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Against more Bonus XP Weekends

07-Apr-2010 01:12:00
Does anyone else think this game has been made easy enough? Just because it takes more than a week (for most people) to get a 99 doesn't mean it's too difficult and you need bonus xp weekends...
Now, the only reason people want more bonus xp weekends is because they want to make it easier for themselves. I've seen some other reasons, and they just don't make sense at all.

1) Some people say they want more bonus weekends because it makes training faster. For whatever reason, perhaps you don't get on as often as you'd like, you feel training is too slow. Too bad. Don't like the training? Don't play. Don't vote to kill the game just because you want instant 99s.

2) Other people want it to train a "hated skill"...Well, if you hate it, don't train it...Sometimes the hated skills are what makes them less common...Just because you don't want to take the time to train it because you hate it doesn't mean you have to get those skills to 99. You don't have to take advantage of a weekend after others have just dealt with it.

3) Some people want it to make the skill cheaper. Once more, too bad. Get the money and do the work other people had to do for the achievement in that skill.

4) A good number of players try to say the want more bonus xp weekends because they are "fun". Now, since I know there were no new training methods released along with the bonus weekend, I'm guessing you mean you liked getting free xp, training the skill faster, or whatever your reason is. There is no possible way the bonus xp weekend could have been any more fun than training at a normal rate other than a reason that's not really a reason.

07-Apr-2010 01:12:07
Last edited on 07-Apr-2010 01:13:59 by Cpchris
I have more things to say, but I'll take a break for now :)

07-Apr-2010 01:12:14
Last edited on 08-Apr-2010 23:08:40 by Cpchris
Taken from thread: 15-16-412-60584399, records taken from the thread creator (True Target); "Rn" = Right now:

= Friday 12th of March 2010 (bonus exp has just started! UK/Jagex/forum time): =

Rn there are 5,084 reg. 99 summoners. +4
Rn there are 8,477 reg. 96 summoners. +3

Rn there are 4,353 reg. 99 herbalists. +0
Rn there are 5,319 reg. 96 herbalists. +6
Rn there are 7,482 reg. 93 herbalists. +11

= Tuesday 16th of March 2010 (around 1am - last update - UK/Jagex/forum time): =

Rn there are 6,767 reg. 99 summoners. +30
Rn there are 11,495 reg. 96 summoners. +45

Rn there are 4,843 reg. 99 herbalists. +24
Rn there are 6,154 reg. 96 herbalists. +15
Rn there are 8,728 reg. 93 herbalists. +19
These are just the "major" skills shown. The results of other skills may or may not have been posted or recorded elsewhere.

So, in the course of a little under four days...
Summoning, which has been out since 2008, went up over 30% in number of 99s (and in less than 0.6% of the time that it has been available).

Herblore went up over 10%, and has been available for an even longer time than summoning.

07-Apr-2010 01:12:22

07-Apr-2010 01:12:29

07-Apr-2010 01:12:35

07-Apr-2010 01:12:42

07-Apr-2010 01:12:50
Last edited on 16-Apr-2010 00:42:16 by Cpchris
Here will be a support list for those who were against the first bonus xp weekend and/or those against more bonus xp weekends. Or even if you're against Jagex making the game a lot easier than is really necessary. Honestly, not every skill has to be like cooking, people...

Page Numbers next to names will simply be for reference (and will not be next to every name)...Ex. To see where I last left off, for any potential name changes of those listed, etc...

For some people, it has been somewhat difficult to tell their stance on this. For people who I'm unsure of their opinions, but put on the list becaues their comments show support to this list, I will recognize them by saying so in brackets next to their name.

And yes, I will add myself to the list, as I am myself an avid supporter.

The List:
1. Cpchris
2. Nascar611
3. Hypno Shade
4. Roan Scape
5. Demanding
6. Eneru 0 (Page 3)
7. PEPSI (Page 5)
8. Sports441995
9. Stygian(Page 9)
10. Scret
11. Dr Gone-Zow
12. Mark A K (Page 13)
13. urmyleander *Unsure of exact opinion]
14. Livebychance (Page 15)
15. WatzRealLife
16. Quptropthis
17. Jonasslash (Page 17)
18. Phat Guy
19. Ryr (Page 19)
20. Recto *Unsure of exact opinion]
21. ArcticS0nata
22. Lelu (Page 21)
23. Past Destiny (Page 23)
24. Ultima Blade
25. Ease of War
26. Tyholdt (Page 25)
27. Sirandrew (Page 27)
28. Shadow Fax

07-Apr-2010 01:13:02
Last edited on 07-Apr-2010 01:13:29 by Cpchris
Just making sure I hopefully have enough space for anything I'd like to post up front...Better safe than sorry...

07-Apr-2010 01:14:00
I missed half the bonus xp weekend, but it was good, because it was different. In all the time i've played Runescape there's never been a bonus weekend, it's just something to make it abit more intresting.

Everyone gains from it...
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