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Basic swedish guide.

27-Oct-2009 18:33:59
Last edited on 28-Oct-2009 19:12:21 by Nyl1
Hello everyone :) i just thougth it migth be someone out there that has a secret burning desire to learn some Swedish.. i mean seriously who doesn't want to learn the pro language of Sweden? (a)

anyway here for some basic phrases.

Hi = Hej
Good morning = God morgon
Good afternoon = God eftermiddag
Good evening = God kv�ll
How are you? = Hur �r det?
Good, thank you! = ***, tack!
Goodbye = Hej d�
Yes = Ja
No = Nej
Thank you = Tack
You're welcome = Vars�god
Excuse me = Urs�kta
My name is ... = Jag heter ...

What is your name? = Vad heter du?
I don't understand = Jag f�rst�r inte
I speak a little Swedish = Jag pratar lite svenska

Good Morning = God morgon
Hello / Good Day = Hej / Goddag
Good Evening = God kv�ll
Good Night = God natt
Goodbye = Hej d� / Adj� (more formal)
Please = Sn�lla

Thank you (very much) = Tack (s� mycket)
Don't mention it / You're welcome = Ingen orsak / Vars�god

To Be and to Have

I am = jag �r
I was =jag var
I have = jag har
I had =jag hade
you are = du �r
you were = du var
you have = du har
you had = du hade
he is =han �r
he was = han var
he has = han har
he had = han hade
she is = hon �r
she was = hon var
she has = hon har
she had = hon hade
it is =den �r
it was = den var
it has = den har
it had = den hade
it is =det �r
it was = det var
it has = det har
it had = det hade
one is = man �r
one was = man var
one has = man har
one had = man hade
we are = vi �r
we were = vi var
we have = vi har
we had = vi hade
you are = ni �r
you were = ni var
you have = ni har
you had = ni hade
they are = de �r
they were = de var
they have = de har
they had = de hade

Will add more to next post :)

27-Oct-2009 18:34:21
Last edited on 28-Oct-2009 19:12:05 by Nyl1
Continue on First post.

The present and past tenses of verbs in Swedish are very simple to conjugate. All the forms are the same for each personal pronoun.

The infinitive of the verb to be in Swedish is VARA, and the conjugated present tense form is �R and the past tense is VAR.

The infinitive of the verb to have is HA, and the conjugated present tense form is HAR and the past tense is HADE.

To form the future tense of verbs, just add ska before the infinitive. Jag ska vara = I will be; hon ska ha = she will have; etc.

Okey here are some other usefull words :)

Useful Words

sometimes = ibland
already = redan
always = alltid
perhaps = kanske
never = aldrig
both = b�da
often = ofta
some = n�gon, n�got, n�gra
usually = oftast
again = igen, �ter
now = nu
between = mellan
and = och
a lot, many = m�nga
but = men
of course = naturligtvis
or = eller
a little = litegrann
very = mycket /
v�ldigt not at all = inte alls
here = h�r
almost = n�stan
there = d�r
really = verkligen
with = med
it is = det �r
each other = varandra
there is/are = det finns

And here i got some Questiong words:

Who = vem
Whose =vems
What = vad
Which = vilken, vilket, vilka
Why = varf�r
Where to = vart
When = n�r
Where from = varifr�n
Where = var
How = hur

Allso if you want to know anything that's not mentioned here dont hesitate to ask :)

27-Oct-2009 18:44:24
Last edited on 27-Oct-2009 18:45:55 by Qzio
vad fin guide :D


27-Oct-2009 18:59:59
Last edited on 27-Oct-2009 19:00:31 by Bamms
Hahaha, br4 jobbat Nyl1 :)

27-Oct-2009 19:19:10
Last edited on 27-Oct-2009 19:21:13 by Frede173
Hur �r det?

Jag pratar lite svenska, but tack for the guide :P hehe

Hej d� :0

27-Oct-2009 20:02:01
Last edited on 22-Apr-2010 16:26:42 by Jso1
Snygg guide :)

27-Oct-2009 22:01:36
hahahaha niiiice nyl1 :))

27-Oct-2009 22:07:32
Nice one :P

27-Oct-2009 22:22:28
Nice guide :D
Jagex Mod

27-Oct-2009 23:21:15
God kv�ll! Jag heter Mod French.

Hehe, I'll have to remember that! ^_^

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