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�**� Empresa Radio �**�

12-Jul-2010 12:30:53
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 14:47:14 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ... ... .. ... .. The Empresa Radio.. . . ... .... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::...........::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... ... ... . Founded on the 12th of July 2010.. . ... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

;;;:::.... There have been many radios over the past years. Some of them were good, some were great and some were not as good as hoped. Today, there is quite a lot of radios around so why should you choose us when you could choose on of the other radios?

;;;:::.... Well, when we decided to make a radio, we didn't just want to make a similar radio. What we wanted was something that was much more fun and interactive than the other radios out there. Of course, some of you might think that this isn't anything new, but since when did everything had to be different?b

;;;:::.... Of course, we haven't forgotten about you, dear reader. We also want Empresa to be a fun and exciting radio that would be fun, wasn't distractive and could easily fit into your daily RuneScapeing. This is why we will bring you a nice selection of skill-time shows, talk shows, interviews and even some news headlines for the more serious listener. We just want you to have fun because everyone likes to have a fun time.

;;;:::.... Empresa is also about the little details that make everything better, but are often missed when creating a newspaper, radio or any other business. So sit back and enjoy!

;;;:::.... Happy listening to ya!
;;;:::.... Empresa Radio DJs

12-Jul-2010 12:31:22
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:34:13 by Maustrell�2
::����... . ... ... .. ... . ... Table of Content.. . ... ... ... ... ..`���:::
::`���... ... Fancy a look around the Thread? ... ... ... ����::

;;;:::.... Remember to use Ctrl + (F) to find something fast!

.:::.Page One.:::.
.:.1.:. Introduction
.:.2.:. Table of Content
.:.3.:. Radio Timetable
.:.4.:. Radio Show Descriptions
.:.5.:. Radio Show Descriptions
.:.6.:. The Radio Team
.:.7.:. DJ Application
.:.8.:. The Rules
.:.9.:. FAQ
.:.0.:. Event Calendar

.:::.Page Two.:::.
.:.1.:. Customer reviews
.:.2.:. Customer reviews
.:.3.:. Reserved
.:.4.:. Reserved
.:.5.:. Reserved
.:.6.:. Reserved
.:.7.:. Reserved
.:.8.:. Reserved
.:.9.:. Reserved
.:.0.:. Reserved

.:::.Page Three.:::.
.:.1.:. Reserved
.:.2.:. Reserved
.:.3.:. Reserved
.:.4.:. Reserved
.:.5.:. Reserved
.:.6.:. Reserved
.:.7.:. Reserved
.:.8.:. Reserved
.:.9.:. Reserved
.:.0.:. Reserved

12-Jul-2010 12:31:23
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:35:03 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ... ... .... .. The Radio Timetable. . ... .. ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. When is the next show? I'm bored!.. ... ... ... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

....:::;;; Radio Status Report ;;;:::....

.:: Clan Chat: EmpresaRadio
.:: The Radio activity: Green
.:: Radio Studio's Location: Maustrell 2's house at Rimmington
.:: Next show is at: 16th of July, 7pm

....:::;;; The Timetable ;;;:::....

....:: All the times are in GMT!

:::;;; Friday ;;;:::

.:: 6:00pm �
.:: 7:00pm � Welcome to Empresa Radio!
.:: 8:00pm � The Skill-Time Show
.:: 9:00pm � The Skill-Time Show

:::;;; Saturday ;;;:::

.:: 4:00pm �
.:: 5:00pm �
.:: 6:00pm �
.:: 7:00pm �
.:: 8:00pm �
.:: 9:00pm �
.:: 10:00pm �

:::;;; Sunday ;;;:::

.:: 4:00pm �
.:: 5:00pm �
.:: 6:00pm �
.:: 7:00pm �
.:: 8:00pm �

12-Jul-2010 12:31:24
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:37:16 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. .. .. .... ... .. The Radio Shows . . . .. . .. ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. What do you mean by a skill-time show?... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

....:::;;; The Empresa Radio has and will be aim to maintain a selection of interesting and interactive radio shows. However, some of them can be quite weird at first so let us explain them in more detail.

NOTE: Some of the shows are still in the works don't keep posting us about when we will air them.

--------- The Tutorial Show --------

....:::;;; The Tutorial Show is quite simple; you just call in the DJ about topic you would want to know more about. Now the DJ will choose one of these and give you tips and tricks on the selected topic. Of course, sometimes the DJ might get something wrong so don't forget to call in if he makes a mistake!

---------- The Daily News -----------

....:::;;; The Daily News is a news show. It will be be about RuneScape and Real-Life news that you might want to talk about also it is possible to call in and say your opinion about it. That's it really.

12-Jul-2010 12:31:24
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:38:08 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. .. .. .... ... .. The Radio Shows . . . .. . .. ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. What do you mean by a skill-time show?... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

---- Empresa Skill-Time Show ----

....:::;;; The Skill-Time Show doesn't really have a planned topic. It's basically one or two DJs keeping you entertained and talking about various topics as the time goes. Also, you can call in and tell them some fun facts that you would want to share. The show is really just everyone having a good time.

---- The Empresa Quiz Show -----

NOTE: Not Finished yet!

....:::;;; The Empresa Quiz Show is a classic radio quiz show. Basically the DJ will randomly select one of all the people that have called-in and invite them to the quiz. The quiz will involve a series of questions about RuneScape and include a reward depending on how many answers you got right.

12-Jul-2010 12:31:28
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 06:56:31 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. .. . .. ... ... .. The Radio Team . .. . .. . . ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::.............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���. .. The people that make the magic happen!.. . ����;;;;;;:::............::

....:::;;; The Radio Team are the people that bring you all the shows aired on Empresa Radio. Also, you can join below!

.::;;::: Founder: Maustrell 2

.::;;;::. The DJ Team .::;;;::.
.:: DJ Maustrell 2
.:: DJ Bucephalous
.:: DJ JackOwnsYou
.:: DJ Infinity

.::;;;::. The Trainees .::;;;::.

12-Jul-2010 12:31:34
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:44:12 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ... . ... ... ... .. DJ Application. ... .. . .. . . . .. .... ..`���;;;;;;::::...........::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. Would you like to work at radio station?.. ... ����;;;;;;:::............::

....:::;;; It would be great if we could have you on board. If you want to join that fill out this application and you will soon begin a new page in your career.

.:::. The Staff Application .:::.
.:. Section One � Your Past .:.
What are your past usernames?:
What's your DJ name?:
Have you worked at radios before? If so please name them below.

.:. Section Two � Why Empresa Radio? .:.
Why do you wish to join The Empresa Radio?:
What skills will help you while you're working here?:

.:. Section Three � Personal Show .:.
Would you like a personal radio show?:
Do you want one of the existing ones or do you have a new one in mind?:
If you have a new idea, please explain it in detail?:

12-Jul-2010 12:31:35
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:49:17 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ... .... The Rules of Empresa Radio . . ... ... ..`���;;;;;;::::............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. Be nice and don't ruin everyones day!.. .... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

....:::;;; Radios have a simple punishment for rule breakers � you just get kicked. To avoid this it's best to look at these and the RuneScape rules created by Jagex.

....:::;;; No Spamming ;;;:::....

Spamming is repeatedly saying the same things to annoy everyone and make it hard to communicate. Spammers will receive 1 warning before being banned from the radio. Enough said.

....:::;;; No Propaganda ;;;:::....

This radio isn't meant to be an advertising hell. If do get on the air, you may not use it as a chance to increase personal fame or advertise something.

....:::;;; Jagex Rules ;;;:::....

Heeding the Jagex Rules will almost certainly mean that you will never be banned from our radio so it is a good idea to read them beforehand.

....:::;;; Keep it nice and quiet ;;;:::....

Please don't call-in every 5 seconds because that makes it hard for us to focus on the show. Also you will find yourself on DJ's ignore list after a while.

12-Jul-2010 12:31:35
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:50:20 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ... ... .. Frequently Asked Questions . ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::.............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. Find answers to your questions here!..... ... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

....:::;;; A lot of questions get asked about radios these days. You can find the most common questions and answers here.

Q: How does a radio work in RuneScape?
A: You enter a certain clan chat and start reading the radio...

Q: Can I join?
A: Sure, just fill out an application!

Q: Can I advertise �
A: The Empresa Radio really isn't about advertising; we will only do at certain cases.

Q: I have played RuneScap for 6 years and haven't seen anything this stupid!
A: I don't think �RuneScap� has any radios.

Q: I like pie.
A: Yeah, pie is nice, but I also like muffins.

12-Jul-2010 12:31:39
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 12:51:50 by Maustrell�2
::............::::;;;;;;����... .. ...... . .. .. ... .. Event Calendar . . . .. ... ... .... ..`���;;;;;;::::.............::
::............::::;;;;;;`���... .. Take a nice break from RuneScape.. ... . ... ����;;;;;;:::.............::

....:::;;; Sometimes it gets very lonely to only know you guys through a clan chat so we will sometimes host some events so we could get to know you better.

....:::;;; <INSERT NAME OF EVENT HERE> ;;;:::....

.:: Date & Time:
.:: Location:
.:: What to bring?:
.:: Event Description:

....:::;;; Attendance List ;;;:::....
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