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..���'*��_The Onyx Dynasty

27-Jun-2010 07:59:51
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 04:57:00 by Stacy�Autumn

..���'*��_The Onyx Dynasty_��*'�`�

Welcome to the Onyx Dynasty's Recruitment Thread. We are a POC based on W46, with two courts. The Court of the Dark focuses on the external affairs of the Dynasty. They are based in the Wilderness, with their Capital being the Rogues' Castle. The Court of the Light focuses on the internal affairs of the Dynasty. They are based in Asgarnia, with their Capital being Falador. The Onyx Queen in the ruling leader of the Dynasty. She looks over both the courts and all the members.


`Table of Contents:

Page 1
1.01 � The Introduction
1.02 � Clan Logo
1.03 � Laws and Regulations
1.04 � Ranks of the Dynasty
1.05 � Members of the Dynasty
1.06 � Application to Join
1.07 * Job Descriptions
1.08 � Applications
1.09 � Diplomacy
1.10 � This Week's Events

Page 2
2.01 � The Onyx Dynasty's History
2.02 � The History of the Onyx Royals
2.03 � Reserved
2.04 � Reserved
2.05 � Reserved
2.06 � Reserved
2.07 � Reserved
2.08 � Reserved
2.09 � Reserved
2.10 � Reserved

Founders: Sweettart69 and Taur34

Proud members of the Grand Alliance.

Clan chat: Tod_Chat1
Member Count: 34
War Status: Peace

Discussion Thread: 90-91-414-61216458

This thread is only for bumps, Applications and announcements from Royals. Everything else belongs on the discussion thread.

27-Jun-2010 08:00:06
Last edited on 27-Jun-2010 08:13:08 by Stacy�Autumn
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27-Jun-2010 08:00:23

..���'*��_Laws and Regulations_��*'�`�

1. Lying to hurt or defraud this POE or its members is not tolerated, do not try it.

2. Respect your peers, unless they do something to warrant disrespect, give the benefit of the doubt; be friendly and respectful.

3. Do not make any unauthorized decisions or actions that will jeoprodize The Onyx Dynasty.

4. Do not flame fellow members, allies, or leaders.

5. Do NOT spam in Clan Chat.

6. Do NOT say "noob" or any form of that word in Clan Chat. If you cannot abide by this Regulation, you will be asked to leave the Onyx Dynasty immediately.

7. Obviously, do NOT commit treason or anything that can be related to it. This means: rebellion, multi claning, going behind the backs of the leadership, giving away information to other clans/pocs or anything like this. Just because I do not state something here does not mean it is allowed.

���'*��_Three Strike Policy_��*'�`�

We use a 3 strike policy in the Onyx Dynasty, I'm sure you all know what that is. Mess up once, you'll get a slight punishment and warning. Mess up twice, you'll most likely recieve a temp. ban, possible demotion, deranking or along those lines. Mess up a thrid time and you're out of this POE no questions asked.
The Voice of the Dynasty will review your case and base punishments with the severity of your offense in mind. Just punishments will always be handed out.

27-Jun-2010 08:00:38
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 07:29:56 by Stacy�Autumn

..���'*��_Ranks of the Dynasty_��*'�`�

\���/ Onyx Queen Stacy Autumn \���/
Ethereal Blade: K A 1 D 3 N


*��_The Court of the Dark

*�����* Prince Taur34, of the Court of the Dark
*�����* Princess Lighwave, of the Court of the Dark

Celestial Blade of the Prince:
Divine Blade of the Princess:

Advisor: Haru Batosai

Head Emissary:
Emissary: raddish84L

*��_The Court of the Light

*�����* Prince Metal Rainn, of the Court of the Light
*�����* Princess Jacineth, of the Court of the Light

Arcane Blade of the Prince:
Elysian Blade of the Princess:

Advisor: GaurdianFoxx

Head Confessor: Tennessean

27-Jun-2010 08:00:52
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 04:54:57 by Stacy�Autumn

..���'*��_Members of the Dynasty_��*'�`�

\���/ Onxy Queen Stacy Autumn

Court of the Dark:

*�����* Prince Taur34
*�����* Princess Lightwave

K A 1 D 3 N - 126
bloodwolf637 - 118
Ivan Frost -116
Jkt9104 - 116
Haru Batosai - 114
raddish84L - 108
Rune Onix - 108
Duo93 - 107
Ozala - 101
VnT - 94
N33b 0wnzu - 93
Shady Jerrit - 93
xb0snax - 90
prime entity - 73
Platnumade - 65

Court of the Light:

*�����* Prince Metal Rainn
*�����* Princess Jacineth

Micecaller - 123
Fallytripz - 120
Razor Matrix - 120
Hug A Duck - 117
Tennessean - 107
GaurdianFoxx - 106
E y w a - 102
RaidOnHell - 102
Avialae - 97
bwuk its ags - 94
EmpireofIce - 85
XlCyraxLX - 77
Skilldefeat - 73

27-Jun-2010 08:01:07
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 00:59:43 by Stacy�Autumn

..���'*��_Application to Join_��*'�`�

Combat Level:
Attack Level:
Strength Level:
Defence Level:
Preferred Combat Type (Melee/Range/Mage):

What is your favourite skill.
Which Court would you like to be in?
Have you read all the rules?
Will you bump the thread?
Will you attend meetings and events when you can?
Do you understand that the word "noob", and its variations, are not allowed to be said in our clan chat?
Were you recruited by someone? If so, who?


All of these questions need to be answered for you to be accepted. You must read the rules before applying and be familar with them. Activeness ingame is a must to stay in the Dynasty.

27-Jun-2010 08:01:20
Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 08:39:12 by Stacy�Autumn


\���/ ONYX QUEEN \���/
She is the absolute leader of the Dynasty. She works with her Princes to maintain order and help keep the Dynasty running. She can overrule all and is not to be questioned. Her decisions are final. Being in her marvelous presence is something to be cherished.

He is the Queen's Advisor on all External matters. He rules over the Army and keeps peace between us and our allies. He has all say on Ally Applications. He can accept and decline Member Applications. To be in his presence and living is something to be grateful for.

She is the assistant to her Prince and will step in for him if he is inactive. Her duty is to make sure her Prince is keeping up-to-date with will ally affairs and enemy happenings. She can accept and decline Member applications and can accept Ally Applications with the Onyx Queen's approval. She instills fear in our enemies.

He is the Queen's Advisor on all Internal matters. He help development within the Dynasty, and tries to keep peace amounst her members. He has all say in Job Applications. He can accept and decline Member Applications. He brings holiness to all in his presence.

She is the assistant to her Prince and can act as the Prince in his absence. Her duty is to make sure her Prince is ensuring that people are doing their jobs.. She can accept and decline Member applications and can accept Job Applications with the Onyx Queen's approval. She gives life to our members.

An Onyx Knight is an approved member of the Onyx Dynasty. They are able to apply for any jobs and can be asked by Princes or the Queen to do a job for them.

An Onyx Recruit is a new member of the Onyx Dynasty. They must wait until approved by the Royalty of the Dynasty before they can be an Onyx Knight.

27-Jun-2010 08:01:33
Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 08:28:12 by Stacy�Autumn



How long have you been in the Dynasty?
Why do you wan to be an Emissary?
What would you be do as an Emissary?
Are you in the Court of the Dark?
Which Allies would you like to be assigned to?

An Emissary has the duty of keeping the Royalty updated on Allies and Enemies, and helps to maintain our alliances. They cannot accept ally applications, but they are expected to keep a constand lookout for potential new allies. They need to be active on the forums


Which Court do you live in?
Who would you like to be a Blade to?
What is your Combat level? (Must be 125+)
Which Combat method do you use? Melee/Range/Mage

A Blade is the personal Bodyguard of a Royal. It is their duty to make sure no harm comes to the Royal. They protect their Royal on the battlefield and help them in anyway they can. Each Royal has their own, unique Blade.

How long have you been in the Dynasty?
Why do you want to be a Confessor?
What would you do as a Confessor?
Are you in the Court of the Dark?
Have you been in a mediation position before?

A Confessor has the duty of maintaining peace in the Dynasty. They are to report all Rulebreakers to the Head Confessor or a Royal. The Head Confessor also plan the Week's Events. They need to be active ingame and in the clan chat.

27-Jun-2010 08:01:49
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 23:09:55 by Stacy�Autumn


Here is where you'll find our current Allies, Enemies and a list of our Emissaries. To become one of our allies, please post stating your clan's name and the leader, and we will contact you ingame.

We are proud members of the Grand Alliance.

` Taur34
` raddish84L

- Tennessean to step in if one is absent


+ Kingdom of Hearts +
Leaders - Bever, Atomicbom
Rec. QFC:
Ingame Clan Chat: Ofheart

+ The Royal Military of Gielinor +
Leaders - Soul Blazer
Rec. QFC: 93-94-487-60854677
Ingame Clan Chat: Soul_Blazer

+ Templar Knights +
Leaders - Gling71
Rec. QFC: 93-94-584-61155230
Ingame Clan Chat: Templar1099

+ The Brigands +
Leaders - Vespire, Don Brooksie
Rec. QFC: 93-94-59-60529573
Ingame Clan Chat: Kb Talk




Head Emissary:
`Emissary: raddish84L

27-Jun-2010 08:01:57
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 04:07:52 by Stacy�Autumn

..���'*��_Week's Events_��*'�`�

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Monday, 12th July
Allies Welcome?:
Note: <><

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Tuesday, 13th July
Event: King Black Dragon
World: 46
Time: 11 pm eastern, 4 am gmt
Meet: Stealing Creation
Allies Welcome?: Yes
Friends?: Yes
Note: <>< Remember to bring an anti dragon shield and anti fire potions. If I�m there I will teleport everyone to the ice plateau and I will be curing everyone.

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Wednesday, 14th July
Event: Barbarian Assault
World: 46
Time: 2 pm eastern, 7 pm gmt
Meet: Barbarian Outpost
Allies Welcome?: If we need more people to even out the teams
Friends?: Same as allies
Note: Each team has 5 people

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Thursday, 15th July
Event: Soul Wars
World: 69 (we will just be tying since that is much easier than trying to crash)
Time: 8 pm eastern, 1 am gmt
Meet: Soul Wars lobby
Allies Welcome?: Yes
Friends?: Yes
Note: <>< I�ll be getting calls from the soul wars clan chat to make sure that we don�t go to the losing team

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Friday, 16th July
Event: God Wars Dungeon
World: 46
Time: 10 pm eastern, 3 am gmt
Meet: To be decided (Probably at gwd lobby)
Allies Welcome?: Yes
Friends?: Yes
Note: <>< This can be very dangerous so it is not recommended for lower level players. We will be using the tanking method to try to keep it safer. We will decide on the boss before the event starts.

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Saturday, 17th July
Event: Meeting
World: 46
Time: 12 am (midnight) eastern, 5 am gmt
Meet: To be decided
Allies Welcome?: No
Friends?: No
Note: <>< I haven�t decided whose house yet.

.��,.��`�___�,.��`�Sunday, 18th July
Event: Clan Wars
World: 68 or 129
Time: 10 pm eastern, 3 am gmt
Meet: Clan Wars
Allies Welcome?: No
Friends?: No
Note: <>< Bring normal supplies for a war


Head Confessor: Tennessean
Quick find code: 93-94-967-61209740