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��� Gran �iblioteca Rs ���

21-Apr-2010 03:36:20
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 03:42:54 by Kuze�Ryuuhi
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Gran �iblioteca Rs (No traducida) ~ �Excellentia per Scientia� ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Conoce los relatos de la historia, los conocimientos, y las culturas de Gielinor!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Queridos Lectores,

He aqu� el prologo de esta gran colecci�n de libros de RuneScape. � Atr�vete a conocer mas de RuneScape, ya que hay muchos misterios e historias que aun no conoces! Esta es una versi�n no traducida de los libros originales en RuneScape. Si sabes leer ingles, puedes disfrutar de ellos, hasta que pueda publicar la versi�n traducida al espa�ol.

~~ Kuze Ryuuhi

21-Apr-2010 03:36:38
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Contenido de la Gran �iblioteca Rs :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

������������������[ Indice ]������������������
� Language Translations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 01
� Religious Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 01
� Kharidian Desert Scripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 02
� Stories of Morytania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 03
� Tales of Misthalin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 05
� Scripts of Asgarnia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 05
� Fremennik Sripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 05
� Scripts of Kandarin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 06
� From Elvish Origins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 07
� Notes from Keldragrim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page: 08
� Magic & Science Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 11
� The Goblin Race. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 11
� Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page: 11

������[ Language Translations ]������
� Gnome-English Translation
� Tzhaar-English Translation

���������[ Religious Books ]���������
� �he holy book
� �he book of balance
� �he unholy book
� �he ancient hymnal

����[ Scripts from Kharidian Desert ]����
� �he scabaras research
� �he four diamonds translation
� varmen's notes
� �he confession of ellemar

21-Apr-2010 03:36:57
��������[ Stories of Morytania ]��������
� �he diary of tarn razorlor
� �he legend of the brothers
� �he seven sleeping warriors
� �he modern day morytania
� �he histories of the hallowland

���������[ Tales of Misthalin ]���������
� �he shield of arrav
� �he odd old man's diary
� �he history of the dagon'hai

��������[ Scripts of Asgarnia ]��������
� �he journal of randas
� �he diary of a witch

���������[ Fremennik Sripts ]���������
� �he charred diary of armod
� �he diary of jossik

��������[ Scripts of Kandarin ]��������
� �he feathered journal
� glough's journal
� �he great divide
� �he history of iban
� drozal's journal

�������[ From Elvish Origins ]�������
� �he history of prifddinas
� �he crystal of seren
� �he cadarn lineage
� �he eastern discovery
� �he book on baxtorian
� �he eastern settlement
� yewnock's notes on crystals
� edern's journal

�������[ Notes from Keldragrim ]�������
� explorer's notes
� �he arzinian being of bordanzan

����[ Magic & Science Research ]����
� �he strange book
� �he abyssal space
� �he phoenix
� �he tale of scorpius
� �he diary of herbi flax
� �he moonclan manual
� �he battered book
� �he beaten book
� �he big book o' bangs

��������[ The Goblin Race ]��������
� �he goblin book
� �he goblin symbols

���������[ Miscellaneous ]���������
� herman's book
� �he book of folklore
� notes from the ancient cavern

21-Apr-2010 03:37:19
� Gnome-English Translation ����������������������������������������������������

�by Anita

This text contains the ancient gnome words I have managed to translate thus far.

arpos: rocks
ando: gate
andra: city
ataris: cow

cef: threat
cheray: lazy
Cinquo: King
cretor: bucket

eis: me
es: a
et: and
eto: will

gandius: jungle
gal: all
gentis: leaf
gutus: banana
gomondo: branch

har: old
harij: harpoon
hewo: grass

ip: you
imindus: quest
irno: translate

kar: no
kai: boat
ko: sail

lauf: eye
laquinay: common sense
lemanto: man
lemantolly: stupid man
lovos: gave

meso: came
meriz: kill
mina: time(s)
mos: coin
mi: I
mond: seal

o: for

por: long
prit: with
priw: tree
pro: to

qui: guard
quir: guardian

rentos: agility

sarko: begone
sind: big

ta: the
tuzo: open

undri: lands
umesco: Soul

The suffix -lly / -olly means stupid. For example, lemantolly is stupid man and laufolly is stupid eye

English.................................. NameGnome.................. NameTranslation
The Grand Tree.................... Ta quir Priw..................... THE GUARDIAN TREE
White Wolf Mountain........... Sindarpos........................ BIG ROCKS
Digsite................................... Lemanto Andra............... MAN CITY
Al-Kharid............................... Kar-Hewo......................... NO GRASS
Karamja................................ Gandius............................ JUNGLE
Feldip Hills........................... Lemantolly Undri............. STUPID MAN LANDS

21-Apr-2010 03:37:34
� Tzhaar-English Translation ����������������������������������������������������

The TzHaar are usually happy to speak the human language, but sometimes it is useful to know the TzHaar language (especially during quests). TzHaar words are usually short and almost always end with a consonant (with the exception of E), even though it's not always fully pronounced.

Ak - Forked, twin
E - It, the
Ek - Blade, knife
Em - Hammer, mace
Haar - Holy, sacred
Hur - Builder, crafter, sculptor, small
Im - Pickaxe
Jad - Elemental
Jal - Foreign; not TzHaar
Ket - Blunt, defender, guard, large
Kih - Air, fly, wing
Kl - Us, we
Kot - Protect, save
Kul - Token, value
Mej - Mage, magic, priest; also loosely translated as parent
Mor - old, retired
Om - Club, maul
Tal - Rod, staff
Tok - Hard, material, rock
Tz - Burn, fire, hot, life
Ul - Circle, ring
Xil - Dangerous, hunter, killer, sharp
Yt - Cold, dead, freeze, ice
Zek - Attack, harm

Some basic words can be combined into more complex words. Here are some examples:

Tzhaar Phrases
JalYt - Outsider. Used to mean Human when speaking to the player character.
Tokkul - TzHaar currency.
TzHaar - The whole TzHaar species
Tz-Kih - A species of fairly common fiery bats living within the volcano.
TokTz - Obsidian.
Tok-Ket - A block of stone. Used in construction; sourced from their own mines.
TokJal-Hurt - A plank. Usually oak planks, treated to make them resistant to fire.
TokYt-Hurt - Metal. Usually mithril and adamantite, forged in their magma furnaces.
Tok-Xil-Ek - A knife made of any material.
Tok-Ket-Om - A maul or club made of any material.
Tok-Xil-Im - A pickaxe of any kind.
Kimit-zil - Cat or dog
Tok-Ket-Em - A hammer or mace of any kind.
Tok-Mej-Tal - A mystic's staff
Kot kl, zek e JalYt! - Save us, attack the human!

21-Apr-2010 03:37:47
� The Holy Book ��������������������������������������������������������������

��� Partnerships ���
In the name of Saradomin, protector of us all, I now join you in the eyes of Saradomin.

��� Last Rites ���
Thy cause was false; thy skills did lack, see you in Lumbridge when you get back.

��� Blessings ���
Go in peace in the name of Saradomin, may his glory shine upon you like the sun.

��� Preach ���
Walk proud and show mercy, for you carry my name in your heart. Show love to your friends, and mercy to your enemies, and know that the wisdom of Saradomin will follow. Protect yourself, protect your friends; Mine is the glory that never ends.

The currency of goodness is honour; It retains its value through scarcity. The darkness in life may be avoided, Through the light of wisdom shining. This is Saradomin's Wisdom.

21-Apr-2010 03:38:01
� The Book of Balance ����������������������������������������������������������

��� Partnerships ���
Light and dark, day and night. Balance arises from contrast. I unify thee in the name of Guthix.

��� End Rites ���
Thy death was not in vain, for it to the world. May Guthix bring you rest.

��� Blessings ���
May you walk the path, and never fall, for Guthix walks beside thee on thy journey. May Guthix bring you peace.

��� Preach ���
A journey of a single step, May take thee over a thousand miles. May Guthix bring you balance

In life, in death, in joy, in sorrow. May thy experience show thee balance. Thou must do as thy must, because thine actions bring balance to this world.

The trees, the earth, the skies, the waters -all play their part across this land. The river flows, the sun ignites. May you stand with Guthix in thy fights.

May you walk the path, and never fall; For Guthix walks beside thee in thy journey and may Guthix bring you peace. All things must end, as all begin; Only Guthix knows the role thou must play; May Guthix bring you balance and peace.

21-Apr-2010 03:38:15
� The Unholy Book ������������������������������������������������������������

��� Partnerships ���
Two great warriors, joined by hand, to spread destruction across the land. In Zamorak's name, now two are one.

��� Last Rites ���
The weak deserve to die, so that the strong may flourish. This is the creed of Zamorak.

��� Blessings ���
May your bloodthirst never be sated, and may your battles be glorious. Zamorak bring you strength.

��� Preach ���
The fallen foe is the one that tells no tales. Only the strong are worthy in this world. Zamorak give me strength! Strike fast, strike hard, strike true. The Strength of Zamorak will be with you. Battle is my calling, and death shall be my rest. Battles are not lost and won; they simply remove the weak from the equation. There is no opinion that cannot be proven true by crushing those who choose to disagree with you. Those who fight, then run away, shame Zamorak with their cowardice. Zamorak give me strength!

21-Apr-2010 03:38:31
� The Ancient Hymnal ����������������������������������������������������������

"Gathered here are the chants and curses of the Mahjarrat ancestors. Within these pages they lie translated to the human tongue, in the knowledge that soon Zaros will rule over all races, no matter how weak they be.

It is right, then, that all should use the words herein to give to praise to Zaros in worship and in battle.

To this end Zaros has attuned his temple at Senntisten, so thatby praying at his altar in that wonderous place these curses will fill the minds of the followers, and his power be bestowed unto them.

Oh, what wonderous god and sacred place is this? This altar that nourishes the spirit far beyond the altars of the many false gods!

And finally, a warning, for the weak-willed halfwit humans are known for their treachery. Zaros grants you the freedom to use the altars of other to replenish yourself, but should you turn your back on these glorious curses that Zaros has gifted you, you must return to Senntisten and prostrate yourself before Zaros' majesty before he will allow you to use these curses once more."

~Sap Warrior~
"Adimo potestas tua quae tibi donat fortunam pugnae.
(I take away your might that makes you lucky in fighting.)

~Sap Range(r)~
Adimo potestas tua quae tibi donat vis eminus.
(I take away your might that gives you ranged power.)

~Sap Mage~
Adimo potestas tua quae tibi donat artem magicam.
(I take away your might that gives you magic art.)

~Sap Spirit~
Adimo potestas tua quae tibi donat vis animam.
(I take away your might that gives you souls of the dead.)

Dona mihi potestam, animum et fortitudeinem bestiae firmissimae. (Give me the power, the courage, and durability of the mightiest beast.)

~Deflect Summoning~
Arceto impetum bestarium recreatorum.
(I deflect attacks from beasts that were brought back to life.)

21-Apr-2010 03:38:45
~Deflect Magic~
Arceto impetum magorum.
(I deflect attacks from mages.)

~Deflect Missiles~
Arceto impetum telorum.
(I deflect attacks of missiles.)

~Deflect Melee~
Arceto impetum gladiatrum.
(I deflect attacks fromnmelee.)

~Leech Attack~
Reple me impetu hostium.
(Fill me with the attack of my enemy.)

~Leech Ranged~
Reple me vis enimus hostium.
(Fill me with the ranged skills of my enemy.)

~Leech Magic~
Reple me artem magican hostium.
(Fill me with the magic skills of my enemy.)

~Leech Defence~
Reple me vallo hostium.
(Fill me with the defence skills of my enemy.)

~Leech Strength~
Reple me fortitudo hostium.
(Fill me with the strength of my enemy.)

~Leech Energy~
Reple me nervis hostium.
(Fill me with the vigour of my enemies.)

~Leech Special Attack~
Reple me impetu speciali hostium.
(Fill me with special attacks of my enemy.)

Nex meus emanabit sicut pestilentia.
(My death will spread like a plague.)

~Soul Split~
Advoco insaniam haerecticorum in pectus meus et animam meam.
(I call to my heart and soul the madness of heretics.)

Vim inimici mihi bono inclina.
(Turn the power of my enemy to my benefit.)
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