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Life in Gielnor

27-Jun-2010 03:06:20
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 13:14:21 by Empirarte
Post 1 - Intro & List of Contents

Do you want an in-game epic roleplay that just keeps going?
Do you want a roleplay that has professions and nations?
Do you want a roleplay accessible to F2P?
Do you want a roleplay with families?

Well we provide all of the above. In order to join us you must be born into our world by creating a new F2P account, with your own real roleplaying name and family. Then you must pick up a profession/s and train accordingly. And now you are a part of the roleplay.

In the roleplay, we are dependent upon each other but not the outside world. Therefore, we do not use the Grand Exchange but buy only from other roleplayers or the NPC-owned stores, making it more authentic.

Note that we are not a clan so this is not multi-clanning.

Post 1 - Intro & List of Contents
Post 2 - Professions
Post 3 - Rules
Post 4 - Applications
Post 5 - Name Generator
Posts 6 & 7 - Amara Family
Posts 8 & 9 - Family #2
Post 10 - Citizen and Epoch Information
Posts 11-20 - Reserved

Home World: 35
Clan Chat: Hagisoph

27-Jun-2010 03:07:37
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 21:57:25 by Empirarte
Post 2 - Professions

Our current epoch is: Nomadic Anarchy (1)

Lumberjack: Woodcutting Pure
Miner and/or Blacksmith: Mining and Smithing Pure
Fisher and/or Cook: Fishing and Cooking Pure

Militia: Serves as a melee soldier, quest assistant and a taxi driver, and fights in wars. (Part-time)
Soldier: fights in wars and usually trains prayer too (divides below)
Infantry: Melee pure
Archer: Range pure
Magician/Warlock/Wizard: Magic and Runecrafting Pure
Paladin: Hybrid of all three styles

Part-time Supplementary
Explorer: Soldier + Dungeoneering
Artisan: Crafting + another
Patriarch: Leading a family

If you think of any other professions that work with F2P then please suggest them.

27-Jun-2010 03:07:53
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 04:03:50 by Empirarte
Post 3 - Rules

1: Do not use the Grand Exchange or trade with players who are not shopkeepers in this roleplay.

2: Make an actual good role-play name, this excludes these types
a) FoRiC (incorrect capitalization)
b) Newbslayer (not an actual name)
c) Dordin04 (a number is added on it)

3: You can only switch professions every two weeks.

4: Use can use only one account in this roleplay.

27-Jun-2010 03:08:34
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 14:11:29 by Empirarte
Post 4 - Applications

Citizen Application
RP Username:
RP Gender:
Desired Profession:
Agree to the Rules?:
Desired Family?:

Do not make an account until we confirm that your name is valid.

Marriage Notification
RP Usernames:

This requires both people to post.

27-Jun-2010 03:09:37
Post 5 - Name Generator

You can make any kind of name but here is some help if you can't think of one.

English Latin Greek
king: rex rigas
wood: silva xylo
water: aqua hydros
sea: mare thalassa
axe: securis tsekuri
hammer: pango sfyeri
sword: gladius xifos
archer: ? toxitis
magician: magus magus
knight: miles ippotis
rock: saxum petras
arrow: telum belos
air: caelum aeros
earth: terra ****
fire: flamma/ignis fotia
anvil: ? amoni
warrior: proeliator polemistris

27-Jun-2010 03:09:54
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 14:18:14 by Empirarte
Post 6 - Amara Family

Amaras- The Eternal Family

Welcome to the Eternal Family, or Amaras.
The Family accepts everyone, however you must follow the role play rules.
The inner-family role play does not have a schedule: come on whenever you like.
Attempt to be on as much as possible in the afternoon. (EST)

Family Rules:

1. Respect your elders. (Cliche but it reduces chaos.) This is for maintaining order.
2. The matriarch is supreme commander, her word is final. She also acts as family Role Play Master, though only uses that power when absolutely necessary. This helps maintain order.
3. All your actions need be for good of the family. This strengthens the family, and keeps it strong.
4. You and you alone are in charge of your profession, only you can choose. No one can make you do anything, unless there is a time of war, in which War Rules will take effect. This is to be fair.
5. We do not wage war, however we do defend ourselves if attacked. This is for honor.
6. The military enforces the rules, consequences include jail time, fines, and if you mess things up enough, you'll be kicked from the role play.

Rules of War

1. During wartime, if deemed necessary by the Matriarch, or Commanding General may order a draft. If this is to occur, all persons not producing food or weapons must begin to train or fight for the family. This is for protection.
2. During wartime, all trade with members of other families is to be suspended, pending review of the matriarch. All supplies are to support the war effort. This is for the strength of the family.
3. Fight honorably. No cheating. This is respect.
4. Be respectful. No bragging, or rubbing it in when we win. This is for respect.
5. Be fair. This is for respect.

27-Jun-2010 03:10:04
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 14:19:08 by Empirarte

Commanding General - In charge of training the military. Group trains depending on overall general level, helps individual training.
General x2 - In charge of lining up supplies for soldiers, coordinates with citizens for these supplies.
Captain x4 - each captain in charge of a squad of soldiers/ militia. In charge of keeping these soldiers trained.
Soldiers - Devote lives to defending their family. Very honorable.
Militia - Trained citizens.
Citizens - Get jobs that provide for the bettering of the family, and the strength of the military and protection.
Storekeepers- licensed for 5k- ability to buy and sell from players inside role play and outside of family.
Priests- licensed for 2k - ability to bond people in holy matrimony/ divorce people from holy matrimony.

Joining The Family

There are two ways to join the family.

1. Marry a member of the family that is not already married.
-"Live" with your spouse. (No need to actually talk to them, or relate in any way)
2. Be born to a couple inside the family.
-Parents must teach you a skill, and you "live" with them until you have become proficient in your trade.


We are nomadic, therefore move from town to town in Gielnor.
When we "take" or claim a town, citizens can claim houses in that town.

For instance:
We have just moved into Falador.
The military moves into the Castle, and surrounding wall. The commander chooses the nicest room for himself, then the soldiers choose their own residence among other rooms with beds.
John and Jane Doe have chosen a nice four bedroom house in the eastern part of town. Their two kids, Jack and Jill will "sleep" in separate bedrooms, and John and Jane will choose one for themselves.

*Please note this is merely role playing there is no specific purpose.

27-Jun-2010 03:10:18
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 14:10:55 by Empirarte
Post 8 - Tyrason Family

-The Tyrason Family-

The Tyrason Family is a family of go-getters, we are decended from tyras but fled Kandarin when he became tyronnic.

Until recently, we roamed gielenor searching for a home. Now we have settled in and around the River Lum, we have taken up many jobs to supply ourselves to rebuild our life.

We are royalty, and our family has always overcome every issue life threw our way, we will overcome Tyras's downfall and our exile like any other.


1.Respect you elders.
2.Family members come before others.
3.Traitors will be exiled.
4.Protect the honor of our family.
5.Defend our family from it's enimies at all costs.

To join...

1.Marry a memeber.
2.Be made an honorary member.
3.Fill an open spot to simulate the existing family.
4.Become a son or daughter of a married couple.

Sometimes members will be asked to contribute money or goods to the family, do so willingly.

We want peace, but will fight if necessary.

Therefore, drafting may occur if the patriarch deems it necessary, we ask that every able bodied man join the militia, and train in case of war, alternatly, you may join the full time army.

-The Tyrason Family.

27-Jun-2010 03:10:28
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 13:12:20 by Empirarte

27-Jun-2010 03:11:07
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 13:29:40 by Empirarte
Post 10 - Citizen and Epoch Information

Epoch Information
An epoch is an era or age which covers a specific time period. In real life, the Bronze Age and Medieval Age were both epochs. Ours are less focused on technology and more on organization.

Epoch 1: Nomadic Anarchy
Every man for himself, you can trade among each other and do whatever you like as long as it does not violate the rules of the game.

Epoch 2: Nomadic Tribalism
There are several roaming tribes now. Each tribe is a family ruled by the patriarch or matriarch. Whenever a person signs up they choose what family they want to live in. This should have at least two families and ten active role-players.

Epoch 3: Monarchy
There are now several city-states. The kings or queens may divide the land among the citizens and do whatever they like. They may also be overthrown if the royal army is defeated by the revolt. In the countryside, it is still every man for himself. This requires four families and twenty active roleplayers.

(to be continued)

Citizen Information
The M or F at the end denotes gender.

AmaraCalla: Matriarch F
AnneFielder: Fisher/cook F
Cealtheo: Militia and miner/smither M
CinQuain Eve: Infantry M
Hagisoph: Militia and fisher/cook *
Krios: Militia and Lumberjack M
Piscatorious: Fisher/cook M
Sfyeriopus: Militia and miner/smither M
Tyrason Raz: Militia and miner/smither M
Mahjorasmask: Paladin M
Sakura Utada: Artisan F
Cylanna: Militia and Artisian F
WarrenMcLock: Miner/smither M
Quick find code: 237-238-200-61208536