Submit a Bug Report

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Welcome to the report a bug page. We work hard to make sure the game is as bug free as possible and rely on user reports to keep it that way. In order to continue please choose the category you feel most describes the problem you've encountered. If you simply want help on a quest or want to comment on the service we provide, please use the appropriate forms linked to from the main page.

The types of things we consider to be bugs are:
  • Points in a quest where you can't continue due to a quest becoming impossible to complete
  • Map areas where you can get stuck or that don't look quite right
  • Graphical glitches such as animations not playing properly
  • Spelling and grammatical errors (submit these under the "Wording" category)
Please do not send a report through this system if you are simply stuck in a quest and don't know what to do next. If this is the case then please use our QuestHelp system for hints and tips. Please DO NOT submit 2009scape Classic bugs. Our testers will ONLY be reviewing RuneScape bugs.

A language-specific bug will be an issue with non-English text in game or on the website; for example, a line of German text could overflow its frame, or a French phrase could be incorrect.

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