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Finnish For Beginners

22-Apr-2009 17:44:37
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 04:23:19 by Sno
If you have any questions/words needing translation, feel free to ask.

Current words/phrases needing translation:

"I have ... Quest Points."

(Special Thanks to Mattan100 for continually supporting this thread!)
(Sunday Nov. 8, 2009 - This thread has the most posts in the entire Finnish/English Forum - Yay!)

Hello all English speaking and Finnish speaking friends! I thought I would just experiment with this thread and see how it goes. You can also ask for words and phrases to be translated here.

Please don't ask if you can post such and such things, because ALL of them are welcome! :D

All of the words below are taken from users that posted the words or from some online sources, none of this was copied and pasted, unless for letters that are not supported on English Keyboards.

��� If you have a phrase to to say, those are also very welcome. :)

Alright! Here's what you do:

Post something in Finnish, and then the translation in English, and lets see how many words we can get! Good luck! :D

=== Sentences/Words that need to be translated: ===

I love the Finnish language.

-----> Please inform me if any of the words below are wrong or used differently than stated. <-----

-----> Ole hyv� ja ilmoita, jos mitk��n sanat lueteltuna alapuolella ovat v��ri� tai niit� k�ytet��n muulla tavalla kuin kirjoitettuna. <-----

The words and phrases are broken up into three sections, regard the post number, for example, section 1 would be the first post made by me, besides this one, it is located directly below.

Section 1 - Common Phrases, RuneScape Related/Gaming
Section 2 - General Chatting and Numbers, Days of the Week, He/She/It Conjunctions
Section 3 - Other/Miscellaneous
Section 4 - Hyyra's Skill translations guide
Page 13: Finnish Pronunciation Guide, written by Mattan100.

You can also check Gkvisser's post on page 9 for more common phrases.

22-Apr-2009 17:44:53
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 04:20:49 by Sno
--- Section 1 - Common Phrases, RuneScape Related/Gaming ---

=== Common Phrases ===

Hello - Moi
What's up? - Mit� kuuluu?
Goodbye/Bye- Heippa, heihei, n�kemiin
What are you doing? - Mit� sin� teet?
Have a nice day! - Hyv�� p�iv�n jatkoa!
How are you? (or) How do you feel? - Kuinka sin� voit
Good night - Hyv�� y�t�
No - Ei
Yes - Kyll�
Excuse me/sorry - Anteeksi
Please - Ole niin kiltti
I know - Min� tied�n
Nice to meet you - Hauska tavata
I like Finnish - min� pid�n suomen kielest�
I have to go - Minun pit�� menn�
I will be right back! - Tulen kohta takaisin!
No Problem! - Ei se mit��n
I don't understand! - En ymm�rr�!
I don't know! - En tied�!
I have no idea - Ei aavistustakaan
Me - minut
You - sinut
Him/Her - h�net
Us - meid�t
You - teid�t (plural)
Them - heid�t/nuo
Everybody - jokaisen/kaikki
Somebody - jonkun

=== RuneScape Related/Gaming ===

To own/pwn/p00n - ownata/pwnata/p00nata/omistaa/ounata
Goblin owned you! - Goblin ownasi sinut!
He owned the Kq! - H�n ownasi Kq:n!
I owned you - Min� ownasin sinut
Graardor owns everybody - Graardor ownaa kaikki!
Can I have free stuff? - Voinko min� saada ilmaista kamaa?
*Dragon - lohik��rme
I'm the best! (Iv'e heard it can also translate into "I'm awesome!) - Olen paras!
Congratulations! - Onneksi olkoon!
House - talo
Cat - kissa
Duck - ankka
Unicorn - yksisarvinen
Black Knight - Musta ritari
Sell - myyd�
Buy - ostaa
Player - pelaaja
American - amerikkalainen
Hurry up! - Pid� kiirett�!
Clan - klaani
Here you go! (when giving a gift) - Ole hyv�
How much is this? - Paljonko t�m� on?
Come with me! - Tule mukaani!
Oh! That's good! - Oho, sep�s hienoa!
Merry Christmas! - Hyv�� joulua!
Congratulations! - Onneksiolkoon!

* I have been informed that lohik��rme is not only dragon, but also translates into "salmon snake". *

22-Apr-2009 17:45:08
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 04:21:30 by Sno
--- Section 2 - General Chatting and Numbers, Days of the Week, He/She/It Conjunctions ---

=== Carrying on a Discussion/Chatting ===

(This section will be in a discussion format, and the language will be said in Finnish and English, to simulate carrying on a discussion.)

Finnish - Puhutko suomea/englantia?
English - Do you speak Finnish/English?
Finnish - Kyll�, hiukan
English - Yes, a little (A response to the previous question)
Finnish - Ei, en lainkaan
English - No, not at all

Or, for an alternative answer:

I'm sorry, I don't speak Finnish - Anteeksi, en puhu suomea
My Finnish is bad - Minun suomenkielen taitoni on huono

(Chatting/Meeting a friend)

Player 1: Hey! Friend! - Hei! kaveri!
Player 2: Hi! - Terve
Player 1: How are you? - Mites menee?
Player 2: I'm fine, thanks! - Kiitos hyvin!
Player 2: And you? - Ja sinulla?
Player 1: Good/ So-So.- Hyv�

=== Asking For Help ===

Can you help me? - Voitko auttaa minua?
I'm lost - Olen hukassa
Can I help you? - Voinko auttaa sinua?
You're very kind! - Olet todella yst�v�llinen!

=== Numericals/Days of the Week ===

(Numbers 1-10, as signified to the left in english)

1 - yksi
2 - kaksi
3 - kolme
4 - nelj�
5 - viisi
6 - kuusi
7 - seitsem�n
8 - kahdeksan
9 - yhdeks�n
10 - kymmenen

(Days of the week Monday - Sunday)

Monday - maanantai
Tuesday - tiistai
Wednesday - keskiviikko
Thursday - torstai
Friday - perjantai
Saturday - lauantai
Sunday - sunnuntai

=== He/She/It Conjunction ===

I own - min� ownaan
You own - sin� ownaat
He/She owns - h�n ownaa
It owns - se ownaa
We own - me ownaamme (spoken language: me ownattiin)
You own - te ownaatte (plural - monikko)
They own - he ownaavat (spoken language: nuo ownaa)

I owned - min� ownasin
You owned - sin� ownasit
He/She owned - h�n ownasi
It owned - se ownasi
We owned - me ownasimme (me ownattiin)
You owned - te ownasitte (plural - monikko)
They owned - he ownasivat (nuo ownas)

22-Apr-2009 17:45:17
Last edited on 16-Mar-2010 04:22:25 by Sno
Special thanks to Hyyra for providing the following skill translations! ;)

Attack = Hy�kk�ys
Strength = Voima
Defence = Puolustus
Ranged = Jousiammunta
Prayer = Rukoilu
Magic = Taikominen
Runecrafting = Riimujenteko
Construction = Rakentaminen
Hitpoints = El�m�pisteet (Can someone translate "Constitution" into Finnish?)
Agility = Ketteryys
Herblore = Yrttioppi
Thieving = Varastelu
Crafting = K�sity�
Fletching = Veistely/nuolenteko
Slayer = Lahtaus
Hunter = Mets�stys
Mining = louhinta
Smithing = Takominen
Fishing = Kalastus
Cooking = Kokkaaminen/ruuanlaitto
Firemaking = Tulenteko
Woodcutting = Puunhakkuu
Farming = Maanviljely
Summoning = Kutsunta

22-Apr-2009 18:00:16
What's up? - Mit� kuuluu?

Dunno can english ppl use the letters � or � tho

22-Apr-2009 18:18:35
It's hard to translate, 'cause we inflect words, and at english you use prepositions.

22-Apr-2009 18:51:30
Can I have free stuff?
Voinko min� saada ilmaista kamaa?

22-Apr-2009 20:38:04
Dr4g0n Nu0li

22-Apr-2009 18:00:16
What's up? - Mit� kuuluu?

Dunno can english ppl use the letters � or � tho


Nope, our keyboards are rubbish. I suppose you can use Alt Codes though.

22-Apr-2009 21:50:21
Can't you even do a and � or o and � to make them?

22-Apr-2009 22:36:50
� nope but we can use alt to make them witch is hard cause we dont know the codes
Quick find code: 112-113-5-58726849