingdom of Relleka

-The Empire of Oceanic Serenity

-The Empire of Falador

-The Pack Of Darkness

-The Kingdom of Yanille

-The United Islands Empire

-The McKnight Mafia Family

-The UNSC Marine Corps

-StarGate Command

-Mafia City

-Blacklist Manifesto

-The Divine Mafia

-The Kingdom of Varrock

-McKnight Mafia

-Atrum Legio

-Empire of Zaros

-Kingdom of Asgarnia

-Ithell Clan

-Kingdom of Zamorak

-Empire of Hope

-Legion of Fyre

-Republic of Varrock

-The Royal Knights Republic

-Knights of Realm

-The Roman Empire

-The Republic of Kandarin

.�����.Alliance Application.�����.
Name of Clan/POC?
Why do you wish to form an alliance with us?
How long have you been running?
Do you agree to help us in war should we need it?
Total active members?
Average CB Lvls?


27-Apr-2010 00:15:31
Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 05:57:58 by zSolars

.�����. Leadership of EoM .�����.

*�����* The Royal Family *�����*

Emperor of Misthalin: xEmoBrendanx

Empress of Misthalin: Calesto 6

Heir to the Throne: zSolars

Heiress to the Throne:

-=� The Advisors of EoM �=-

Advisor of Diplomacy: yugioha

Advisor of War: deathly mage

Advisor of The Empire: zSolars

Advisor of the People:

-=� Leaders in EoM �=-

General of the Imperial Army
- allanto

Captains of the imperial army
-unc is ftw
-Vesta sniper

Lord/Lady of Asgarnia:

Lord/Lady of the Far Eastern Lands:

Lady of Central Misthalin:


27-Apr-2010 00:15:32
Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 00:06:02 by zSolars

.�����. The Roles of the Advisors .�����.

In the Empire, four advisors help the Royal Family rule the kingdom. Below is a brief description of each one and how they help the Empire.

Advisor of Diplomacy: This person manages the diplomats and works to maintain, seek out, and strengthen alliances. This person also helps the King make decisions on who to ally with and works to prevent conflict.

Advisor of War: The Advisor of War works with the Generals to develop battle strategy, train the army, and keep it strong. In addition, this person advises the King on matters of clan conflicts and aids in times of war.

Advisor of The Empire: This individual manages the lands of the Empire. Below them are two lords or ladies who each run one of the two cities in the Empire. The Advisor is responsible for keeping an up to date member count and keeping the lands under check.

Advisor of the People: This Person works directly with the people to prevent conflict. They talk to members of the clan, learns what is an issue, and brings it before the king to work on preventing any problems later. This person also works to solve any current problems or complaints.


27-Apr-2010 00:15:32
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:45:53 by zSolars

.�����.Jobs & Descriptions.�����.

-=� King�=-: Holds highest power within the Empire. He calls council meetings to discuss current issues, as well as to vote on new world-wide laws. The King is responsible for all negotiations/alliances etc. and anything else involving outside parties. He may make these decisions with her king without the need of a council vote. If a war is to be declared, the King must hold a council meeting, and the majority must be in favor.

-=� Queen�=-: The 2nd in command, she helps the King run the kingdom and has the same powers as him. However the Queen must respect the King's wishes in relation to what is done in the clan.

-=�Heir/ Heiress to the Throne�=-: These two people are the heirs to EoM's throne. They should attend council meetings, royal meetings, and anything else they are called upon by the King, or Queen. If the King/Queen has been gone for 10 days or more, the Crown Prince/ Princess becomes "Temp-King/Queen". Once the King/Queen returns, the crown is returned back to the King/Queen.

General: The Generals work together to run, train, and keep the army strong. They are chosen by the King and work with the Advisor of War.

Lord/Lady: These people manage their lands and hold events.

Soldiers: Soldiers are the work force of the army. They fight together and work together to accomplish their goals.

Craftsmen: Similar to soldiers, except not involved in combat, these people are what supply the Empire with goods and crafts. They are masters of their skill and are necessary for us to prosper.

Citizen: A regular member of the clan.


27-Apr-2010 00:15:33
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:49:26 by zSolars

.�����.Jobs & Descriptions.�����.

.�����.ranks and descriptions.�����.

Gold star: the gold stars of the empire are the higest ranked members and includes the king, queen, prince, princess, heir and heiress.
�Power to hold events.
�Power to Kick from the CC.
�Power to Accept Applications.
�Power to suspend for a period ranging from 1-3 days
�Power to Overrule a sil\/er or bronze stars ruling on offesnes.
�power to give an offical waring

Silver star: the second highest ranked members in the clan they consist of the advisor rank, and the rank of captains in the clan.
�Power to hold events.
�Power to give official warnings
�Power to kick from the cc

Bronze star: this rank consists of all subclan leaders in the empire the subclans can be found on page 2 of both recruitment and home thread.
�Power to hold events
�power to give unoffical warnings that higher ranks can check.


27-Apr-2010 00:15:33
Last edited on 08-Jul-2010 04:35:46 by zSolars

.�����. Upcoming Events .�����.

All EoM members are expected to attend.


-Time (eastern):none
-Other Info:N/A

-Time (eastern):6pm
-Other Info:

-Event: Weekly War Training
-Time (eastern): TBA
-Other Info:best weapons and items

-Time (eastern):

-Time (eastern):
-Recommended items:

-Time (eastern):
-other info:

-Time (eastern):
-Recommended items:

Quick find code: 90-91-69-60888659