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Support for a late update week

13-Jul-2010 06:20:23
Assuming that dung pack 2 is this week, and that the schedule hasn't been scrambled for some reason, i just thought i'd just go ahead and say this:

Jagex, if you need to take an extra day or two in order to work any kinks out, DO SO.

and to players i say, you should give them this little bit of slack. With dung being a minor disaster in some ways,(example, solo dungeons) there are going to be some absolutely ****-eyed major updates going online this week (assuming it -is- this week). Let them have the time to do it right, and dont go screaming at them about it. I support jagex pushing this back up to a week, if they have to. Dung needs it and, in my opinion, is worth it. Players should support this too, so please guys, don't go absolutely off the deep end if they delay the update to friday or something.

keep up the good work jagex. thought u might want to hear a bit of rooting for your side for once. =]

now get back to codeing!! *cracks whip*

(just kidding)

13-Jul-2010 06:41:00
This isn't pack 2, it's just some skill additions.

13-Jul-2010 06:43:31
Only if they make it so Soloers get decent XP, 3K XP a floor for soloing is a complete joke. I could easily solo a Medium Floor if Jagex would allow it, I mean that's 2x the XP just because it's a Medium Floor.

So if Jagex gives soloers decent XP (don't get your hopes up), then I would not mind a late update. Soloers should be able to pick what size dungeons they do, I'm sick and tired of the best equipment involving Duoing or Teaming to get, it's absurd how Jagex is trying to make us rely on people ALL the time. This is not the only thing Jagex needs to make easier for soloers, they need to make all bosses instances, it's the only way to be fair to everyone.

Sorry for getting off topic lol.

13-Jul-2010 10:07:40
lol, mouse, you realize that you do get more xp per floor the more times u reset your prestige? i'm down to floor 27 and i'm getting nearly 10k xp per floor, and i haven't actually reset my prestige yet. (been using tog to level) do more work in dung = get more xp.

and yeah, i hope they let soloers do med and large dungs too.

13-Jul-2010 12:53:00
Don't become a comedian.

13-Jul-2010 14:04:20
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 14:05:37 by Sereg�Anfaug
10k per floor, huh? That's interesting since I max at about 7.5k at floor 35, with carefully managed prestige and all options set for maximum xp potential.

I agree that solo xp rates need to be recalculated and balanced with the group rates. However, I doubt they will be, even for Batch 2... I also don't know if Batch 2 will be this week... there are only 3 updates scheduled for this month, so we will certainly have at least one no update week, most likely this one.

13-Jul-2010 19:39:54
"10k per floor, huh? That's interesting since I max at about 7.5k at floor 35, with carefully managed prestige and all options set for maximum xp potential. "

i get averagely 9k xp per floor at 20+ :O i suggest doing large dungeons from 28-35 for 35-55k xp per floor.

13-Jul-2010 19:44:26
I do hope they do a late update, on twitter it said slightly delayed so I hope they were meaning less than a week :). However I am doubting that as the thread on the forums says no update this week :|. I'm really looking forward to the reward dungeons and ring classes :D

13-Jul-2010 20:40:17
@CLS Psycho

Of course you'll get 9k+ XP for Floors 20+ in a group, we're talking about soloing, it's not possible to choose your floor size if you solo, otherwise I would be doing that.

13-Jul-2010 21:04:09
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 21:04:40 by QPrime
i can certainly see why, with the initial release, we wern't allowed to do large solo dungeons. (it's a hardware issue) but with the update this week, (which is essentially a massive active memory upgrade) i'm not sure that reason stands anymore. Perhaps the problem that makeing players able to solo larger floors would require an even -more- massive memory upgrade could get in the way, but perhaps jagex is doing that anyway and is going to lift the restriction on that. one can only hope.

either way, i must point a small loophole in your guy's logic. even if we could do large floors, ppl would just start complaining at maxing out at 25k a floor (or whatever it is for a large floor, i must confess i've never done one) kinda like what happened with 25king turning into 76king.

would letting everyone into large dungs really make that much diffrence? especially as it takes a good 4-5 times longer to do one, in which time a (competant) player could do at least 3 small floors? idk, i'm not sure which would be best in practice.

regardless, i think players -should- have the option to solo any size of dung that they want. the restriction is stifling, and does seem very unfair.

more thoughts?
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