Credit Card Payment

1. How does the credit/debit card payment method work?

Payment will be taken from the selected credit or debit card every month. Each payment will result in one month of membership credit being added to your account.

You are free to cancel your credit card agreement at any time:

  • If you know the password of the account you would like to cancel, click here and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • If you do not know the password of the account you would like to cancel, click here.

We will take no further payments once you have cancelled.

2. How much does it cost?

The cost of membership depends on the country you are subscribing from and will be displayed at the beginning of the subscription process.

3. What cards do you accept?

Visa, Visa Delta and MasterCard payments are available to all customers.

We accept payment on American Express credit cards worldwide. To pay with this method, however, you will need to select 'Subscribe by American Express' during the subscription process.

UK customers will also be able to use JCB, Visa Electron, Maestro and Solo.

We are, unfortunately, unable to accept debit cards anywhere outside of the UK. Please note that we are also unable to accept Visa Debit cards from anywhere outside of the UK.

4. How secure is this payment method?

Our website uses industry-standard SSL encryption when sending your details to the server. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone to intercept your credit card details.

To ensure your computer is secure before subscribing, please take a moment to read the Safety and Security Guidelines.

5. How do I subscribe?

Simply go to the main page of the website and click on Upgrade Your Account, under the 'Account' drop-down, then follow the prompts for using the credit/debit card payment method.

Please be sure to follow the instructions and ensure you understand all the points.

You will be prompted to enter your contact details and the credit or debit card you wish payments to be taken from. Please be sure to provide the contact details registered with your bank as the transaction may be declined if the details do not match.

6. Can I choose the date on which payments will be taken?

Payment is taken as soon as the subscription is started, and when three days of membership credit remain on the account, to ensure continuous membership.

It is possible to choose which day you are billed, by subscribing two days after that date. For example, if you wish for payments to be taken on the 12th of each month, start the subscription on the 14th.

7. How many payments will be taken?

One payment will be taken as soon as the subscription is started and each month thereafter, until the subscription is cancelled. Each payment will be taken three days before your membership is due to expire.

8. Can I pay for more than one month at a time?

It is not possible to pay for more than one month of membership at a time. A credit card agreement can only take one monthly payment.

If you do not cancel your membership agreement then your membership will continue.

9. Can I subscribe via telephone?

It is not possible to start a credit card subscription over the phone.

If you would rather not use this secure online payment method, you may wish to consider the other payment methods available to you. A list of these can be found by selecting “Upgrade Your Account” on the RuneScape front page, under the 'Account' drop-down menu.

Jagex does not offer telephone support or contact players via telephone. Any problems you have are handled through emails or queries.

10. Can I use a gift card?

Gift cards can be used to buy membership, but you should first check that the card type is supported - our payment partner Worldpay currently accepts Visa, Delta and Mastercard. You should also check with the card issuer to ensure that the card can be used to make overseas and online payments.

To use your gift card, simply follow the instructions for Visa card payments.

For those in the USA, if your gift card states "Valid only in the United States" on the front, the provider has issued a Domestic Use Only card. Although your gift card will not be accepted at locations outside of the United States, it’s welcome at thousands of locations within the United States where debit cards are accepted. Unfortunately, as our company is located in the United Kingdom, you will not be able to use any card that has this label.

11. How do I unsubscribe?

You can cancel the subscription at any time via our website and we will take no further payments.

In addition, you will have full access to the member worlds until any remaining membership credit on your account expires.

You will need to cancel a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the credit expiring; however, we recommend cancelling at least four days or more in advance to avoid further billing.

You can cancel your subscription by selecting 'Cancel Subscription' from the 'Account Management' section of the RuneScape website (from the 'Account' drop-down). You can then either click on the 'Account' link or enter the details of the credit card you use to pay for your subscription. If you click 'Account' you will be led to a page that allows you to unsubscribe.

If you are having difficulty cancelling your credit card subscription, please contact Billing Support at .

Can I cancel through my bank?

When cancelling, please always use either the cancellation options on our website or contact billing customer support. If you cancel through your bank, this may lead to adverse effects on your account.

12. How do I update my credit card or contact details?

To update the credit or debit card that payment is taken from or the contact details for the subscription, including email address, simply subscribe again.

The previous subscription will automatically be cancelled when you resubscribe – you will not be double-charged.

If you resubscribe while there you still have membership credit, the month of membership credit will be added to that already on the account. In addition, the account will not be adversely affected in any way.

13. How long does it take to cancel a subscription?

The cancellation will be immediate – no more payments will be taken.

14. Is it possible to only pay for one month?

To purchase only one month of membership, cancel your subscription a minimum of 72 hours before the membership is due to expire. No more payments will be taken and you will have access to members' content until your membership expires.

If you do not cancel the subscription before this time, another payment will automatically be taken.

15. Is there a minimum length to my subscription agreement?

There is no minimum subscription length. You can cancel as soon as the subscription has been started and no further payments will be taken.

You will continue to have access to members' content until the purchased membership credit has expired.

16. What am I agreeing to when I subscribe?

When you subscribe, you agree to the following terms:

  • “By submitting your order you are making an offer to subscribe to the relevant Jagex product. Your offer is accepted and a binding contract occurs when we send a message to your account mail inbox confirming that your payment has been received or if you log into a subscribers-only part of a Jagex product (whichever comes first).
  • All subscription payments will continue to be taken in advance at the relevant intervals (e.g. monthly in the case of monthly subscriptions) until you cancel your subscription.
  • Payments by credit cards are also subject to our credit card agreement which forms part of these terms and conditions”

Please note that you are agreeing to an automatic monthly debit. We will not request authorisation before taking each payment. Payment will be taken once a month, every time your account has 72 hours of credit left.

Payments will only be taken within the terms of the above agreement.

You are free to cancel this agreement at any time, but payments will continue until you cancel.

17. When should I cancel to avoid being charged again?

Payment is taken when 72 hours of membership remain on the account. If you wish to cancel without incurring another charge, you will need to cancel a minimum of 72 hours before the membership on the account is due to expire.

If you cancel prior to this, you will not lose any membership credit – you will be able to access members' content until any remaining membership credit expires.

18. When will my subscription start?

The membership credit will be added to the account as soon as the payment has been processed. This is normally instant, but can take several hours.

19. Where can I find my agreement or transaction ID?

When you created your subscription agreement, a confirmation email was sent to the email address that you provided during the subscription process. You will also have received an email each month that a subscription was taken. The content of the email will be similar to the example below:

Transaction for the value of: USD 5.95
Description: RuneScape members subscription
From: RuneScape-by-Jagex
Merchant's cart ID: username_:XXXXXXX (this is the agreement ID)
Authorisation Date/Time: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Transaction ID: XXXXXXXXX (this is the transaction ID)
This is not a tax receipt.

20. Why can’t I use my credit card to purchase membership?

You will be unable to start a credit card subscription if a payment has been charged back by the credit card owner or if we have refunded a payment because we believe it was not made within the agreed terms and conditions of membership. You will need to use another payment method.

21. Why has my payment been declined?

If your payment has been declined, you will have received this message on screen:

"Payment declined.
Please carefully double check all your details are correct and try again. Common problems include:

  • Check that there are sufficient funds available on the account you are making a payment from.
  • Check you have entered the right card number, expiry dates and CVV security code
  • Check you have entered your full billing address with country and post/zipcode (if applicable). This must be the same as your card issuer sends your statements to.

If problems persist please try a different card or a different payment method."

Furthermore, when the transaction notification email was sent to you, it included the following statements:

  • "If you have recently attempted to create a new subscription agreement, and were shown an "Agreement Created" message then the payment described below will be processed shortly.
  • If however you were shown a "Payment Declined" message, then the payment below will NOT be taken from your card."

As your recent payment attempts have been declined, this means that we have received no money and you will not be able to access members' worlds and features from your account. If your bank has reserved any funds as a result of these failed transactions, this will be returned to you within 4-5 working days, depending on your bank's processes.

22. Why haven’t you taken payment this month?

There are a number of reasons that payment may not have been taken on your subscription:

  • You have cancelled your subscription via our website.
  • The credit card used to start the subscription has expired.
  • Your bank declined the transaction.

We will send a message to your message inbox if we are unable to take payment for any reason. Please click on 'Read Messages' from our website (under the 'Account' drop-down, in the Account Management section) for more details.

23. Why are regular payments being made on my credit card?

A payment will automatically be taken when three days of membership credit remain on your account, adding another month of membership credit to your account.

There is no need to resubscribe to continue membership.