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Fix Beast of Burden Familiars

19-Sep-2009 04:58:01
Last edited on 27-Apr-2010 00:42:03 by Trivyus
Swapping items from beast of burden is currently a huge pain and hassel

example: using b.0.b. to make summoning pouches

i get to the obelisk and i make the pouches with the supplies i have in my inventory, but then i have no way to swap for items in my b.0.b. short of dropping 2-3 items and clicking 50+ times to swap those items.

(i'm 99 summoning and it's a moot point now, but a good example)

there are many other anologues that require this type of swapping
>charging orbs
>charging jewelery
>making planks
>spinning flax
-------------------and many more

19-Sep-2009 06:04:31
Last edited on 28-May-2010 16:09:45 by Trivyus
I propose that when you use the "make all" or "make x" option when performing some task, this should include all items in both your inventory and the b.0.b.

------------------------------------------------------AND / OR------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a left-click-option for the summoning icon that switches to the b.0.b. inventory. The b.0.b. inventory would be displayed where the current inventory is, and would act exactly as a second inventory. to switch back to the regular inventory, you would only need to click the backpack icon again.

unfortunately pack yak has 30 slots which wouldn't fit into this type of format, so maybe give the b.0.b. inventory a scroll bar which would accomidate for the extra 2 spots.


Combining both these ideas would completely integrate the b.0.b. inventory into the game.

19-Sep-2009 06:04:39
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 15:44:15 by Trivyus
-------------------------------------------------------- other ideas -----------------------------------------------------------

- use knife on beast of burden -

this could tear the bag on the beast of burden. so items you deposit into the beast of burden could "spill out" at a certain rate. this could help you in situations where you're looking to dispose/drop items. higher level b.0.b. could possibly have better rates of dropping items.
---------------------------------------> ( a compromise to the "drop all" ) <--------------------------------------------

- interact as a left-click option -

setting interact as your left click option on the summoning icon would let you enter the interact interface imediately without having to differentiate which summon is actually yours.

- withdraw x - while withdrawing x items from your bank, all items in excess of what can fit into your inventory gets directly deposited into your familiar.

------------------------------------------------------AND / OR------------------------------------------------------------------

- "fill summon" toggle -

similar to the "note items" toggle in your bank, there should be another button that withdraws items into your beast of burden. this will save the time of withrawing items, finding your beast of burden and filling it, then withdrawing more items. the fill toggle button would allow you to fill your beast of burden while in the bank interface, and allow you to fill your own inventory at the same time.

19-Sep-2009 06:04:49
Last edited on 29-Apr-2010 05:39:32 by Trivyus
---------------------------------------------------- SUPPORTERS -----------------------------------------------------------
-------page eleven reserved for continuation of supporters, and feedback to player response----------

1.Fire Works33
4.Bloody Pnut
5.Heros Fear
7.Zero Ice 1
8.Ampur3 Pk3rz
11.Tr1cky R1ky
12.B Boyer1
15.Hp 96
16.Rj Lazer
22.Mata Puteh1
26.**punk Cam
34.Master Ash38
38.Lava Hellboy
46.LoL AtrEyu
47.X Exdeath x
48.Ny Yankeee
50.Nuparu A-15
51.Neo Drac
62.Left 4 Dumb
65 BbCody
66.Magic U Down
67.Crazy Devil2
69.Ur Boy M K3
70.Joo 2h
71.Sir Halbarad
72.Purity True
75.Slayer Juice
76.B 3 t r 4 y
77.Rebel Lore
79.Capt Awesome
80.Axl Rose
81.Mythril Sage
82.2 2 5
83.Kai Pao
84.Its A Pwner
88.Be Ar Ca Ts
90.Ron Fett
91.Loo Loo Girl
99.Frog Mog
100.W Pie
102.Potato Sheep
103.7M N E M I C
105.Jtb 1 1 2 2
106.Evil King J
109.Bent Truth
114.True Target
115.Arcane Dumb
116.Thanks Love
----------------------------------------------------Continued Pg 11----------------------------------------------------------

19-Sep-2009 06:04:58
Last edited on 01-May-2010 14:04:06 by Trivyus
>>>Budley-Bud -Page 5- Yep, i agree with your first suggestion. The idea of using the beast of burden as a second inventory is deffinately the aim here.

>>>Mordini1 -Page 7- Great idea. Putting the icon to swap inventories would make the most sense if it were under follower details.

>>>True Adu -Page 7- i don't think swapping 30 items from your inventory and beast of burden 3 items at a time (a total of 60 clicks) is convenient or should be considered gameplay. it's a monotonous activity. Leaving space open for the sake of convenience for swapping items does make sense, but why have to sacrifice inventory space for that conveniece? also if this were the case, should thorny snail even be concidered a beast of burden at all? OF COARSE IT SHOULD! so don't snail hate; and yes, what you said about making pouches into scrolls to make space is true, but this doesn't apply to the complete spectrum of what beast of burden can be used for. In most cases making space isn't an option; short of dropping items that is, which is the inherent problem. Besides what if you wanted to keep those pouches :P.

>>>Meta Fantasy -Page 7- i haven't! and i don't understand how you don't mind swapping out 30 items from pack yack 3 items at a time, but to each their own

>>>Dabombinnz1 -page 8- i hope so to, dropping and swapping has got to go :)

>>>Magic U Down -page 9- that's an interesting idea, maybe they'll consider it.

>>>Joo 2h -page 9- moved :)

19-Sep-2009 06:35:18
Last edited on 01-May-2010 14:06:51 by Trivyus
>>>Aribiterspar -page 9- Actually, this kind of change really wouldn't effect the rate at which skilling experience is gained nearly as much as you would think. for skills like smithing, fletching, herblore, cooking and crafting nearly all of the experience gained is at a bank stall; in the case of cooking in rogues den (1 space away from a fire) and for smithing in west varok bank (10 spaces from an anvil), so using b.0.b.s wouldn't be practical to begin with; if you did use b.0.b.s for these skills, the rate of gaining experience woulnd't be swung much at all given the convenience of these skills already. prayer remains uneffected because swapping was never an issue because bones were consumed at guilded alter. construcion remains unefected because building mode allows no familars. rune crafting remains relatively uneffected because the amount of pure ess carried is still only 7; nearly all of the time training rune crafting is derived from the time making alter runs, not swapping essence. likewise training summoning wouldn't be affected in this manner because it's really the rate at which you gather charms which determines how quickly you gain summoning experience (the slow step), not necissarily making the pouches themselves. and b.0.b. doesn't affect the remaining skills (hunter/ thieving/ agility/ mining/ fishing/ woodcutting/ farming) as far as gaining experience goes.

i'm only suggesting this update because it seems more practical for b.0.b. use in all other aspects of the game.

">charging orbs
>charging jewerlery
>making planks
>spinning flax

---------------------------and many more"

>>>Sonicwoodcut -page 9- yea a lot of people seem to be asking for some kind of swap method. i can't think of a way that they could introduce something like this without introducing a new hassel into the game at the same time; i think just switching to a seperate inventory altogether would simplify the process and still give the desired effect. Ty for the support

19-Sep-2009 07:23:15
Last edited on 28-Apr-2010 14:07:36 by Trivyus
>>>Sir Halbarad -page 10- But it should be easy enough; i mean it's right there next to you, so your car analogy doesn't really work. i gave reasons why i think skilling exp really wouldn't be swung much (above), and i think they're pretty valid. however; if it is the case that this makes training to easy, i don't mind that there be a slight delay when switching the inventories. just anything would be better than clicking 60 times ( EACH TRIP ) to get items out of your b.0.b.

- also if you think there are inherent flaws with the reasons i gave for exp rates really not being affected, i'd like to hear why.

(basically my arguement above was saying, if this change were made: fletching "all" with a pack yack full of logs and a full inventory of logs would take roughly the same amount of time as just regularly fletching an equal amount of logs without a familiar (provided you were at a bank stall), wouldn't you agree? so similarly, skills that require you to take short trips away from a bank stall [smithing at west varok bank for example] wouldn't be affected much likewise. in the example of smithing, you would have to take half as many trips to the anvil [and that's only if you had a pack yak to begin with], and the trips to the anvil are what 1second to 2seconds tops?, and some of that time is negated by the time it takes to fill your beast of burden anyway. so in actuality you're probably only cutting out 1/4 the total amount of time it takes to make trips to the anvil... and i don't see that as being a threat by anymeans because it's the actual smithing of the bars where nearly the entire majority of the time training the skill is derived. and these examples are completely analogous to other skills where beast of burden can be seen as being useful.)

-so if you could think of loopholes where this type of change could pose threats to the integrity of skills i'd like to hear them, but so far i see no danger in what i've proposed.

19-Sep-2009 07:33:52
Last edited on 08-Jan-2010 16:39:21 by Trivyus
>>>Purity Tree -page 10- well they're deffinately multifunctional. but currently combat has the good end of the stick if you ask me. for combat their funcion as a familiar that holds extra materials (food/potions) has been highly successful whereas they are currently cumbersome for the skilling community to use in terms of processing items. i think this change would equate their usefulness in both aspects of the game

>>>Slayer Juice -page 10- agreed. if opening your own backpack is as easy as just having items displayed readily in the inventory screen, why is this changed for a pack that's mounted on an animal that's right next to you. there needs to be a less contrived way of getting to those items

>>>Strikerofear -page 10- i agree with this concept of beast of burden acting as an overflow for items coming into the inventory, but simply depositing an inventory of ore or logs isn't exactly hard either, because they are all usually the same item, and you have the convenience of depostiting all of the same item into an empty beast of burden. juggling items from a full beast of burden and a mostly full inventory however is a complete pain.

>>>Cathryen -page 12- tyvm :)

>>>Ron Fett -page 13- agreed. let this nuisance be fixed!

>>>Ptwookie31 -page 13- that is deffinately also a posibility. if a trade screen were displayed when moving items from you to your b.0.b., you wouldn't have to worry about clicking back and forth, you could just manipulate both sides of the trade window. great idea :)

>>>Akakillme -page 14- thanks for the support. see jagex, this is even effecting the non avid b.0.b. users. :)

>>>Linwefefalas -page 14- i do not agree. yes b.0.b.s make things comparably easier to when there were no b.0.b.*, but they are still cumbersome to use, even with leaving inventory space open. And your statement about bags is arguable. after all, the inventory icon is a "bag".

>>>continued on page 11

19-Sep-2009 08:02:00
Ohh I support :O I like the idea about Herblore and Beasts of Burden, I hate dropping and putting in and taking it and especially since you have to do it individually if it's under 5 items being taken out.

20-Sep-2009 03:29:26
I Support :)
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