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Bullies: The Wemakeulog's

06-Jun-2010 02:40:21
As most people on RS you have to train if you want to get your skills up. Today we ran into the 'Wemakeulog' clan. Well they say they are a clan and there is a group of them, all not with the same name.

According to them they own the 'cockroach's' and no one can train on them unless you ask the permission of 'the clan'.

They disrupt anyone's training that happens to be there when they show up. They attack your kills and they get the drops (sometimes).

But like their name their goal is to make you log and go elsewhere, so they have the area to themselves, cause 'they own it'.

We have to put up with gangs in real life, I think that it is terrible that we have to put up with this same type of behavior in this game.

We are now being told that if we say a specific players name we might be allowed to train here. Wow, how generous of them, this seems to promote this type of behavior to continue.

My question is how can this behavior be condoned by Jagex? What is this teaching all the kids that play this game?

I am so dissapointed. :(

06-Jun-2010 02:44:04
yeah tiger, i helped out a couple of people with them today as well, they are a bit of a nuisance, would be nice if something could be done about it.

06-Jun-2010 02:52:51
I have run into this same group on world 76 all the time. A lot of people know about it and are aggrivated by them. Some of them have screen names of wemakeulog and then a number. Something should be done about them!

06-Jun-2010 02:54:58
:O what are their cb's roughly? I'd love to take some friends and crash their "clan".

06-Jun-2010 02:55:23
What a *** name

06-Jun-2010 02:58:09
Thank you for posting this Tiger. It seems Jagex needs to pay more attention to things like this, because like you said, it is setting a bad role model for the children that play this game and saying that it is OK to perform actions like the ones they are doing, when it is obviously not. It is only a game, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect other people.

I, and the other's that have had to put up with these people, would be grateful if some actions were made about this clan.

~HC :)

06-Jun-2010 03:01:05
do they stay on the same world or are they spread out?

06-Jun-2010 03:02:22
and how many are there about?

06-Jun-2010 03:05:18
World 76 is their home world, I'm pretty sure they don't go anywhere else. And I am pretty sure there is about 10-12.

06-Jun-2010 03:08:55
Cool beans, and they just camp cockroaches? Pretty lame thing to camp imo but it's probably the only thing they could maybe hold onto.
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