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Dear mod mark,

27-Jun-2010 06:56:48
As you see with the newest update people have become "trolls".
But- there are some players who love your hard work.
As I am one of them, players don't realise that with out you there would be less updates.
I have been here through the good updates and the bad.

So on behalf of myself as one of the "old schoolers"
I believe that you "Rock my purple socks" >_<
Please excuse my sillines.

((Mod lily and poppy rocks my socks even more, but pink socks are ewww :P))

~Best wishes

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27-Jun-2010 06:57:54
Also I forgot to say that I did not make any money on the rock climbing boots.

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27-Jun-2010 08:02:48

I can only say at present that this update hasn't personally effected me and I have no idea whether or not it ever will. Personally, I seriously doubt it.

I couldn't care less about any other players making a lot of cash for nothing. That's none of my business and since I don't want money for doing nothing, I don't feel left out.

However, since I'm utterly clueless about how this will effect the RS economy and other players, I'm simply withholding any judgment about this update until I see what happens in actuality over time rather than theory.

Neutral on all counts there.

What I'm NOT neutral about, however, is some of the pathetic rants going on. I freely admit I've been a moron in the past in the forums - but thankfully learned (well still am learning :P) my lesson.

The attacks on Mod Mark are idiotic and ridiculously over the top. (Even if we assume he had done something wrong, which I don't personally doubt, how the hell does that justify the incessant flaming?)

It's ironic that even in a game human nature in all its idiocy is still shining brightly. Blame one man for a decision of an entire company? ^_^ Right. Off with his head.

It's insane, childish and probably the most pathetic bit of abuse I've seen flying in the forums in a long time. (And that's saying a lot.)

I'm all for debating, critiquing, and arguing about updates that don't go down well...but character assassination and abuse are absolutely out. Whether it's a moderator or not.

People whine about the 'unfair' element of the update: others gaining wealth for doing nothing.

Yet I find it ironic they see nothing unfair about blaming one poor fellow for a decision made by an entire company. (A decision which, mind you, is being abused thoroughly yet no major negative long-term effects are even apparent so far.)

Anyhow, it's too late to put it all in a nutshell, but I support this thread ;)

27-Jun-2010 08:04:08
Oooops, I might add that I didn't make any cash out of this update either ;)

Wouldn't want to. I don't care if others get an easy ride, I prefer to EARN my gold. Then scrooge it away safely ^_^

27-Jun-2010 08:45:12
I agree angel :D nice to see another level headed player.

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27-Jun-2010 08:47:25

27-Jun-2010 08:50:10
Nooooo :O

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27-Jun-2010 09:17:27
I have never understood the tendency that idiots, because that is what they are, have to rant after each update.

I made cash out of this update... and I'll happily do it all over agian.

No update has ever affected me in a negative way, never.

27-Jun-2010 15:11:44
This update affected evereybody. All the people that made money off this are (probably) PK'ers, and with the money they got off this they'll buy more expensive armour/weapons/food/potiosn.... HELLO INFLATION!

That's one of the problems with this, my other main one is how Jagex handeld the whole thing about JMods telling people about the update before it hapend; Jagex then saying "No player had more than 1000 boots (that's still 45mill)" even tho I know a few people who 'whorde' items as a hobby (I know somebody with 10,000 boots); and they said that they knew nobody had that meny boots, when before this (while some people found a glitch and smuggled Dungeoneering items out) Jagex said they didn't know what/how meny items players had....

One thing that Jagex could have done is so that INSTEAD of anybody who had the boots automaticaly getting the new ones, they'd be transformed into the cheaper version... this is the one reason why I thought this whole update was just to make JMod's freinds richer.
Nobody EVER complained about these boots, so this brings me to my new 'signature' type thing:

Jagex Ltd. fixing what isn't broken since 1999.

27-Jun-2010 15:16:22
rank, this is a compliment thread, not a ranting of silly nonsense thread. plus, the inflation is a good thing, only the combat items will rise, but eventually they'll fall back down. im glad MMH put this update.
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